Jean-Michel Basko - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings,



Jean-Michel Baska is an artist-Neoexpressionist, thanks to which the street culture of the 1980s was introduced into the sphere of artistic art. Starting as the author of graffiti, he developed the author's style, combining elements of several art directions, and began to write paintings.

Childhood and youth

Jean-Michel was born in New York, in the Brooklyn area, December 22, 1960. The boy's mother was Puertorikanka, and relatives from the side of the Father lived on Haiti. Mixing cultures in the family led to the fact that the child communicated in English, Spanish and French, loved history, mythology and symbolism. Interest in art appeared from his childhood, and parents encouraged such a son.

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The boy was the second of four children. He quickly grabbed the information and showed curiosity. By 6 years, Jean-Michel has already drawn. He received primary education at Saint-Ann's Art School. In 1968, when parents divorced, Basquia and sisters stayed with her father. The young man was 13 when the mother fell into a psychological clinic. The relationship of the Son with the Father did not take shape. Jean-Michelle periodically flew from the house, but the police returned it back.

In 1978, Baska threw the Higher School of Edward R. Marrou and came from his father. A young man settled with friends in a removable apartment.

Personal life

Jean-Michel Basquia never was married. He had no wife and children. In part, it became a consequence of a freedom-lifestyle, but Basquia was seen in romantic connections with different girls, and one of them was even young Madonna.

The artist tried to exhaust life to the bottom and did not know anything. The creative figure did not build plans for the future and did not burden himself a serious attitude towards what happened to him. Therefore, he was easily treated for money and did not limit himself in bad habits, drug use also related to their number.


The first steps in the creative biography of Baska did at the age of 17. True, at that time it looked like self-expression by graffiti. Pictures on the walls The guy left in Manhattan and signed them with the Samo pseudonym. The work of the young men combined a variety of deep phrases.

Basquia earned money selling cards and t-shirts on the streets. At the same time, the guy awoke a passion for music, and he collected his own team, calling her Gray. Artists performed in clubs.

Basquia did not leave classes with visual art. In the 1980s, he participated in the exhibition of the artists The Times Square Show on a par with Keith Haring, Jenny Holzer and Kiki Smith. The glory of Jean-Michel Basquia was facilitated by the review of art historian Rena Richard, who visited the opening day. The young artist began to exhibit in New York galleries, and since 1982 his projects were present in the expositions dedicated to the work of neo -expressionists.

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Friendship with Andy Warhol played a big role in the works of Baskov. Men supported a friendly relationship. Together they created several paintings, the most famous of which is considered "Unnamed." Artists tried to organize the symbiosis of the screening equipment of Warhol and the unbridled stylistry of the Basquia, writing a cycle of work. Now some of them are stored in museums, and other in private collections. For the memory of the fans of artists, their joint photos remained.

Crecycles opened new prospects for implementation, but did not change the stylistics in which Jean-Michel worked. The author prefers the underground and primitivism. Artistic education did not find reflections in its paintings built on the breakdown of stereotypes, negligence and protest classical laws. In the pictures of Baskov, there were elements of folk art, modern, street art and other destinations.


Baska died on August 12, 1988. The cause of the artist's death was overdose of prohibited funds. The press created a mass of rumors around this situation, but the results of medical examination were unequivocal.

Jean-Michel Basquia became a popular artist during his lifetime, and after his death, the paintings had sharply increased in price. Most of the works of the artist did not receive the names, so a simple town center is difficult to navigate the author's work. The most expensive work by 2017 was considered a nameless picture sold for $ 110.5 million.

In Russia, the work of Man-Michel Basquia is located in Moscow at the Museum of Contemporary Art. The artist's work was removed by the films "Baskia", "Downtown 81", "Jean-Michel Baska: Radiant Child", "Baska: an explosion of reality."


  • 1981 - "Famous Negro Athletes"
  • 1981 - "La Hare")
  • 1982 - "Baska"
  • 1983 - "Hollywood Africans"
  • 1983 - "Hotels"
  • 1984 - "Bananas"
  • 1984 - "Self-portrait"
  • 1984 - "Willow of Babylon"
  • 1988 - "Riding on death"

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