Antonio Canova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Sculpture



Antonio Canova - Italian Master, a bright representative of the sculpture of neoclassicism. The world glory brought naked marble sculptures stylized under Greek statues. At the same time, critics reproached the sculptor for the lack of vitality in his work, and contemporaries were idolized, calling the Supreme Minister of Beauty.

Childhood and youth

The sculpture master was born in 1757 in the Commune of Poshano, which in the province of Treviso in the northeast of Italy. Father and grandfather's grandfather were skilled bowlotes.

When Antonio turned 4 years old, father died. After the re-marriage of the mother, the son remained at the care of the grandfather of Pazino, who owned several workshops. From grandfather, replaced parent, grandson received the basics of knowledge of architecture, drawing, drawing and design.

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Being a teenager, Kanov demonstrated the talent of the sculptor. The first works on the stone were attracted to him of the eminent customers. Senator Giovanni Faliero, who made young Kamnerisa to order the statues of Orpheus and Euridic for the villa, subsequently became his patron and patron.

In the 1770s, 23-year-old Kanov went to the disciples to the sculptor Giuseppe Bernardi. Two years later, Giovanni Ferrari went to another Master of Giovanni Ferrari and entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. During the study period performed work for local monasteries. The walls of the Academy Antonio left with honorary awards.

Personal life

Information about whether the Master had a family, no left. Biographers silent about the personal life of Canopa and do not call the name of the wife. The great sculptor did not leave the children after himself.


In 1780, Antonio Kanov, having completed the work on the order of the Procurator of Venice Pietro Pisa Pisa "Dedal and Ikar", went to Rome. Acquaintance with local monuments of sculpture gave impetus for further creative biography and development. Soon the young scaly took the honorable place among the masters of his time, glanced far beyond the country.

Interested in the work of a talented sculptor Dad Pip Vii and Napoleon made him orders. In 1802, Pope in 1802 produced Antonio to the Caiders of the artistic monuments in their possessions, and Bonaparte wished to see his display in a gigantic scale in the execution of the master. But not this sculpture, but the sculpture of the middle sister of Napoleon - Polina Bonaparte - became a masterpiece of that time.

After the fall of the emperor in 1815, Kanov put efforts to return the arts taken from Napoleon from Rome to the previous place, for which the Pope helped him the title of Marquis and entered the name of the master in the Gold Capitol Book. Antonio became the first president of the Papal Archaeological Academy.

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However, the grace of Pius VII did not save the sculptor from anger of Cardinal. Kanov left Rome and went home, in Poshano, where he spent last years.

The works of the masters are stored in the Louvre ("Amur and Psyche"). You can see them in Russia, in the Hermitage ("Three Graces"). On the network there are numerous photos of the works of the genius.

The heritage connoisseurs of the Master of the Living Stone, as they call the sculptor, allocate the statuette of the "Apollo, Wedding" statuette among his works, the work of "Testa and Minotaur", "Cupid and Psyry", "Litting Magdalen." The last sculpture, which can be seen in Palazzo Bianco in Genoa, is one of the most significant. It is a female figure who is carved in the marble, standing on his knees near the skull.

One of the latest works, dating from 1816-1822, is the statue of Venus and Mars.


It is not known that the cause of the death of 64-year-old Antonio canova. Master died in October 1822 in Venice. His heart remained in the most famous cathedral of the city - Santa Maria Glorioza Dei Frari. The place of last restoration sculptor designed himself. Mausoleum in the temple resembles an ancient Roman.

Grateful disciples and mentors of the Academy collected funds for the construction of the monument. Near the doors of the tombstone Sculptor Bartolomeo Ferrari cut out the figure of a woman holding a vase. In her and placed the heart of the Great Master. The body was buried in a mausoleum near the house in which Kanov lived last years.


  • 1757-1822 - "Amur and Psyche"
  • 1757-1822 - "Dancer"
  • 1757-1822 - "Orpheus"
  • 1757-1822 - "Three Graces"
  • 1757-1822 - "Death Genius"
  • 1777-1779 - "Dedal and Icar"
  • 1781-1783 - "Teze and Minotaur"
  • 1781-1783 - "Testa and Minotaur"
  • 1786-1793 - "Cupid and Psyche"
  • 1781 - "Apollo, crowded"
  • 1800-1805 - "Gee"
  • 1802-1822 - "Napoleon Bust"
  • 1808 - "Polina Bonaparte in the presence of victorious Venus"
  • 1809 - "Walking Mary Magdalene"
  • 1816-1822 - "Venus and Mars"

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