Alexey Salnikov - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Books 2021



Alexey Salnikov - Ural Writer, whose works are in demand from visitors libraries and buyers of bookstores. The writer argues that he does not know the formula for success and does not wait for inspiration, but writes at least 5 thousand signs daily.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in the summer of 1978 in the Estonian town of Tartu. Then the family of salon moved to the Middle Urals, to the Sverdlovsk region.

Aleksey wanted to tie a biography with literary creativity from elementary school. The writers liked teachers.

Above the shoulders of the 2nd course of the agricultural academy and 1 semester of study at the Faculty of Literary Creativity of the Ural University. Alexey's literary teachers - Head of the Poetry Department of the Ural Journal Yuri Kazarin and the Creator of the Nizhnya Magilic Writer Evgeny Tourchenko.

In his youth, the writer worked as a guard, an autoslemer, repaired apartments. Aleksey was able to work hard and handymen in the boiler room, and a copywriter.

Personal life

About the personal life of the salon tells Skupor. Alexey is married, he has a student's son who has problems with vision. In the photo of the glands looks in fairly and dresses deliberately carelessly. A man does not seek fame, the writer has no official site.

The author of Petrov in Flu is able to prepare and can fix the water tap. The success of the novel helped the family of the gland to pay off the mortgage.

Alexei's dozen favorite books includes works by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrova, John Irving, Martina Emis. The writer loves the "Theater Roman" Mikhail Bulgakov, and the Master and Margarita refers to the negative. According to Salik, Prosais wrote a novel "excessively beautiful language", and many critics began to assume that all authors are obliged to write as "elegant."


The first publications in the bibliography of the Sali belong not to prose, but to poetry. The author debuted in 2002 in the Journal "Ural New" poem "In the Black Mirror of the Window".

In verses, Alexei is the root of his prosaic language, rich in picture and not causing the backs of words in the sentence. In the poem of the 2003 Sali, published in the 3rd volume of the Anthology of the Ural Poetry, there are such lines - "And the flags of petroleum companies stood on the crutches, the flags of oil companies."

The first prosaic attempt by Alexey became the novel "Department" and "Nizhny Tagil: Roman in 4-parts. Part 1, 2. ". Success to the author brought the work of Petrov in the flu and around it, "which he paid attention to the young literary critic Elena Makienko, who died in the summer of 2019. The novel was awarded the "Nose" and "National Bestseller" premiums.

Heroes of the work - the car mechanic Petrov, creating comics, his ex-wife-librarian and their juvenal son live in Yekaterinburg at the beginning of the Putin's era. Roman is saturated with flashbacks and inserted intermediates. According to the author, the work tells about the crazy people forming a normal family.

The language of the writer received opposite reviews of critics. Galina Yuzfovich called him "Fresh, as on the first day of creation." Other reviewers characterize the Language of the Sali Language as a sloppy, but corresponding to the unwitting world of works.

Alexey Salnikov Now

In 2019, a collection of poems of Salvan's "Cat, a horse, a tram, a bear" and a book version of the novel "Indirectly", in the summer of the finalists of the National Prize "Big Book" were published. In May 2019, the writer took part in the St. Petersburg Book Salon, at the same time it became known that "Petrov in the Influenza" is going to shield Kirill Serebrennikov.

On October 27, 2019, Alexey Borisovich met readers in the Kaliningrad Regional Library. Also in October, the salts came to the South Ural Book Fair, which was held in Chelyabinsk.


  • 2011 - "Nizhny Tagil: novel in 4-parts. Part 1, 2. "
  • 2013 - "Snowman's diary. Book of poems "
  • 2017 - "Petrov in Influenza and around him"
  • 2018 - "Department"
  • 2019 - "Cat, Horse, Tram, Bear"
  • 2019 - "Indirectly"

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