The most terrible mental hospitals: in Russia, patients, abandoned, doctors


The screams of horror, the crackle of electrical discharges and the deaf moans accompanying the inhuman torture of patients - which horrors are not invented about psychiatric hospitals. Justice for the sake of mentioning that not all common rumors and legends about such places are exclusively fiction of videos. In order to actually happened, the frightening events occurred, and the treatment methods used to heal the mental illnesses were difficult to be called humane. This time, the editors of 24cmi will tell about the most terrible mental hospitals of the world and about the associated truthful and fictional stories.

Australian "Ararat"

Located in Australia, the hospital for people with mental disabilities "Ararat", opened in 1867, is known for its medical practices. It was not so much a psychiatric clinic as a printer, intended for the content of both ordinary crazy and binopomethane, and criminals with mental disabilities.

Down syndrome, postpartum depression in women, autism - from this they also "treated" here with the help of the "newest" techniques, including such controversial as lobotomy and electrosusproy therapy. Every year, about a hundred people died in the hospital walls, among whom were not only sick, but also the doctors themselves. By the time, as in 1998, the clinic "Ararat" closed, more than 13 thousand patients and medical institution officers died here.

Now the former mental hospital is known as Aradeal and functions as a campus of the Australian College of Wine. Also, there are excursion tours here, where the chance will see the chance to inspect the ancient building: to visit the wards, visit the local morgue and stroll through the murdered gloomy corridors, where, according to visitors, it is still possible to encounter a restless spirit.

Tonton: Distend Jane deprived

The small town of Taunton in the North American State Massachusetts was famous thanks to the state psychiatric hospital located there, which were going on and continue to walk different terrifying rumors and legends. Opened in 1851 and worked before the 1975th terrible mental hospital is obliged to be unfit only one woman.

The girl named Jane Toppan worked in the tonthon hospital at the nurse and during professional activity deliberately sent more than 30 people to the next world, among whom her pivot sister was. The health worker inspiredly experimentally experimented with drugs, at its own discretion, by changing the quantitative content of atropine and morphine in prescribed preparations. She experienced orgasmic pleasure in those moments when poisoned people wrote in suicide seizures.


When Jane's crimes burst out, she "retrained" in the patient of his native crazy house, since it was recognized as mentally ill. Toppan argued that the goal was to "kill as much as possible helpless people."

Because of the "experiments", the sinister rumors were deprived of the ominous rumors around the institution, which argued that all the hospitals are satanists that arrange bloody masses on the territory of the clinic and bringing animals and patients during black rituals. After 160 years of work, the hospital was still closed, but the inhabitants of the tonteon are still confident that in its walls you can suddenly meet with the ghosts of innocently killed patients.

"Waiting": Lancashir scandal

Continuing the list of the most terrible psycho "Whiting". Although the official date of the opening of the Whitingham psychiatric clinic, located in the district of the English county of Lancashir, is considered to be April 1, 1873, according to some information, at that time more than a hundred patients have already lived in the territory of the institution and even helped in construction. For those who have passed since the opening of the years, the medical complex, which included not only the corps, designed for accommodation thousands of patients, but also the Church with a chapel, "Ross" branched infrastructure with mail, telephone connection, trade shops, own farms, dance and concert halls and even railway. The clinic turned into a miniature city, whose residents differed from ordinary people.

The scandal, which generated a mass of rumors around the institution, broke out in the 60s of the last century. Practices from medical users turned to local authorities with a report on the monstrous conditions of the detention of patients of the hospital. According to the beginners of health workers, the patients were kept under conditions that are far from sanitary standards, which had a positive effect on the widespread distribution of pediculosis. It did not comply with the requirements and food that was fed patients. Also, witnesses of disorders indicated physical violence applied in relation to patients from staff. After the investigation, a number of hospital employees were removed from medical activities, others went for bars.

The medical institution was closed in 1995, but rumors about frightening torture and inhuman experiments over unfortunate patients clinics multiply to this day. And individuals, managed to get into the territory of an abandoned hospital, assure that they have witnessed inexplicable frightening phenomena there.

"Ranges" madness

Hovard Lovecraft is unlikely, despite their own problems with nightmares and the tragic fate of parents, whose death is connected with the stay in the walls of psychiatric hospital, ever visited the hospital of the city of Athens, later renamed to the "Ranges", which is located in Ohio. But the toliary of madness for the written stories a recognized wizard of horror would learn exactly here.

The building of the former mental hospital

The clinic for the mentally ill was opened in 1874 and during the existence managed to give rise to a lot of frightening rumors, some of which should be admitted, were not far from the truth. So, dubious and frequently condemned by the public methodology of treatment, which, however, were often used in those years and other similar institutions, were here in the go: trepanation with lobotomy, electric shock, hydrotherapy, nothing in common with relaxing hot baths and water massage, but But often "delivering" patient from madness along with life. Almost 2000 graves located on the hospitals, on the tombstones of which, instead of names, some ordinal numbers are knocked out, indicate the sad fate of local patients.

