Kevin McCidd - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Kevin McCidd - American actor of Scottish origin. In his youth in the filmography of the artist, the growth of which is 183 cm, paintings were prevailed about drug addicts, but now in his asset the role of nobles, lawyers and doctors.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the administrative center of the Scottish District of Mori, the town of Elgin, in August 1973. In the vicinity of Malaya Motherland, Kevin loved to hunt the king Mac Betad Mac Phyndlayh, whose biography was outlined by William Shakespeare in the Macbeth tragedy.

As a child, the son of the plumber and secretaries dreamed of becoming an engineer. However, after admission to the Edinburgh University, Kevin, who managed to work on Spitzavoda, realized that the thrust for a hystage was stronger, and was transferred to the College of Queen Margaret.

Personal life

The actor sometimes attribute a novel with a colleague Matt Lucas, who reported homosexuality. This is mistake. Personal life of McCidda, who played Bisexual Leo in the picture "Bedrooms and Host", heterosexual, and Matt's civil partner in 2006-2008 was the namesake of the role of Owen Khanta - Kevin McGee.

In 1999, McCidd picked up Jane Parker. The spouse presented the actor of two children, and in December 2016, the marriage collapsed.

Now Kevin is married to the chef Ariel Goldrat. 2 months after the wedding celebrated in March 2018 in Jewish traditions, the Son was born from the spouses, and in July 2019 the daughter of Nava appeared.


McCiddu happened to play in the first two screen vessels of the works of Irwin Welsh - films "On the needle" Danny Boyla and "Acid House" Paul Magntgan. In the second tape Kevin reincarnated in a soft character Johnny, whose wife leads to live in the family gangster nest.

In 2003, the actor fulfilled the main role of Frankie's alcoholic in the film "Sixteen Years of Thips." Partner of Kevin on the film - the future star of the series "To all grave" Laura Fraser - already played with McCidd in the film about Scotch teenage gangs "Little Sheets". The game of McCidda in the picture was awarded two nominations - on the BAFTA Award and on the British Independent Cinema Prize.

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Twice the actor reincarnated in the British nobles - the third husband of Mary Stewart Ballwall in the film "Conspiracy against the Crown" and the Troyochny Brother Elizabeth I Thomas Howard in the mini-series "Queen-Virgin". In the television adaptation of the novel Lion Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" Kevin played the lover of the main character - Russian officer Alexei Vronsky.

In 2008, McCidd joined the American Passion Anatomy TV series. Kevin's Character, Traumatologist Owen Hunt, who returned to the USA from Iraq, becomes the beloved of Christina Young, who performed by Sandra O. With actor Patrick Dempsey, who played the death of his character - Neurosurgeon Derek Shepard, McCidd also met on the set of American romantic comedy "Bride friend" .

Kevin McKidd now

In 2019, Kevin continued to be filmed in the series "Anatomy of Passion". In "Instagram" McCidda posted a photo from the celebrations on the occasion of the exit of the anniversary 350th series. The news for fans of Kevin was the fulfillment by acting compositions at a concert in June 2019.


  • 1996 - "On the needle"
  • 1996 - "Little Sheets"
  • 1996 - "Father Tedd"
  • 1998 - "Acid House"
  • 2000 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2002 - "Max"
  • 2003 - "Sixteen Ferms"
  • 2004 - "Conspiracy against the Crown"
  • 2006 - "Kolyva-Virgin"
  • 2007 - "Hannibal: Climbing"
  • 2005-2007 - "Rome"
  • 2008 - "Bride friend"
  • 2008 - 2020 "Anatomy of Passion"
  • 2010 - "Percy Jackson and Lightning Thief"
  • 2017 - "Tulip Fever"

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