Coronavirus in Rostov 2020: Latest News, Ill, Situation, Quarantine


Updated April 29.

The self-insulation regime introduced by the government is designed to fight with the rapid spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus. Regional authorities do not ignore the requirement and, depending on the epidemiological situation, decide on the tightening or facilitation of quarantine. About how Coronavirus showed himself in Rostov and what measures received officials to control the situation - in the article.

Curonavirus cases in Rostov

About Coronavirus In Rostov, local media spoke at the end of March. The 21st preliminary analyzes revealed a dangerous ailment from a girl who returned from a trip to Thailand to Phuket Island. On March 25, 2020, the "Vector" reference center, located in Novosibirsk, confirmed the diagnosis of the traveler. A special team of doctors hospitalized a girl in the city hospital number 1. ON THE. Semashko. The second case of coronavirus in Rostov was also "imported". The infection was discovered from a tourist who returned from France on March 27.

Until April, the dynamics of the spread of the virus in the Rostov region was positive: in the period from March 25 to April 6, 9 cases of infection were revealed. By April 11, the number of sick covid-19 reached 38.

Vasily Golubev in circulation of April 13 noted that more than half of the positive tests for Coronavirus - among tourists who arrived from abroad. The rest are cases of contact infection.

From April 15, the situation in the Rostov region has changed steadily - the number of infected, revealed during the day grew in frightening progression: 41 - 23 - 29 - 35 - 60 - 54 - 52. The region was 12th place in the incidence of coronavirus infection.

According to the latest news, on April 29. 864 cases of coronavirus infection in Rostov-on-Don and the region were revealed. 89 people cured and left therapeutic institutions, three died.

Most people with COVID-19 have revealed in the following cities:

  • Rostov-on-Don;
  • Donetsk;
  • Zverevo;
  • Aksai;
  • Kamensk-Shakhtinsk;
  • Bataysk;
  • Mines;
  • Taganrog
  • Novocherkassk.
  • Infected revealed also in the following areas of the Rostov region:
  • Matveyevo-Kurgansky;
  • Kashharsky;
  • Semikarakorsky;
  • Milyutinsky;
  • October;
  • Azov;
  • Aksay;
  • Tsimlyansky;
  • Salsky;
  • Martynovsky and others.

Situation in Rostov

Since March 24, Rostov authorities ordered to start processing sidewalks, roads, bus stops by disinfectants.

Employees of the airport of board from March 31 to April 15 (the final date conditional) supply free of charge with single pensioners.

Locals were outraged by the rise in ginger prices, the use of which in food allegedly saves from coronavirus. For a kilogram of the product, sellers of the Northern Market demanded 6,000 rubles. In a major supermarket for a kilogram of Limonov, the residents of Rostov will give 460 rubles.

Coronavirus and consequences: what awaits people

Coronavirus and consequences: what awaits people

It is known that the first protocol for violation of the self-insulation regime was discharged by the staff of Rospotrebnadzor and the police to the girl who, upon arrival, did not comply with the 14-day quarantine and went to work. The case materials were transferred to the world court of the Voroshilovsky district.

On April 6, the media wrote that the deputy of Gordeum Bataysk Rodion Bashkatov sued the governor of the Rostov region. According to the official, several points of the order of Golubev directly violate the rights and freedoms of citizens enshrined in the Constitution. What decision will take the court - it is not yet known.

Restrictions in Rostov

From March 31, in the Rostov region, the regime of complete self-insulation is valid regardless of age. This was announced by the governor of Vasily Golubev in his appeal to residents. The official noted that from the house it is allowed to emerge for an emergency and not more than 100 meters: for products, medicines or walking a pet. The exceptions are citizens whose enterprises did not suspend work during quarantine. Also, officials have provided some nuances according to which residents can move to the nearest grocery stores and pharmacies, even if the distance exceeds 100 meters. It is allowed to bring product sets to relatives over 65 years old.

For non-compliance with anti-epidemiological measures, individuals can get a penalty of 300 to 500 rubles (Article 6.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses).

At the same time, Vasily Golubev noted that the transport system will operate in the same mode. Of course, losses will follow, but the preservation of citizens' health and compliance with the social distance in transport are paramount tasks.

In the network "VKontakte" subscribers of the group "Rostov Chief. Rostov-on-Don news "is noted that the city streets often see the police and Rosgvadlia officers who monitor compliance with the self-insulation regime. With the help of preventive conversations, patrols are called people to stay at home.

In addition, on April 4, Vasily Golubev in circulation noted that in April and May the owners of apartments are exempt from paying overhaul. Residents who have debts on utilities can exhale: no disclosures (water, electricity, gas) in this period utilities will not be able to implement. Planned repairs for which the cessation of serving services to the house is required, until they are also conducted before a special order.

From April 6 to April 30, all school schools began distance learning. The Minister of Education of the Rostov Region Larisa Balina in circulation did not exclude that part of the elementary school training program and 5-8 classes would have to be transferred to autumn. The relevant recommendations are already being developed by the staff of the Ministry of Education.

Latest news

From April 1, the transmission regime began in the Rostov region. People employed on continuously operating enterprises received a corresponding document that allows you to move freely in the region.

From April 3, due to coronavirus, Rostov has limited planned medical care and planned hospitalization for residents of the city. You can contact the institution only in emergency cases. Nadezhda Levitskaya, Head of Local Health Department, noted that such measures are forced, because not all residents of the region responsibly refer to the compliance with the self-insulation regime, which provoke the prolongation of coronavirus.

On April 11, it became known that Patients of the city hospital number 6 Rostov-on-Don created a complaint in which it was noted that the treatment of a coronavirus infection was being treated with a coronavirus infection. No anti-epidemiological measures in the institution do not observe. In this fact, a check was organized, as a result of which the hospital closes on quarantine and the question of the disciplinary punishment of the head doctor of Albert Pirumyan, the chief doctor.

From 11 to 30 April 2020, entry into Rostov-on-Don is closed for citizens who do not have in the city of registration. The press service of the local traffic police notes that the driver should have established grounds for entering the driver.

From 14 to 30, the Cemetery is prohibited from 14 to 30, with the exception of the burial procedures.

From April 19 to May 3, buses are forbidden to stop near the cemetery due to the threat of the proliferation of coronavirus. Before celebrating Easter, citizens seek to come to the borneling sites of relatives (parent Saturday), which contradicts the rules of self-insulation regime. Changes in the routes of the following are published on the official portal of the city Duma and the city administration.

From April 23, only individual entrepreneurs and employees of organizations will not be able to move in Rostov. Only individual entrepreneurs and employees of organizations, whose activities have not been suspended due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection. Such permits can be obtained from April 20 to April 22 in the city administration.

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