Nadezhda Lapshina (character) - photo, film, real story, figure skater, Aglaya Tarasova, "Ice 2"


Character History

Nadezhda Lapshina - the main heroine of Ice and Ice 2 films. Talented figure skater, which proved persistence and work - defining factors on the way to a dream.

History of character creation

Sports melodrama-musical "Ice" became the debut work of the young director Oleg Trofim. It is noteworthy that the premiere of the picture took place on February 14 - on the day of everyone in love. But this story is not so much about love, how much about the power of the girl, who dreams of a career in a big sport.

Recent years in domestic cinema on the popularity wave of the topic of space, sports and ballet. Moreover, real people become the prototypes of the main characters. But specifically in this film the character Nadi noodle is a collective way. Fragments of Russian figure skaters who have passed through serious tests are that the basis of the film "Ice".

The plot of melodrams, of course, fiction and little resembles a real story. Wonderful recovery, singing tribunes, incredible love, betrayal, envy and faith in success - all stirred and seasoned with a great acting game.

The idea of ​​the film was invented since 2012. Initially, it was more about an evil stepmother and orphaned stepdaughter, but in the end this storyline was far from the main thing. Sports and how people succeed, contrary to the entire social status, lack of opportunities and even medical conclusions, came to the fore.

The role of Nadi played Aglaya Tarasova. Given that you needed to depict the figure skater, the actress had to be given from scratch and at an accelerated pace to know the art of skating. Heroine Partner - Milos Bikovich, who played Vladimir Leonov, shared that daily classes were tough and heavy for him.

In addition to permanent training, Aglaye had to be filmed not only on ice, but even under water. Half of the film and at all the heroine spends in a wheelchair. In order to feel the tragedy of Lapshina, Tarasova specially visited the girl with the same injury in the rehabilitation center.

Rooms that performed hope on ice, Elena Maslennikov coach set. And the musical component of the final scenes caused tears of delight in the audience. The incredible success of the film at the box office led to the fact that after 2 years, Sikvel was released on the screens - "Ice 2". Like the first part, the continuation started on February 14th.

It was played by the same actors: Aglaya Tarasova, Alexander Petrov as a single father, Maria Aronov - the best coach, raising the Olympic champions. And even in the sequel focus of attention moves with hope noodle on her daughter, in each movement of a little girl on the way to great accomplishments, her mother is visible.

Image and History of Nepshina

Nadia brings up mom, who worries a lot to raise a child alone. Because of this, the heroine is getting used to leadership, but does not forget about the main dream - to become a champion.

Mom encourages her daughter's desire, leads her to engage in frozen lake, and after seeing viewing from the famous coach - Irina Sergeyevna Shatalina. But Nadi does not have a special talent, therefore it is not accepted in the section.

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However, the girl does not know about it. Mom also informs her daughter, she has a great future and incredible abilities - therefore it is supposedly asked to wait for another year, while Irina Sergeyevna teaches other, less talented students.

The truth about the refusal of Lapshin did not know - soon the black strip came in her biography. Mom dies, and Syrota takes aunt - Margosha. The earlier woman holds a stall with bananas, and in the niece she sees only the saleswoman. Dreams of hope does not take seriously.

Nevertheless, the young figure skater is not going to stop. She herself comes to the coach and demands that she take into a section, because a year has passed. Irina Sergeevna decides to give a chance to the student. Trying and perseverance are doing their job. As a result, a strong figure skateman grows out of the "ugly duckling". The lapshina comes from the offer to go to the Higher League, and it goes to Moscow to ride a pair with great Vladimir Leonov.

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Professional relationships are quickly flowing into love. But young people do not pass life tests. At the competition of Leonov, Lapshina drops, because of which the figure skater breaks the spine. Doctors in Moscow put a cross on a sport career, and the girl returns to the apartment to the aunt. Her partner quickly forgets its existence, finding another companion.

I hope only forget about your achievements. The girl is in depression, from which it is trying to bring Hockey player Alexander Gorin. For him, this is a certain penalty practice that Shatalina came up with. The guy does not believe that Nadia will rise from a wheelchair, so the boredom works with a boredom.

But at one point, the hockey player understands how nadya is unhappy. He is trying to become a girl at least a friend, forces life to love again. All attempts to raise her on their feet remain useless, while Alexander is not knocking off the car right in front of her eyes. In shock, Lapshina jumps on his feet, which means one thing - there is a chance for recovery.

Gorin throws all the forces on workout with Nadia. For noodles, it is not only a period of severe rehabilitation, and the moment of its birth is new - that, as if Phoenix, rebelled out of the aspirations, contrary to the sentences of doctors. She not only falls on his feet, but also puts on skates. And even stands on the ice along with a friend in a pair.

After the heroine is recovered from the injury, a former beloved recalls about her. Vladimir Leonov decides again to go to the competition with noodle. However, there is one barrier - Alexander Gorin. Leonov causes a friend Nadi to a frank conversation and inspires him that their relationships prevent the girl's sports career.

Gorin agrees with a figure skater and throws his beloved, heavily wounded by her recognition that he simply regretted cripples. Nadia returns to a big sport with Leonov, but at the first speech again falls. The examinations of her doctors report that the problem of figure skater in psychosomatics.

Hope feels "on horseback" only in a pair with Gorin. At the next stage of the competition of Leonov and it decides not to go out on the ice, so as not to displaced. Hockey player, learning about the failures of the figure skater, urgently flies into Moscow to support it.

In the final scene, the relationship of nipshina and Gorina is clarified right on ice during the competition. The girl believes that the guy came out of pity, so does not accept his support. Alexander is recognized in sincere feelings, and the couple is dancing under the living singing of the tribune.

The nature of the main character shows a strong person, but after the injury, she stops believing in itself and is not going to change something. And only feelings to Gorin and fear of his losing raise her to their feet.

The second part was directed by Zhora Gojberries, already known in the picture "Gorky!". In Sicle, the main characters are already husband and wife. As it should be, they soon appear a child - a girl who has the same talent as a mother.

Can the children repeat the fate of their parents, as well as the fears of Gorina for the daughter - this is what this touching melodrama, which released on large screens on February 14, 2020.


Irina Sergeevna, we came to you ten years ago with my mother. You believed in me, said, I have a talent. I do not need another coach. I will fully at your cup. Will you be the rest of my life in the apartment in the hands of carrying me? I do not hold you ... and your talisman take your own. Yes, you are silent! In the hands of going to go and come to your cup.

Interesting Facts

  • In the film, Mother Nadi played Ksenia Rappoport - Mom Aglai Tarasova.
  • The decision to shoot in Irkutsk was taken after Oleg Trofim saw the picturesque photos of the frozen Baikal.
  • During the casting, at least 500 actresses were viewed for the role of noodle. Agela Tarasov took, not even knowing that she was the daughter of Ksenia Rappoport.


  • 2018 - "Ice"
  • 2020 - "Ice 2"

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