John Dalton - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books, scientific achievements



English physicist, chemist and meteorologist John Dalton acquired fame thanks to scientific works. For example, the theory of the structure of the substance developed by them became a real breakthrough at that time, and such a parable, as a color blindness, is still considered to be a heritage, and therefore is called daltonism, according to the surname of the scientist.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the scientist began in Iglsfield, Ceberland County, where he will be born in the fall of 1766. His father was poor weaving, but the mother came from the prosperous family of the British - members of the Christian movement, whose beliefs were contrary to the statements of the New Testament.

Together with John in the family, his older brother Jonathan was brought up with a boy from 15 years old in his private religious (quake school) school. From 21 years, he began to conduct meteorological observations, which subsequently continued to record throughout life. In total, 20 thousand records have accumulated in his diary regarding weather changes.

After school, Dalton planned to go to learn further, in the priority of the young men there were medical or legal specialties, but it was not possible to make it.

Personal life

Guidance did not give Dalton to build a personal life, he lived a bachelor, and communicated with a small circle of persons. In the portraits preserved to this day, artists portrayed John thoughtful, focused and serious, which completely transmitted the image of a chemist.

The science

The first job in the life of Dalton appeared still in his youth when he helped his brother at school, then he tried to teach. And in 1793, the young man moved to Manchester, where he met John Gorukh, who later handed him most of his scientific knowledge and helped get a teacher's place in a new college. In this position he stayed until the 1800th, and then engaged in private teaching.

At the same time, Dalton continued to engage in self-development, studied literature, performed experiments and made incredible discoveries. For example, fascinated by the study of an atomism, in 1803 a man created his own atomistic theory with which many scientists agreed. In the future, for a greater concept, a scientist demonstrated a model of atoms and their compounds on the example of colored wooden cubes. After several years of hard work in his laboratory magazine, he recorded the first table of atomic scales.

This was not the only theory of Dalton's theory concerning atomic molecular teachings. At the same time, he formulated two new gas laws, the first concerned partial pressure of gas mixtures, which determine the total pressure. The second helped determine the solubility of the mixture of gases in the liquid, it was called the law of solubility.

Daltonism became the greatest discovery of John, called scientific color blindness. The man himself suffered from this ailment, but understood it when he was carried away by Botany. Studying the literature on this topic, he often met the descriptions of plants that differ in flowers, and if he had no difficulties with yellow and white flowers, then he saw the red and shades of rose in blue. The same hereditary defect of vision went to his eldest brother.

Comparing its own color perception with the vision of the same shades of his friends, the man suggested that in his eyes something like blue filters, and therefore, he bequeathed after death to explore his eyeballs. The kind of man was performed, but the researchers did not find anything special in his eyes. For many years, this Dalton body was kept in a jar with alcohol. Research was carried out only in 1995, geneticians managed to allocate and explore the DNA of the retina, which determined the presence of Dalton's gene from John.

It is worth noting that in all life Dalton wrote not one book and a scientific article that were regularly published, but not always positively perceived in scientific circles.


Health problems began at Dalton in 1837, when he had the first stroke. The second heart attack occurred in a couple of years and left more serious consequences: violated the speech of the scientist. But it did not prevent him from researching research. The chemist did not become in the summer of 1844, the cause of death was the third blow, who did not leave a man's chance.

In memory of the discretions done by Dalton, the term Dalton term is used in different areas, which denotes the atomic unit of mass.


  • 1793 - "Meteorological observations and experiments"
  • 1801 - "Features of English grammar"
  • 1808 - "New course of chemical philosophy. 1 volume "
  • 1810 - "New course of chemical philosophy. 2 volume "

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