Fashionable ways of food that harm health


In 2020, humanity pays attention to health issues in the name of longevity. The first component of a healthy lifestyle - food, so the fashion includes new ways to food. Despite the positive feedback, the benefit, an example of celebrities, these methods for adequateness about the influence on the body cause harm. This will be told by the materials of the editorial board 24cmi, however it is important to remember: the selected method of nutrition is possible, subject to strict control over the well-being and consultation of the nutritionist and therapist.

Forms of vegetarianism

Raw food is a radical form of vegetarianism, implying food with products without heat treatment: germinated croup, vegetables, fruits, nuts. The harm of such nutrition is that the toxic substances contained in products accumulate in the body. Such food is not balanced, which leads to a lack of vitamin B12, zinc, iron, omega fatty acids and, as a result, disorder of digestion, deterioration of well-being.

Strict vegetarianism (veganism) implies a complete refusal of animal products. Vegan has a number of advantages, but the problem lies in the shortage of carnosine, creatine, irreplaceable amino acids and other substances contained in animal proteins. Products of plant origin partially compensate this deficit.

Acid Alkaline Balance

According to the method, the products are divided into acidic and alkaline. Certain rules for the use of products form a normal pH in the body. However, the individual background of acid-alkaline balance is not always taken into account, which leads to "latching" or "acidification" and harm the body. In particular, well-being deteriorated, constipation, gas formation, shortness of breath appear, and other.


Nutritionists distinguish between interval and full starvation. The essence of the method of interval power is in the "food windows", where for example, for example, 16 hours the body is starving, and in the remaining 8 - gets food. Full starvation implies a rejection of food for two days at least.

If a person wants to restore and increase muscle mass, then this method does not work, since slow carbohydrates are preferred during the "food window", and not proteins. Such diets are contraindicated to people with problems of bile outflows, as they provoke the aggravation of the gallbladder diseases.

Low-calorie nutrition

Low-calorie diet involves restriction of daily caloric content (for example, 1200 calories). The body in this case saves resources and slows the metabolism.

With incorrect distribution of physical exertion (or the absence of sports in life), no fat, but muscular weight, is reduced, which causes harm. Therefore, when calculating calories, lifestyle, metabolism, individual characteristics of the body are taken into account.

Low carb and monodite

With a low-carbohydrate diet from the diet, "fast carbohydrates" are excluded, energy hunger forces compensate for energy reserves with fatty deposits. However, the lack of glucose leads to inhibition, weakness. The high content of proteins in food negatively affects the kidneys, provoking the occurrence of urolithiasis.

The monodimate is the use of one product in food (apples, chicken with buckwheat, cucumbers). The diet helps to quickly get rid of extra kilograms, but the body is harmful, since the power is not balanced and does not contain the necessary useful elements.

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