Orthodox and Catholic Easter: 2020, dates, differences, what date


The main holiday in the life of a religious person is Catholic and Orthodox Easter. What is the difference between the celebration in different countries and how the traditions of Christians are distinguished - in the material 24cm.

The essence of Easter

The value of the Easter holiday, which is literally translated as "liberation from trouble" or "getting rid", acquired a different meaning in the New Testament. According to the biblical plot, the event was based on the events of the last earthly days of Christ.

The life path of the Savior, set out in the Gospel, filled with actions on the redemption of human sins by self-sacrifice. The Messiah strengthened faith with incredible acts, which were manifested in miracles. The popularity of God's son grew, which did not like the religious elite of that time. Jesus declared "false prophet". The student of Christ Judas betrayed the Savior for 30 Srebrenikov, pointing to the guards on the teacher.

Christ was sentenced to death, took away the Golgotha ​​and at noon fridays crucified on the cross. On the third day, Jesus was resurrected by showing people another miracle and giving hope for an immortal life and a place in paradise.

Catholic and Orthodox Easter: differences

Orthodox and Catholics are branches of one religious direction - Christianity, based on the life and death of Jesus Christ. In the traditions of the Catholic and Orthodox Easter there are similar features, but there are differences in rituals.


The great post of Catholics is more democratic. Strictly considered the first day of the post, a passionate Friday and the Great Saturday. These days are recommended to abandon meat meat. The rest of the time there are restrictions on the number of servings during the day. One full meal and two light snacks are allowed.

Unlike Catholics, the Orthodox Christians restricted is stricter. The church advises to focus on the spiritual vitality, recommending parishioners to refrain from food animal origin, entertainment activities and maintain chastity in marital relations.

Religious traditions

Catholics the holiday begins with the headache, when bonfires are burned in the courtyards. The Easter candle is lit from the fire, after the service is carried out, and in the end of the ceremony they chase the Easter anthem and conduct a procession.

The celebration of the Orthodox holiday begins with the convergence of a fertile fire in the Temple of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem. Fire particle in special capsules deliver to the temples before the start of the evening service, which begins with the gloor.

Bakery products

Catholics from different countries exist traditional dishes for Easter. In France, a stove of baskets made of fresh dough. In Britain, these are traditional buns with raisins and cinnamon. In Italy, baked foods in the form of a dove. And in Ukraine, there are cakes and rum women. Part of the Easter tradition of Catholics is baking, gingerbread, marmalade and caramel in the form of ducklings, chickens and rabbits.

In Orthodox traditions - Kulich. Sweet white bread with candied fruit, which watered icing and decorate a colorful caramel. Catholics are not accepted to sanctify pastries, and the Orthodox Easter basket is blessed in the church.

Symbolic dish

Painted Easter eggs - symbolic dish at Easter. In Orthodox traditions - red eggs, symbolizing faith in the resurrection of the Lord. In Catholic countries, in contrast to Orthodoxy, it is customary to use a plastic equivalent of eggs that symbolizes life. On a festive table, backers, omelets and scrambled eggs are allowed. Children accepted to give chocolate eggs.

Celebration date

In 2020, Catholic Easter is celebrated on April 12. Orthodox believers meet Easter on April 19. The difference is related to the calculation of the date of the celebration.

At the heart of the calculations lies the day of the spring equinox, after which a religious holiday should be celebrated. Catholics took the Grigorian calendar as the basis, and the calculations lead along the solar system. The Orthodox Church continues to adhere to the Julian calendar and calculations leads at the location of the moon.

Often the dates of the celebration of Easter coincide. The next date, when the Catholic and Orthodox Easter will coincide, will become April 20, 2025.

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