Vitamins for immunity: benefits, harm, children, adult, woman, man


The American chemist Lainus Polling in 1970 published the Book "Vitamin C and Health" in 1970, which argued that the daily intake of vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid improves health, strengthens the immunity and allows you to fight scary diagnoses, including cancer. The work of the scientist became a bestseller, despite the absence of practical experiments, and synthetic vitamins are firmly entered into life and bring a colossal profit to the owners of pharmaceutical companies. The editorial office 24cmi tried to figure out whether the use of vitamins to develop immunity effectively.

Synthetic vitamins: pros and cons

pros : Vitamins contained in the complexes are better absorbed. This is because the tablet usually contains ready-made connections that are quickly absorbed into the blood. There are no pronounced influence on the body of dietary supplements, but with a properly chosen dosage, they benefit the functioning of the body systems.

For example, the production of vitamin D occurs under the influence of ultraviolet rays, it is possible on the territory of Russia only in the south, and therefore children from year to year, adult women and men recommend drinking dietary supplements purchased in a pharmacy. But the elderly and pregnant women are contraindicated, as it is fraught with problems with the calcification of vessels and the skeleton of the fetus, respectively.

Minuses : Bades are something among the drugs and food. The efficiency and safety of the use of complexes has not been proven, and the composition of many is not subjected to hard control by the Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor. Thus, in addition to the declared components, there are sometimes harmful substances in production: fluoxetine, phenolphthalene, cyanide, acetone, lead and other heavy metals. But it is not necessary to scare: a list of registered and past checks is posted on the website of Rospotrebnadzor.

Problems of synthetic vitamins:

  1. In combination, some vitamins are able to cause hazardous diseases: C + E - atherosclerosis of brain vessels, A + E - increase the risk of cancer tumors.
  2. Hypervitaminosis arising from uncontrolled dietary use is fraught with negative changes in the body (violation of vision, dizziness, diarrhea and others).
  3. The natural composition differs from the synthesized. Thus, ascorbic acid is not equal to vitamin C, since it does not contain other, no less important components: rutin, biophlava, ascorbinogen, factor k and others. Accordingly, to protect the cold in the season with an ascorbic acid content cannot be protected.

Natural vitamins

pros : Vegetables, fruits, berries, fish, dairy products, eggs, meat, cereals and nuts contain essential substances necessary to strengthen immunity.

Minuses : The quality of the products presented in stores is sometimes not close even to good, and farming food is not so simple.

Efficiency of vitamins

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov, chief physician of the GKB named after M.E. Zhadkevich Department of Health of the city of Moscow and the leading program "On the most important" program on the TV channel "Russia", carefully notes that synthetic vitamins in the complexes for a healthy person are fraught with serious consequences. Those substances that are kept in food are well absorbed by the body and maintain health and immunity.

Vladimir Abdullaevich Dadali, Head of the Department of Biochemistry of St. Petersburg GMA named after I.I. Mechnikov, notes that the exhaustion of the soil, the use of chemistry and fertilizers lead to a lack of useful substances in cultivated vegetables and fruits. According to the guessing of the scientist, the tendency to a decrease in the obtained vitamins can be traced over a hundred years. Thus, "scarce moms have launched scarce children, those in turn give rise to the same scarce child." In addition, when storing and transporting food loses useful properties, and to obtain the body necessary vitamins will have to eat excessive amounts of products.


The assimilation of vitamins and trace elements sometimes interfere with the harmful habits or the use of drugs. For example, alcohol, caffeine, antibiotics, diuretics prevent suction in calcium blood, zinc, magnesium, iron and potassium. Laxative preparations are able to suspend the body saturation with vitamins of groups A, D, E, and the use of aspirin is fraught with a lack of vitamins A, B, C, calcium and magnesium.

Who useful synthetic vitamins?

If for the prevention of a healthy person, the reception of complexes is harmful, then to whom is it useful? Most likely, people who for any other reasons cannot fill the stocks of vitamins and valuable trace elements from ordinary food. Therapist will appoint multivitamin complexes to those who:

  • Takes antibiotics, oral contraceptives, anticoagulants, or undergo chemotherapy courses, since the active substances slow down or suspend the absorption of vitamins in blood;
  • suffering disorders of digestion, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • suffered severe infections;
  • restored after operations;
  • Works in difficult conditions (underground, plants, factories and even in space);
  • Complies with diet (starvation, veganism, vegetarianism and others).

Based on analyzes and anamnesis, the doctor will determine which multivitamin complex to drink to replenish the deficit of vitamins.

How to strengthen immunity

Raise immunity without medication intervention at home - real! The basis of human endurance and ability to resist diseases - healthy, balanced nutrition. Stores semi-finished products, fast food, sweet, food with a large content of carcinogens are certainly sent to the garbage. In the daily diet include fresh fruits (drinking fruit juices - useful!), Vegetables, bean, sea fish, - in general, all that contains vitamins.

The health of the gastrointestinal health care is also influenced on immunity, so the maintenance of health with useful probiotics will save a person from unpleasant diseases. Treatment of caries, chronic infections (sinusitis, tonsillitis and others) significantly raises the body's stability to other ailments.

Vitamins for maintaining immunity: is there effect

Instead of pills containing magnesium, it is useful to tune in to positive, avoid stress at work and home, meditate or engage in yoga. Even the lesson is a favorite hobby bring a tangible result in the prevention of diseases.

The main recommendation of doctors to strengthen immunity and in a child, and in adult - physical activity. Long walks, outdoor sports, hardening - with this lifestyle, the body's vulnerability is minimized.

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