Gypes Ozay - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The Turkish actress Güpse Zaima little-known to the European public, but the homeland became famous as a reincarnation master, screenwriter and film director. She received a nomination for the prestigious Prize Sadri Alshik for a comedy role in the TV series "Deliha", the premiere of which was produced by Furore.

Childhood and youth

Gups Ozay was born in Izmir on July 30, 1984, and her childhood took place in the traditional Turkish family. The father was engaged in law and jurisprudence, and the mother worked as a landscape designer, and their prosperity provided his daughter in a good private school.

With a stale character inherent in the descendants of ancient-grade nationality, the future actress diligently studied and visited various circles. She participated in school performances, where singing and dance skills were required, and also loved to make funny parodies and recharge humorous poems.

At first, the passion for creativity was not facilitated by the rather strict parents who wanted the girl to go to life in their footsteps. But the GUPS firmly decided that her biography would be connected with cinema, and decided on the choice of profession to 13-14 years.

Having received a diploma of secondary education, Ozay became a university student and for several years she studied at the department of broadcasting and movies. Her favorite objects were writing art and director, as well as plastic, choreography and acting skills.

Having made a number of documentary projects in the early 2010, which responded to the topics of course and thesis, the girl passed the castings on different channels of national television. Her staged debut came to 2012.

Personal life

In an interview with Turkish editions, Gyps often talks about personal life and that the Barysh Arduch has long been seen as a husband. He is also a popular actor who conquered the Girl with a cheerful temper, and it seems to her the sun beam, launching the road among lead clouds.

Throughout the multi-year novel, which began on the set of the series "Deliha", they rummed that the lovers broke up due to the difference in characters and change. Ozay and Barysh did not comment on rumors and continued to work together, forcing silence of ill-wishers near the impressive love scenes.

In addition, the stars of Turkish television acquired a plot on the coast, the cost of which, according to approximate estimates, was 1.5 million lire. True, now they have there in the "instagram" there are almost no joint photos, and it agitated again all those who are not indifferent.


The first noticeable role of the GYPS was Nurhaat from the "false world", which received fame in Turkey as a cash comedy project. He was almost 2 years old and had good ratings provided with the help of advertising on the Internet and at the national "channel D".

In 2014, the actress continued to conquer television and appeared in the TV series "Delhiha" about the girl, which turned out between two lights. The straightforward character of the character, as well as the ability not to grasp the difficulties, caused a lot of positive responses and recognition of viewers.

The image of the "insane" shocking lady demanded from the abstract of physical reincarnation, and at 171 cm height had to be gained weight up to 70 kg. But the game cost the candle, because the actress in the event of an eye acquired popularity, and her photos scored hundreds of likes from people signed on "Instagram".

2 years later, having received a nomination for the National Prize Sadri Alshika, Gyps again demonstrated the talent of the comedian in the series "Zolovka" in the role of Yeliz. After the premiere in Turkish television, she with Bugry Gulsiem and Edge Eden went to advertising tours to personally submit a successful release.

Spectators met the teams of ovations and gladly went to show stories about how eccentric girls prevent her hero to know the charm of love. At the same time, new films with the actress were released on the screens: "Cute, dear" about the search for happiness and a "small merchant" about the life of the mafia.

In early 2018, Ozay returned to television and as an artist and the scenario presented the TV series "Delikha-2". Fans once again met with loved characters in the execution of the Kinodiva Turkey and her partner of the Barysh Arduce.

Gyps Ozay now

In 2020, Gyps continued to replenish the filmography of the Full-length tape of the "Battle of Elf", where he made as the main character, the author of the plot and screenwriter. Fans of work-comic women are waiting for news about new projects and are looking for information about the date when its last release will be presented.


  • 2012-2014 - "False World"
  • 2014 - "Delhiha"
  • 2016 - "Little Trader"
  • 2016 - "Zolovka"
  • 2018 - "Deliha-2"
  • 2020 - "Battle of Elf"

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