John Tourver - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



John Tourerroo, since childhood, knew that he would become a famous actor. He loved and remembered the audience with bright images in Woody Allen's paintings, Joel and Itan Koenov and Spike Lie.

Childhood and youth

John Michael Tour Travel was born on February 28, 1957 in New York, USA. At the national origin, he is an Italian, the actor's mother was a daughter of Sicilian immigrants, and his father moved from Jowinazzo. The boy grew up with the brothers Ralph and Nicholas, who also chose the acting profession.

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Mom John was fond of jazz singing at the amateur level, and his father loved to talk about childhood stories in Italy. This affected the development of the imagination of the future artist, who already in the early years of the biography loved to participate in school performances.

After the release, he entered the New York State University, where he studied theatrical art, and then continued her education in the Yale Dramatic School. It was not possible to find a job in the specialty immediately, so the guy had to work on a construction site and to be a bartender.

Personal life

Personal life stars have developed successfully. In 1985, his wife became an actress Catherine Borhivitz, the couple raises the sons of Diego and Amedeo.


The acting debut of the tour was the painting "Mad Bull", where he performed an episodic role. After that, the young artist began to participate in theatrical productions, played in the play "Danny and Deep Blue Sea", spoke on Broadway.

Popularity came to the guy after he played in the painting Woody Allen "Hannah and her sisters", which was awarded the Oscar award. In subsequent years, the celebrity filmography was regularly replenished with new projects, such as "not in their plate", "apostate" and "color of money".

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In 1989, the actor began working with a spike of Lee, starring in the film "Do how!". Later he played in more than five pictures of the director, including tropical fever. It was no less dense to cooperate with Joel's brothers and Itan Koena.

The joint work of the actor and the famous director began with the drama "Crossroads of Miller". Then there was a role in the film "Barton Fink", for which John received the award of the Cannes Film Festival. The appearance of the star in the comedy "Big Lebovski" caused Furore: even his hero Hesus Quintana had little on-screen time, he managed to remember eccentric and emotional behavior.

The next project in which the star managed to be held was the triller "Secret Window". He embodied Cockney Shter, who pursues a young writer in the face of Johnny Depp, accusing him in the plagiarism of his novel. The tape was removed on the basis of the story of Stephen King "Secret Window, a Secret Garden".

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In parallel, the man engaged in writing scenarios for his own films, in which he played director. He released pictures "Mac", "Love and Cigarettes" and "Passion", and in 2013 created the plot of the comedy "under the mask of Zhigolo" in collaboration with Woody Allen. Vanessa Paradi received the main female role.

His acting career in the meantime continued participation in the films of the Transformers series, where he played Simmons Agent. This image of John first embodied in 2007, and then returned to him in the "revenge of the fallen", the "dark side of the Moon" and the "last knight". In 2019, it became known that the tour of the other fictional universe would become part of the other fictional universe and will take off in Batman Matt Rivza.

John Tourver now

At the beginning of 2020, the premiere of the "Next Nowhere" picture, director and the screenwriter, took place in the Russian film distribution, the director and the screenwriter. The comedy is the Spin-Off "Big Lebovski", the French film "Waltsizing" (1974) served as inspiration for the plot. John returned to the role of Hesus Kintana, who came out of prison and tries to establish a personal life.

In the same year, the dramatic mini-series "Conspiracy against America" ​​was released on the screens, where the artist embodied Lionel Bengelsdorf. Its colleagues on the site were Zoe Kazan and Winon Rider. Now John continues to work in the cinema, pleaseing the fans with new projects. He leads a page in "Instagram", where publishes news and shares the photo.


  • 1980 - "Mad Bull"
  • 1986 - "Hannah and her sisters"
  • 1989 - "Do how it!"
  • 1991 - "Tropical fever"
  • 1998 - "Big Lebovski"
  • 2004 - "Secret Window"
  • 2007 - "Transformers"
  • 2010 - "Nutcracker and Rat King"
  • 2013 - "under the mask Zhigolo"
  • 2016 - "Once at night"
  • 2020 - "Nowhere"
  • 2021 - "Batman"

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