Film "David Bowie: History of man with stars" (2020): Actors, Roles, Release date, Interesting facts


As of April 30, 2020, the date of the release of the documentary drama "David Bowie: the history of man from stars" was planned, with the shooting of the British director and Writer Gabriel Renj. He is more known to the public due to the film "Death of the President" (2006), talking about the consequences of the fictional killing of George Bush - the younger. About the plot of a new film about Bowie, actors and their roles, interesting facts associated with the film - in the material 24cm.


In the center of the story of the painting - the first visit of David Bowie in the United States in the 70s of the last century, when the events described in the film are developing. This oven for an uptreth rock star from Britain has become a sign and changed the creative career, pushing a talented musician to the embodiment of the unique image of the Androgy Star Aliens named Ziggy Stardast.

The main moments of this important for the Bowie of the life period and tried to highlight the creators, without refusing to their own look at what is happening.


Roles in the film "David Bowie: His History from Stars" performed actors:

  • Johnny Flynn - David Bowie, the 24-year-old protagonist of the film, in the future - the famous rock performer. After arriving in the United States in 1971, he was inspired to create his first and most memorable fans of Alter Ego - Marcianin-preacher Ziggy Stardast, who became the central character of the albums The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars and Aladdin Sane.
  • Mark Maard - Ron Oberman, Publicist Bowie, who was trying to convince the young and insecure in the artist's own forces in the fact that the future expects the future of celebrity.
  • Jena Lane Malone - Angela Bowie (Angie), American model and actress, who became the first wife of David Bowie.
  • Aaron Poole - Michael Ronson, Guitarist and Composer from the UK, who played with David Bowie in the group The Spiders from Mars.

Anthony Flaneghan (Dr. Reynolds) and Roanna Kokrane (Charlotte Banks) were also filmed in the film.

Interesting Facts

1. In the English version, the picture is called STARDUST, focusing on the created Bowie character - an aliens-preacher, who is considered the most successful and memorable of David's scenic images. Familiar and performer himself saw a chance in such a transformation to hide behind the mask own complexes and fears.

2. Despite the fact that the film is positioned as documentary cinema, the creators of the paintings noted that in the full sense of this word, the tape will not be called by Bayopic - in the work more attention is paid to individual events from the life of David Bowie, which influenced its further creativity, but directly with music The artist is not connected. Of course, it was not without a "directorial view" to the question. Actually, this was the reason that in the picture "David Bowie: the History of Man from Stars" the hits of the famous British are not heard - Rock-singer's relatives did not give their consent to the use of tracks. The son of the artist, Danan Jones, spoke in that the key that in the film created in such a format of his father's music will not be.

3. Shooting the paintings took place from July to September 2019 in Canada and the United States.

4. Initially, the world premiere of the tape was to take place at the Trabek Film Festival, from 2002 annually underway in New York. However, due to a pandemic of coronavirus infection, the event was postponed. And the creators of the film "David Bowie: The History of Man from Stars" decided to move the "presentation of the audience tape" on the Internet. On April 15, a closed online display was held on the network, intended for journalists and representatives of rental agencies. Before the premiere, a performance involved in the actor's project took place.

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