Norman Bates (Character) - Photo, Film, Ed Ginger, Actor, Prototype, History, Anthony Perkins


Character History

Norman Bates - a fictional character suffering from a psychological disease - split personality. The killer maniac is known for the film "Psycho" and three of his sequelam. Meanwhile, this is also a literary hero of Roman Robert Bloch, having a real person as a prototype.

History of character creation

American Writer-Fantasy Robert Albert Bloch wrote Roman "Psychosis" in 1959. At the creation of the author's book inspired the history of Edward Theodore Guin - the most famous serial killer in the United States.

Ed Gin was born in Wisconsin, a farmer's family. The mother's mother was a religious fanatic - forbade her son to communicate with peers, constantly beat and considered all women the embodiment of sin. Being a young man, Ed had to take care of the already chained mother, constantly listening to reproaches.

After her death as a result of a stroke, Gin began to go crazy, dig up the corpses of women, dismember the bodies and bring to the house. From human skin, crazy sewed clothes, and from the skull made a plate. After it became known at least about two victims of this man, he was placed in the hospital, where he spent the rest of his life.

Robert Bloch became so interested in the biography of this maniac, which laid it on the basis of his novel. Despite the fact that information about the circumstances that led Ed Gina to madness was not, the author was able to describe them with phenomenal accuracy.

Roman "Psychosis" Robert Bloch sold to Alfred Hitchkoku director. At the time of the purchase of rights to the adaptation of Hitchcock insisted on the anonymity of the transaction, investing 9 thousand dollars to the project. In addition, the director bought almost all the circulations to save intrigue to the ending.

Norman Bates gave up first place in the Rating of Zlodeev Gannibal Lecter, according to the editorial office of the American Institute of Cinema. From the moment of showing the thriller, seventy years have passed. Nevertheless, this horror and today is among the ten most terrible horror films.

Biography and image of Norman Beats

The first part of the "psycho" and the eponymous novel have the same plot. So, the literary hero was holding with a despotic mother, the norm of Bates, in the city of Fairwell Motel. Once between them, there is a quarrel that the guest's arrival is interrupted. This is Marion Craine, a realtor girl who stole 40 thousand dollars from the client and was going to start a new life for this money.

Norman penetrates sympathy to a young guest, but the mother quite loud expresses discontent with respect to the store. These screams hear Maryon, after which he is trying to persuade the guy to send the norm for compulsory treatment. After some time, Caren kills and flaws an old woman unfamiliar to her with a kitchen knife. Norman discovers the corpse of the girl and decides to hide it.

In search of the missing Marion, her sister Lyle and Detective Milton Arbogast starts. The latter during the investigation comes to the Beats Motel, where he takes death from the hands of the same old woman. Laila is found with the sheriff Fairvale, who reports that the mother of Norman has long committed suicide, and her son lay for a long time in a psychiatric hospital.

Having missed the motel, Lyle detects a mummified corpse of the norm. In the same room, she attacks the same old woman, which turns out to be disguised into the female costume Norman.

At the end of the film, it is described that the main character himself killed his mother and her lover because of jealousy and psychological injuries received in childhood. Unable to suppress the feeling of guilt, a man developed a second person in himself. It was she who committed crimes on behalf of a despotic mother.

The description of the appearance of the literary and kinherman is different. In the book, the killer is a man of 45 years old, unpleasant outdoor and suffering from overweight. In the film, the director decided to show the main character with a young, cute man to cause the viewer with sympathy.

The image of normal includes in fact three individuals. This is a fanatic mother, an adult and an adequate man and a little boy, who mocked in childhood. The diagnosis of the character is terrible, but only one personality can be called a killer. The very simplest after analyzing the prerequisites that led to the disorder becomes sorry. Alfred Hitchcock achieved this goal.

Norman Bates in films

According to the novels in 1960, the feature film was removed in the horror and thriller genre - Psycho. The director decided to show the story about the maniac in black and white, so that the cinema was too bloody. The second reason is a banal savings. Interesting fact: the blood on the bodies of the victims is in fact chocolate syrup.

A young actor Anthony Perkins played in the lead role, who was also invited and starred in the continuation of the film. The cruel mother perfectly showed Janet Lee, for which was nominated for the Oscar Award in 1961.

The plot of Sikwelov had already had an original concept and only distantly echoed with Robert Bloch's novels. The author wrote a sequel in the style of a parody to Hollywood Slashera, which had not had to moral producers "Psycho 2".

At the end of 4 parts, Norman burns the mother's home, freed from his disease forever. Such a positive finale is not characteristic of Gorror's genre, which also distinguishes this franchise from the like.

In 2013, the TV show "Motel Bates" comes on the A & E channel. A film consisting of 5 seasons is removed based on the "psycho" Hitchcock. The role of a crazy mother played actress Vera Farmiga, and the role of Norman introduced Freddie Haimore.

The less famous spin-off film "Psycho" - "Motel Bates" - shot in 1987 by Richard Rothstein. The plot is spinning around the Alex Boy, with whom Norman met in a psychiatric hospital, and after became his adoptive father. In the future, the ghost of the norm begins to pursue the already matured stepper. This picture received low ratings, so the continuation in the form of the series did not follow.

Interesting Facts

  1. The famous scene of the murder in the bathroom was shot by the week without the participation of Anthony Perkins.
  2. The quotation of the main character "The best friend of the boy is his mother" entered the list of the best phrases from movies (56th place).
  3. In the film "Psycho" the sound of the introduction of a knife into the body - nothing but the sound with which it sticks to it into the melon.


We are all in our traps. Stuck. And none of us can get out. We climb, cling ... But only for the air, only for each other. And as a result, we are standing on the spot. After all, from the very birth, we go to death. All we are sometimes not in yourself. The boy's best friend is his mother.


  • 1959 - "Psychosis"
  • 1982 - "Psychosis 2"
  • 1990 - "House of Psychopath"


  • 1960 - "Psycho"
  • 1983 - "Psycho 2"
  • 1986 - "Psycho 3"
  • 1987 - Motel Bates
  • 1990 - "Psycho 4: at the beginning"
  • 2013-2017 - "Motel Bates"

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