Claudia Black - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Australian actress Claudia Black built a career, removing in popular TV shows at home, as well as in the United States and the United Kingdom. The actress perfectly operates with several accents and often plays Englishmen and American women, and the audience do not even know about her origin. Sharp, pointed features, deep and low voice allow actress to create convincing images of hard and decisive women.

Childhood and youth

Claudia Lee Black was born on October 11, 1972 in Sydney in a Jewish family. Parents Jules and Judy - Doctors of Medical Sciences, but the girl was not going to go to their footsteps, since childhood, showing craving for acting. She graduated from the Anglican School of Kambala and by 18 years was ready to start a career in the theater.

In his youth, Claudia could be seen on Belvoir Street Theater's stage, where she barely won the Shakespeare Prize for the role in the "Venetian merchant". An unusual voice only played a girl on his hand. Black gladly engaged in classic and jazz singing.

Personal life

Building an acting career, a woman moved many times from place to place, having time to live in Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Great Britain, Canada and the United States. In 2004, Black married. Senior son Claudia gave birth in 2005. Being a pregnant woman, she continued shooting in "star gates", and the piquant position of the actress entered the plot. In 2007, the second son appeared per light. Both children called the mother as warriors - one and Viggo. My husband Jamie Australian divorced in 2016.

The news of the creative and personal life of Claudia fans will learn from Twitter and Instagram, where a woman shares fresh photos and curious facts of biography. Snapshots in a swimsuit come across here, demonstrating the slender and tightened actress figure (with 173 cm growth, it weighs 54 kg).


Claudia began to appear on the Australian screens in the early 1990s. These were episodes in the TV series "home and on the road", "Ji Pi", "Seven mortal sins." Spectator love The woman found after work in the New Zealand soap opera "City Life", where he played a key character - Greek lawyer Angela Kostapas.

Actress's international fame brought shooting in the fantastic series "On the edge of the Universe" Australian-American production. For execution of the role of Peacemaker Iris Song, she was five times nominated for the Saturn Prize and received an award in 2005 in the category "Best Teleactrim".

The project lasted on the ether of the 4th season, and from there in 2004 Claudia moved to another science fiction saga "Star Gates: SG-1", where the Challenge's Character played Maldamed. In the series, Ben Brueder became the partner on the site, with whom the artist worked in the tape "on the edge of the Universe." These roles still remain the most noticeable actresses in the filmography, despite the fact that it has tens of tapes.

On the Claudi account, the appearance of a full meter, for example, in a "black hole" (2000), where the Wine Diesel starred with Black. A woman with enthusiasm is taken for visiting cartoons, her voice sounds in "Rango", "Rica and Morty", "Fair League". Sometimes Australian voiced computer games.

The actress is still in demand in fantastic projects and in 2010 starred in popular TV series "Ancient", "Isolation", "Mystery of Haveiven".

Claudia Black Now

Now the actress continues to be filmed in films and multiserious projects. In 2019, the American fantastic series "Rosuell, New Mexico" was released on the CW channel, where Claudia performed the role of Ann Evans. In addition, the artist is engaged in the voicing of the cartoon series for adults "extreme space."


  • 1993 - "Seven mortal sins"
  • 1996-1998 - "City Life"
  • 1999-2003 - "On the edge of the Universe"
  • 2000 - "Black Hole"
  • 2002 - "Queen of the Damned"
  • 2004-2007 - "Stargate: SG-1"
  • 2008 - "Moonlight"
  • 2013-2015 - "Ancient"
  • 2016 - "Isolation"
  • 2019 - "Roswell, New Mexico"

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