Vera Kotelnikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Standap-comedian 2021



A month before the 2020 admirers of "Amazing Mrs. Meisel" fans, they had a minimum for two reasons. First, on December 6, the premiere of the 3rd season of the series about the career of a comedian woman in New York in the late 50s. Secondly, a week later the news appeared as the 4th part of the story to be. "Poster Daily" in such a solemn occasion asked the opinion of the Russian standards Zoe Kuular, the faith of Kotelnikova, Ariana Lola and other about film and asked for their creative biographies.

Childhood and youth

The humorist was born on the last day of the first autumn month of 1994 in Kemerovo, with Boris Grebenchikov in one of the hits. The native Siberian city often became the hero of the stand-room girlfriend, she called him perfect and told that people there could easily fight gessy or try to fly out of it in the aircraft turbine.

About the family comedian also mentioned. Its parents are divorced, both families have developed - the father from another woman had three more daughters, the mother re-married and presented the faith of the younger brother, the age difference was 18 years old (in 2019 the boy went to 1- th class). Also in the speeches "delivered" to the cousin - the Orthodox activist, aunt, stepfather "Rudimiment" and uncle, who married his cousin.

Upon completion of the Middle Education Institution in 2012, the graduate moved to the capital of Russia in order to enroll at the Faculty of Journalism in Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov. Later, the student earned his life, providing tutoring services in English.

Personal life

Kotelnikova was not afraid to joke on the topic of personal life. On the "open microphone" girl (height 168 cm) in a jokingly shaped shaped with those present that she did not even have a relationship with guys, and therefore even had to read the tips on flirting on the Internet.

But as now, a slim blonde is doing with the opposite sex, it is unknown: the artist in the "Instagram" the relevant photos will not be postponed and the fact that she is not divided with the subscribers.

Faith is closely following the humorous colleagues and allocates several of them. For example, it often reviews the concerts of Nikolai Andreeva concerts, and to those who are ready to listen to live, refers Arthur Chaparyan, Igor Tarletsky, Vsevolod, Lovkachev and Cyril Selegei.

Humor and creativity

Moscow heard about the talented Kemerovo in 2016, when young charming Kotelnikov made the first steps in the stand, uncertainly giving high-quality and really funny life jokes. For example, in June she tried to conquer Stand Up Festival. In open voting in the VKontakte group, the speeches of faith were recognized as the best. In July, she took the storm by Real Stand Up, and in December flashed in the "vector of the word".

In 2017, having mastered the experience and spending the filing of the material, Kotelnikova replenished the number of participants in the 2nd season of the project "Open Microphone" on TNT channel, hitting Timur Karginov. Then she admitted that he was leading together with his friends an entertainment Internet blog about relationships with guys and did not like comparisons with Yulia Ahmedova.

After the first stage "Duel", where the girl was face to face with Kolya Zyryanov, she was saved and took Ruslan white to himself. The mentor did not lose: a humorist, easily passed the semi-finals, got into the cherished finale.

"For me, the team Ruslan White is the people with whom comfortable and comfortable me. I have no feeling of some insane rivalry or lack of contact. In the team of Timur, I felt not in my plate, and here the guys simply protrude, they are cute and sociable, "the contestant told.

Together with her on the finish line, the hope of oblique, Cherman Kachmazov, Chess Mpandamabul, Ilya Ozolin, Alexander Grishaev, Denis Che and Artem Vinokur, the last leading Andrei Beburishvili and announced the winner.

After the project, cardinal changes occurred in the life of faith. She strongly lost and out of the ladies with an excess weight, often clogged in baggy clothes, turned into a slim fashionista, which is not hesitating to try on the decolted outfits, which fit to advertise swimsuits or underwear.

In 2018, the Creative Biography replenished the "Frozhar" show on TNT4, where the planper was savory and ruthlessly "passed" by Olga Buzova, Nikolay Sobolev and Yuri Dudu.

Vera Kotelnikova now

In 2019, faith continued to "please" guests at the project specifically created for this project under the leadership of Ilya Sobolev, for example, did not regret the colleague Danil the transverse. In parallel, this was attended by the Yutyub-show "Sidun" and Segozavtra, where, together with Alexander, the innobin reasoned about the ecology, the Swedish ambulance officer Grech Tunberg, plastic, forest fires, nuclear waste, nature, the future of Russia and all mankind.

As for the start of the new season of the series "Amazing Mrs. Meisel", then Kotelnikova, comparing the main heroine Miriam Meisl with him, admitted:

"I like the show, he is cool, but when you are a comedian, look at him differently. As doctors who look at Doctor House or "Clinic" and say: "Yes, yes, but everything is wrong." That is, the series is good, but no one from the comedians, regardless of their gender, the path is not so easy as the main character. "

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