Grigory Skovorod - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Baszy



Grigori Skovorod has a life in the wanders, but retained the love of his native land. He remembered as a talented poet, a thinker and a basinist, quotes from the works of which are widely known in the Ukrainian and Russian literature.

Childhood and youth

Grigory Savvich Skovorod appeared on November 22 (December 3) of 1722 in the small village of Chernihi, which at that time was part of the Russian Empire. The boy grew in the family of the Cossack and his spouse, which came from the genus Shang-Gireev. Parents tried to give children a decent education, the older brother of Philosopher Stepan studied in Poland.

Little Grisha often vital in the clouds, because of which he was not given work on the housework. When a frying pan turned 8 years old, he went to the Dyacon school in his native village. Later he entered the Kiev-Mogilyan Academy, where he demonstrated the ability to study languages ​​and philosophy.

During this period, the young man found talent to vocals. He was taken to the Glukhovaya singing school, and then sent to the royal choral chapel to St. Petersburg. For this reason, Gregory had to interrupt their studies, but he acquired useful acquaintances in the face of Alexey Razumovsky and Ignatia Poltavtsev.

In the summer of 1744, the young man returned to Kiev along with the retinue of Empress Elizabeth. He left singing and resumed training in the Kiev-Mogilyan Academy. But the frying pan wanted wanderings, so he joined the Tokay Commission, the purpose of which was the harvesting of wines for the royal court. According to biographers, the philosopher managed to visit Italy, Austria, Hungary and Poland.

After returning to Ukraine, Gregory got a teacher of poetics in Pereyaslav, but soon quit due to the conflict with the leadership. He tried to start studying again at the Academy, where he studied theology, but he accepted the invitation to Stepan Tomara and became Gutener for his son Vasily in the village of Kovyei. Because of the waving with the family of the ward, Grigory wanted to quit work, but still remained with the student.

Personal life

About the personal life of the Basinista is known little. He was not married and had no children.


During her stay in the carpet, the man began writing poetry. After the pupil left the father's house, the frying pan came to the Sloboda province to begin teaching the poetics in the Kharkov Collegium. Later he began to read the course of Greek. During this period, the teacher's philosophy began to attract like-minded people in the face of students. However, due to disagreements with the leadership, a man left an educational institution and drove the teaching.

Gregory retained friendship with his student Mikhail Kovalensky, with whom exchanged letters over the next years. After the death of the mentor, the pupil created his detailed biography, where the lifestyle and the philosophy of the thinker described.

After dismissal, the teacher settled at the apiary in the Gouuzhinsky Forest, where he led the harmful lifestyle. Soon he began to write Basni, becoming one of the first Basinople in Ukrainian history, and philosophical dialogues. The man continued to gather around himself admirers who shared his views on life.

In subsequent years, the thinker traveled a lot and engaged in creativity. He visited the surrounding area of ​​Kharkov, Voronezh province, Taganrog, Kursk and Orel. Among friends, the frying panities were nobles, merchants, officers and the easiest people, whom he devoted to parables, Basni and philosophical dialogues. During his lifetime, his bibliography was never replenished with printed works.

There is a legend, according to which the Russian Empress Ekaterina II learned about the talent of Gregory. She sent a man's invitation to settle at the court and teach philosophy, but he refused, because he appreciated freedom and native land.


Shortly before the death of Grigory, Mikhail Kovalensky visited to convey his works and philosophical treatises to him. The thinker died on October 29 (November 9) of 1794 in the house of his friend in the village of Ivanovka. The cause of death is unknown, but according to the statements of contemporaries, the man premonitions the death and prepared in advance. At his request, on the monument above the grave, "the world caught me, but did not catch."

In memory of the philosopher, portraits, aphorisms, translations from other languages ​​and collections of writings remained.


  • 1933 - Opened Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after Gregory Frying
  • 1946 - Created by the Institute of Philosophy named after the Gregory Frying Pans of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • 2003 - Opened asteroid 2431 frying pan
  • 2006 - The National Bank of Ukraine issued a banknote with a par with a par 500 hryvnia, which shows Grigory Skovorod
  • Monuments to the thinker installed in Kiev, Kharkov and Chernukh. In his honor, the streets in Odessa, Lviv, Zaporizhia, Kharkov, Kiev are named.


  • 1765-1766 - "Faced species of his glory"
  • 1765-1766 - "Yes Lubzhaet me from Lobzani's mouth!"
  • 1767 - "Anglassic. Square about: learn yourself. "
  • 1767 - "Simphonіa, a nailed book Ashans about Poznanіy himself"
  • 1769-1780 - "Starting door to Christian Dobron"
  • 1773-1774 - "Ring"
  • 1774 - "Basni Kharkov"
  • 1775 - "Alphabet of the World"
  • 1776 - "Book, called Silenus Alcibidis, siren and alkivadskaya icon"
  • 1780 - "The book about reading the Holy Scriptures, the wife of Lotov" is adapted "
  • 1783 - "Brank ArchReart Mikhail with Satanoo about this: Easy to be good"

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