Nikolai Bulganin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Member Politburo



In the series "Seventeen Moments of Spring" it was argued that the leaders of the Third Reich did not have higher education. In reality and Joseph Goebbels, and Herman Gering graduated from universities. But the Soviet leadership of the military pore consisted mainly from the parties with secondary education. One of the officials who never sitting on the university bench was happily avoided by Stalin's repression Nikolai Bulganin.

Childhood and youth

The statesman was born in 1895 in the family of the Nizhny Novgorod Claudist. Officer's father lived 90 years. Surname Bulganin comes from the Turkic root of "Bulga" ("rebellion", "troubled", anxiety "). Thus, it can be assumed that among the ancestors of Nikolai Alexandrovich were the faces of Eastern nationalities - Tatars or Bashkirs.

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About the early biography of Bulganin knows little. By 1917, he managed to end the real school, to work as a student of electrical engineering and the railway. And less than 10 years after the revolution, the Son of Clauser was already headed by an electrical trust with the highest advice of the national economy of the Soviet Union. The reasons for the career takeoff of Nizhny Novgorod - joining in 1917 in the party of Lenin, experience in the HCC in civil war and natural intelligence.

Personal life

Although Nikolai Alexandrovich's marriage concluded only once, the man was famous for amur adventures. Politburo's passion was the Bolshoi Theater Balleries. The namesake of the last Russian emperor, in the youth of who had an affair with the dancer of Matilda Kshesinsky, even called himself Nikolai III.

Nikolai Alexandrovich's wife Elena Mikhailovna Korovina, who worked as a teacher of English in Moscow School No. 175, condescendingly related to the turbulent personal life of the spouse. The Bulganin family had two children - the son of Lion, friendly with Vasily Stalin, and the daughter of Vera, who married the eldest son Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov Victor.

Ovdov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR fell in love with the singer Galina Vishnevskaya. The thirty-year-old difference in the age and the presence of a vocalist of the young husband, the cellist of Mstislav Rostropovich, the official was not embarrassed. According to the memories of contemporaries, Nikolai Alexandrovich was abolished, and judging by the photo, it looked very presentable.


In 1930, the electrollampory headed by the Bulganin was the first among industrial enterprises received the Order of Lenin. Next year, Nikolai Alexandrovich became the Moscow Grador. In the prewar and war years, the official was headed by the State Bank of the USSR, and in August 1939 he created the Soviet Collection service.

The party career of Bulganin was successfully promoted. For the period from February 1934 to February 1948, Nikolay Alexandrovich was held from a candidate for the CPSU Central Committee to a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Committee.

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In early in the early spring of 1947, Joseph Stalin appointed Bulganin, although in the time of the war on the advice of fronts, but who did not have the experience of command, the Minister of Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. The goal of Generalissimus was tolerant from the leadership of the army of ambitious and popular commander, primarily George Zhukov.

In order not to nuhable gunpowder, the official was able to take a military parade, Nikolai Alexandrovich appropriated the title of Marshal. Bulganin did not know how to ride, and since November 1947, the Soviet defense ministers salute the troops from the car.

After 8 years, Nikita Khrushchev appointed Nikolay Alexandrovich to the position of Prime Minister as the least ambitious and conflict candidate. However, in August 1958, Bulganin was sent to a political reference to the position of Chairman of the Stavropol Council, and in February 1960 - retired.


Stalinist worker died on February 24, 1975. According to the official version, the cause of the death of Nikolay Alexandrovich was bilateral inflammation of the lungs. However, in Moscow, rumors were rumored that the Bulganin fell from the hand of the offspring, which after that ended the life of suicide. Indeed, the father and son went away in one year, and the death date of Leo Nikolayevich was classified.

On the grave of Nikolai Alexandrovich, his bust was installed on the Moscow Novodevichy cemetery. Bulganin's cylinders continue to multiply in films and serials. So, in the Multiserful tape "Furtseva. Legend of Catherine "The image of" Nicholas III "created Anatoly Pale, and in the Black Comedy" Stalin's Funeral "- half Chahidi.


  • 1931 - Order of Lenin
  • 1935 - Red Star Order
  • 1943 - Order of Suvorov II degree
  • 1943 - Cutuzov Cutuzov Order
  • 1943 - Order of the Red Banner
  • 1945 - Order of Suvorov I degree
  • 1945 - Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"
  • 1947 - Medal "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow"
  • 1953 - Red Star Order
  • 1955 - Order of Lenin
  • 1955 - the title of Hero of Socialist Labor

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