The most dangerous plants: in the world, for humans, poisonous, indoor, as it looks like


Nature does not cease to surprise a person with a variety of all sorts of living forms found on our planet. Separate representatives of the plant kingdom on the surface of the globe can impress not only their own beauty or ability to survive in harsh conditions, but also the threat to other living organisms. This time, the edition of 24cmi will tell about the most dangerous plants in the world, a close acquaintance with which nothing good is good for insects, plants, and sometimes for a person.

Venus flytrap

At the Atlantic Coast of the United States of America, in the states of New Jersey, Florida, as well as in Northern and South Carolina, an incredible plant grows - Venusina Mukholovka grows. Perhaps this predator from the world Botany comes to the head first when it comes to the most dangerous plants on the planet. Let this inhabitant of swampy areas in the east of the North American continent, are not at all for a person, but preferably for ants, grasshoppers and flies attracted by decomposing the remains of previous victims.

The plant is affixed by the reaction - its delicate apparatus formed by the edible parts of the leaves and makes a venerein flying like a multi-head carnivorous monster, slam down for a fraction of a second. Moreover, so that the plant reacted to the newly arrived prey, the latter should have for 20 seconds at least twice to hurt sensitive hairs on the surface of the sheet. And the digestion begins only after fivefold "triggering triggers". This mechanism prevents the reaction of the plant for inconsiderable irritants like rain or garbage droplets.

Bubble ordinary

However, it is not at all necessary to go beyond the ocean to see a carnivorous plant. In Russia, Turkmenistan, as well as in the territory of Ukraine, there is no less bloodthirsty, although not so frighteningly looking "colleague" of a veriery of a mukholovka - a bubble of ordinary, whose diet makes tadpoles, insects, fry and small crustaceans. This is a plant that lives predominantly in standing reservoirs, noteworthily its way of nutrition.

The leaves and stem bubbles are littered with numerous bubbles equipped with a one-sided valve - it is only prey to press, as it turns out inside the trap, get out of which the victim is not forces. After the death of the "captive", his body begins to decompose, and the plant absorbs the necessary nutrients.


Common in Europe and Asia, and in Russia, as in the steppes of the Crimea, and in the Far Eastern region, the ash is also included in the list of the most dangerous plants on Earth. Although thanks to the fragrant citrus aroma, its leaves are used as welding, and in folk medicine there are a lot of recipes based on it, the ash is poisonous. Especially inflorescences and seed boxes of the plant - they should not touch them and even sniff to avoid skin burns and mucosa.

The people of Yasenets are known as "unalitable bunk." It is believed that if you bring a burning match into a windless day to a blooming plant, a lilac flame will appear around it. And harmless for the very ash. Allegedly this occurs due to flowering in large quantities of essential oils.


The pain and numbness of the oral cavity is that the result of chewing the pretty gentle-blue flowers of the plant of the family of iloko, which so attract the attention of young children. No wonder the Slavs, also familiar with his poisonous properties, called the wolf, and the ancient galls used the juice of the plant for hunting, lubricating the toxins of copies and arrows.

Hazardous health represents all parts of the plant, but especially - root. In it, the concentration of aconitine capable of leading the neurotoxin heart is significantly higher than in stems, flowers or leaves. The plant is widespread in the northern hemisphere, mainly in a temperate climatic belt. In Russia, there are up to 60 of his varieties. It is often divorced by gardeners as a decorative plant due to beautiful colors, and also applied in traditional medicine. The poison is capable of penetrating not only orally, but also through the skin.


In Asia and Europe, as well as outside the ocean, in North America, it is possible to meet a poisonous, known more than water boligins, or Cycut. Externally, there is little notable umbrella plant, preferring a swampy terrain and growing predominantly on the shores of the reservoirs, is distinguished by the attractive blurring odor similar to the aroma of celery. Only here to use the Cickut to eat, despite the fairly pleasant taste, it is not worth it. In the stem, leaves, and especially in the rhizome of this deceptive harmless plant, contains cyclexin, relating to the number of strongest natural poisons.
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Finding into the body, this poisonous substance affects the central nervous system, provoking epileptic seizures, nausea with vomiting, gastric pain and leading to loss of consciousness, and then to death. Moreover, in the dry form, the concentration of toxin, which is not decomposed under the influence of temperatures, is only increasing. By the way, in Russia, the Cirut is also found, grown almost throughout the country.


It is included in the list of the most dangerous plants on Earth and Kleschevin. A spare shrub, brought to Russia and other countries from tropical and subtropical latitudes of Africa and the South American continent, is not difficult to meet in the household plots. Yes, and as a room, standing in a pot on the windowsill, a pretty plant looks good. Klecers, in addition to decorative qualities, has also medicinal properties. Actually, the famous castor oil, familiar to the Russians at least the books read in the childhood years, are obtained from Kleshiewnik seeds.

However, the leaves, the stalks and roots of the plant contain a powerful phytotoxin of ricin, which causes colitis, vomiting, provokes inflammatory processes in the small intestine and internal bleeding. Able to kill the poison irrevocably destroyed protein compounds, therefore, even surviving poisoning, it is not easy to restore the health of the victim. So having small children and domestic pets gardeners should think before planting behind the house is a plant with a milled purple-green leaves.

Borschevik Sosnovsky

Essential oils, which in abundance contains Borschevik Sosnovsky, are saturated with furanocumarines - substances that reduce the resistance of cells by the effects of ultraviolet radiation. The borshevik juice falling on the skin very quickly leads to the appearance of strong burns. For Furanokumarina's eyes and are dangerous at all - they can lead to blindness.

So a large plant, loving to grow up busy thickets along the edges of the roads, is also worthy of mentioning the ranking of the most dangerous plants in the world. Especially since the big danger represents Borschevik Sosnovsky and for natural ecosystems, destroying them. In nature, the plant was first met in the Caucasus and in the adjacent regions, as well as in Turkey. But after cultivation in the USSR, it was distributed in the Western territories of Russia, as well as in Europe, including Belarus, Ukraine, Scandinavia and Germany with the Czech Republic.

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