But the most frightening accident, which happened in the walls of the institution, which now belongs to the University of Ohio, and most of the offices and the Kennedy Museum are considered to be disappearing in the late 70s of the 20th century, the patient, whose naked body later discovered in the long abandoned chamber. In place where the corpse found, a bloody spot remained. Which, if you believe rumors, I could not wash it away. The stories about the ghosts wandering on the corridors and the ghosts-spent in the silence of sleeping buildings of frightening rustles and moans went down to the closure of the hospital in 1993.

Pennhurst: School of Pain

In the United States of America, many correctional and medical institutions, around which all sorts of ominous legends walk and vita the aura of fear and horror. It is true for the Pennhurst psychic hospital in Pennsylvania, which opened in 1903 as not only the clinic for mentally ill, but also a secondary school for children with mental and physical disabilities.

A few years of work around the institution began to spread rumors that the doctors are exposed to terrible tortures on the treatment of patients: in the walls of the hospital school "Rules" punitive psychiatry, and disabled brutally beat, provoke into interne-friendly conflicts with membership and pushing to commit suicide.

After another surge of public indignation in 1987, the clinic was closed, leaving all the equipment and furniture in place. Rare coughs who ventured to sneak into the territory of an abandoned hospital, told the ghosts and poltergeists who dwelling there from empty chambers, and moving on someone's other-sided freeness of items. However, a couple of years ago, the hospital bought a private organization to arrange a horror attraction Pennhurst Asylum there. Now, to buy a ticket to a hospital school on the site of the organizers will be able to anyone, as personally, to make sure of the truth of the institution of frightening legends. True, the Children's entrance to this horror is ordered.

Trenton: "Ingenious" Henry Cotton

Effective fame founded in 1848 and working so far the State Psychiatric Trenton Hospital, located in the capital of New Jersey, is obliged to a nontrivial look at the practice of treating the mental local superintendent. Dr. Henry Cotton studied in Europe from recognized shining psychiatry - among his teachers there are such figures as Alois Alzheimer, Adolf Meyer and Emil Farther, who expressed revolutionary ideas regarding the healing of mental disorders. Obviously, the Matrah's assumptions regarding the causes of mental illness pushed Dr. Cotton to creating their own patient healing techniques.

Trenton Psychiatric Hospital.

Relying on the information obtained in 1913 that in patients with syphilis, pathogenic bacteria cause brain defeat and dementia, Henry suggested that infections are able to lead to the development of psyche disorders. Starting with the obvious "seedler of microbes", the mouth, Dr. Cotton began to remove the sick teeth, first with cavities and abscesses, and then healthy. To preserve spiritual health in your own house, this operation "Novator" has exposed itself to himself, as well as his wife with children. But since the "dizard" patients did not stop the distraught, Henry Cotton moved to a new level - he began to amputate and other "potentially dangerous" sources of dissemination of infectious infection, which is why patients who have lost vital organs often "moved" from the operating table immediately to the poll .

Hundreds of killed and thousands of crushed by the hands of one person - the result of the work of the "ingenious" psychiatrist Henry Cotton, who died in 1933 from a heart attack. Moreover, according to the method developed by him, in the Trenton psychiatric hospital continued to be treated until the 50s of the last century. Perhaps no horror stories about spirits and urban legends will be equal to those monstrous events that they actually happen in this hospital.

SIINPHUN: Ghost home

Looking at the 9-storey building of the Sainpukhun district of the Sainpukhun district in Hong Kong, it is difficult to believe that there was a terrible mental psycho in this place with unkind glory, called the local residents of the "Ghost House" for the abundance of the institutions in the corridors and the chambers of the institution. Now only the facade remains from the hospital.

Initially built by 1892, the construction was used to resettle the medical staff, but after World War II transformed into a psychiatric hospital. According to some information, during the military actions, the medical committee captured the Japanese troops, placing the management of the execution of punishments in it, in the walls of which hundreds of innocent civilians broke up with life. The legends about the ghosts living here were distributed already after closing the clinic - since the 70s, the building remained abandoned, and fans to talk their nerves, waged into his empty transitions, argued that the girl's crying and terrible sounds heard. Others convinced that they saw the mysterious ghostly figure, which was dubbed by the "devilish man." Moreover, all meetings with the unknown occurred on the second floor of a former psychic hostility.

In the 90s of the XX century, the city government decided to demolish the building, retaining partially the first floor. Perestroika ended in 2001 - now there is a public center on the site of the "house of ghosts", where the offices of a number of charitable organizations are located.

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