Films about friendship: guy and girls, teenagers, cinema, Russian, foreign


There are still questions about friendly relations with psychologists: is it possible to carry an exceptional connection through the years and there is spiritual proximity between the guy and the girl. Replies offers cinema. About films about friendship that overcomes obstacles - in material 24cm.

"1 + 1" (2011)

The French tragicomedy "1 + 1" about the male friendship of the aristocrat and his assistant is based on real events. Limited in the movement aristocrat teaches young Buntar of love for life. He instead gives moments of joy that is not available to a person chained to a wheelchair. There is no despair in the picture, but from the first minute to the final there is faith in support of a friend.

"Cort" (1973)

"Kortk" is an adventure story about Soviet teenagers based on the works of Anatoly Rybakov. Without Soviet ideology in the film, it did not cost, but it can be perceived as a historical fact. Otherwise, a detective film about the true friendship of pioneers can withstand competition with Marwelev's films.

The heroes of the "cortica" are alive, characteristic, in the plot there is a spirit of the partnership and sincerity, which will certainly force adolescents to think about relations with peers.

"Girls" (1961)

Only in the Russian interpretation, friendship between girls is possible without competition, as in the film "Girl", for example.

The love line implies rivalry, but the concerns of the girlfriends smoothes the conflict. The girls living together are united to confront the abuser-Uhager, and listen to the revelations of Love Tosi (Nadezhda Rumyantsev) and her less fortunate rival anfisa (Svetlana Druzhinin). Close, almost related, relationships make you believe that women's friendship exists.

"Wedding of the best friend" (1997)

What happens when a close friend marries, is shown in the overseas comedy "Wedding of the Best Friend". Calm relations between university friend and girlfriend go to a new level. The heroine performed by Julia Roberts is full of rage, she makes thoughtless actions and is trying to upset the wedding. But the real friendship wins a sense of ownership, and everything gets up.

"Hachiko: the most faithful friend" (2009)

Hollywood melodrama with Richard Girome about the devotion of the four friend, perhaps the most touching story in cinema. Adds sharpness to the plot that the picture is removed according to real events. Friendship of the PSA will cause sincere gratitude for the feelings of the animal to a person.

Gymnasts (2009)

They say in the world of sports - everyone for himself. And so I want to believe that sports competition does not interfere with personal friendship. In three seasons of the series "Gymnasts" showing the way of becoming athletes who make their way to the Olympics in London. Girls learn not only to achieve their goals, but also support each other, despite tough competition. The ability to overcome obstacles together helps gymnasts to achieve high results in sports.

"Brigade" (2002)

It is not accepted about real friendship between criminals. However, the creators of the iconic series managed to avoid templates. Friendship of four criminal authorities resembles a partnership from the remark books.

Russian mafii performed by charismatic actors Sergei Bezrukova, Dmitry Duzhev, Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Pavel Majkova do not cause disgust, which is dangerous for the drama about the lives of people who violate the law. Therefore, the creators made the final open, leaving hope for the continuation and confidence that the crime before the law is punishable.

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