Miguel Servet - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Medicine



Miguel Servet is a doctor and a theologian of the first half of the 16th century. The achievements of the hell in medicine were the forerunner of the teachings of the British William Garvela on the cyclic movement of the blood. The biography of Serveta, the first victim of Protestant fanaticism, was based on the book of Stephen Coloreig "conscience against violence."

Childhood and youth

The place and date of the birth of the scientist is definitely not known. Most biographers believe that Miguel was born in 1511 in the Aragon Town of Villanueva de Sichure. However, some sources argue that the future heretic was born in 1509 in Navarre Tudela.

Serveta's birthday is tied to Mikhailov Day, which on the Catholic calendar falls on September 29. In honor of the holy boy and got a name.

Miguel Antonio's father was the East Catholic and worked by a notary in the monastery of St. Mary. The ancestors from the mother were baptized by Jews. In addition to Miguel, Servenet made two more sons on the world, Pedro went in the footsteps of the Father, and Juan became a priest.

In adolescence, the server waved Latin, Hebrew and ancient Greek. In 1524, he was held at the University of Zaragoza Geography, Mathematics and Astronomy. At the age of 15, the young man received the post of writer in the confiscation of Emperor Charles V. At 20, Miguel first doubtedly in the main dogma of Christianity - the teachings about the Holy Trinity.

Personal life

About the personal life of Serveta knows little. The investigation was trying to blame the doctor and thewoman in debauchery, Potion Miguel on idle status. In response, the man explained that the marriage prevents the feature of his anatomy, namely the groin hernia.

The science

According to Serveta, the unity of the god-father, the Son's God and God - the Holy Spirit is the delusion of theology. Christ, from the point of view of the theologian, is the Godhead, in which the Creator was temporarily united. The refusal of trolling would allow, in the opinion of Serveta, to unite three monotheistic religions under the auspices of Christianity.

Another revolutionary proposal of Miguel was the transition from baptism in infancy to appeal to Christianity in adulthood. The ideas of the theologian outlined in the works of "about the errors of the Trinity" and "two books of dialogues about the Trinity".

Considering the blood as the abode of the soul, the server first in Europe described a small circle of blood circulation. As shown by the bibliographic studies of the 20th century, the scientist was familiar with the discoveries of Arab physicians, in particular the doctor Ibn-en-Nafis.

On the servure, both Catholics and Protestants were tightened. The scientist wandered across French cities, under someone else's name is engaged in healing. In 1540, Miguel became a personal doctor of Archbishop Piece Palmia.

Server tried to reach the hearts and minds of theologians and conducted a correspondence with Jean Calvin. The reformer of the church came to the conclusion that Miguel is a dangerous heretic and the enemy of Christianity.

In 1553, after the publication of the book "Restoration of Christianity", Serveta was arrested. The scientist managed to escape, but he came to Calvin worship, and the reformer passed the opponent to the authorities.


Miguel's earthly path ended in 42 years. The reason for the death of the scientist was the execution of a slow fire by sentence of the Geneva City Council. Although Jean Calvin asked to soften the sentence and beheaded the opponent, the Server was burned together with his books.

Day October 27, 1553 was rainy in Geneva. The raw weather and the absence of a professional executioner aggravated by Miguel's suffering. Agony lasted half an hour.

Europe stores the memory of servile and appreciates its contribution to science and freightness. The name of the scientist is named streets and boulevards in Geneva, Vienna, Dijon and Lille. There is a memorable sign on the site of Miguel execution.

In a French monument, a scientist is inscribed "Servero - the first victim of fascism": in 1941, Vichy's regime demolished the statue of a dismissed theologist, but in the 1960s the monument was restored. Another monument to Migel is installed at his small homeland - in the town of Villanueva de-sech, whose population is now 500 people.


  • 1531 - "About the errors of trunk
  • 1532 - "Two books of dialogues about Trinity"
  • 1553 - "Restoration of Christianity"

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