Eva Birthday: 2020, Interesting Facts, Biography, Personal Life


On May 19, 2020, the birthday of Eva Polna - Russian singer, the author of texts and the composer turned 45 years old. Missed as part of the group "Guests from the Future", stirred by the Patriotic Detrade at the end of the last century, the star is already building a solo career for more than 10 years, continuing to strive and admire fans with his multifaceted talent. Especially for the anniversary of the celebrity, the editorial office of 24cmi prepared a selection of interesting facts from the personal life and the scenic biography of the performer.

About the approach to work

Eva Polna admits that it is extremely responsible for creativity, carefully working on the composition. Sometimes spending a mass of time to create songs - sometimes the line appeared in the head only in a year turns into a full-fledged product. And sometimes the motive is born, but there are no words that can adequately supplement the melody. In contrast to such a responsible approach to the creative process at the singer's concerts, there is no scenario - repels from the wishes of the public.

About fashion

When drawing up their own wardrobe, the performer draws little attention to fashion trends, relying to a greater extent on his own feeling of taste. So the style and color of the clothes picks up, focusing on personal preferences and mood. It admits that he loves precious stones and bright outfits, but the cause of childhood, spent in St. Petersburg with his constantly frowning heaven and lack of paints.

About hats

From the time of youth, the real fetish Eva Polna is all sorts of hats that the singer wears about and without. In the wardrobe of celebrities over fifty all sorts of hats. But the most unusual Polna calls a chocolate hat, presented at a concert with one fan. Especially the star pleased that the present was an exact copy of the work of the Philip Tracy designer - the famous Irish fashion designer-hat.

About men and daughters

The performer has two children. Daughter Evelyn appeared as a result of relations with Denis Klyaver. Eve has been hidden by singer's paternity for a long time. As a result, he himself confessed to the next talk show, which caused an extremely negative reaction of the performer - the woman considered it by betrayal committed by the former beloved for the sake of PR. Marriage with Sergey Pilgun also did not find himself happy and long. But the second daughter was born from his singer from him - Amalia.

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About idols and children's dreams

Back in young years, Ballerina Anna Pavlova became idol for the future star and a jazz performer Ella Fitzgerald, which further influenced the choice of life path. Also, Polna recalls that he always loved to read - preference gave science fiction. And in childhood, the celebrity dreamed of becoming an astronaut.

Oh Hobby

Polna considers himself a cheerful man prone to harmless hooliganism. In his free time, the singer writes humorous verses under the pseudonym Josephine abstainer. The image of a broken lady, which shares its observations and stories from life, the performer calls his alter ego. Also Eva draws and knits knitting, he is interested in the history of art, takes the lessons of Argentine tango. And it does not miss the opportunity to visit dance parties in various corners of the world - the singer loves to travel. By the way, during their "expeditions", it does not part with the tablet for sketches and records - the honorable impressions will then be useful in creative work.

About someone else's opinion

As in the case of fashion, Eva Polna and in other matters a little relies on someone else's opinion. Approves that it behaves as it wishes, not for the sake of self-self or khaip. Just does not know how to. Yes, and does not want. The gossip is also trying to not pay attention, considering it below its dignity to deal with inventions and dig in "dirty underwear." Only once promised to sue the publication that wrote that the singer in the Netherlands allegedly concluded marriage with his girlfriend and director by PR Alexander Mania.

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