Star Education: Russia, Hollywood, Homework, Show Business


Most stars were typical schoolchildren who studied with other guys in the usual mode. But some famous people still have children for various reasons. Experts believe that such a form of study does not harm the child and is an excellent alternative to school. List of stars on home learning - in the material 24cm.

Maria Sharapova

Tennis Star Maria Sharapova began her career at a three-year-old, and in 6 she had already played a party with Martin Navratilova. Her father seriously belonged to Mary's sporting achievements, so in 1995 he moved with his daughter from Russia to America. The girl was once visited by school, so the duties of learning fell on the shoulders of the Pope.

Hilary Duff

The traditional formation of stars that became famous in childhood, often replaced by homemade. Hilary Duff - Icon of his generation, she starred in a variety of teenage films, composed and performed songs. For this reason, parents preferred homework. So, she gained success, money and necessary knowledge.

Justin Bieber

This singer proved its example that, having talent and the Internet, you can achieve heights. At the age of 14, he recorded Caverits on YouTube, and then these videos looked producer Scooter Brown. Impressed by vocal Justin Bieber, he proposed cooperation. When the success of Bieper took off to heaven, he had to become a homescaler.

Julian Assanzh

Home education made from this person a famous journalist. He created WikiLeaks - a site that publishes secret information. Julian Assange, even in permanent moves managed to get a decent education. Mom Assange was married to the director of the Stray Theater, so the journalist received knowledge in schools where he stayed. As well as the mother gave Julian to teach teachers from universities.

Ryan Gosling

One of the most successful actors of Hollywood Ryan Gosling also studied at home. Star education took place in such a format, because his classmates were poisoned. Studying in a regular school, Ryan was diagnosed with "attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity." At 10 years old, Mom decided to translate the future actor to home learning.

Emma Watson

Actress began a career at 10 years in a series of films about Harry Potter. From that moment on, Emma Watson no longer attended school - she worked a lot on the set, and there was no time to study. But the actress managed to get the necessary knowledge. She was engaged in lessons with a private tutor when he was freed from work.

Dakota Fanning

When the girl was 6 years old, she began to be filmed in the series, and then received a successful role in the film "I am Sam". After that, her career went uphill, and Fanning was not to school. Therefore, parents transferred it to home education.

Billy Isilish

This singer is a real phenomenon of show business. Fame came to Billy Alish at the age of 15, when she laid out her single on Spotify and YouTube. In 2020, the singer became the Grammy triumph, winning the four basic nominations of the award. Even to popularity, her parents chose home for a child.

Miley Cyrus

Singer and actress from 8 years old dreamed of doing creativity. She started with roles in the TV series Doc. and the film "Large Fish". She woke up by the famous after the role in the series "Hanna Montana". Miley Cyrus confessed that he did not know how it was to go to school, and does not regret it.

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