Leading in youth: photo, Kiselev, Ekaterina Andreeva, Fashion sentence


Favorite faces from television screens have become part of life. Their image dictated fashion trends. It seems that media individuals do not change and retain loyalty to style for a long time. However, it is only the manipulation of our memory. About how famous TV presenters looked in youth and what changes occurred in their appearance - in the material 24cm.

Dmitry Kiselev

TV presenter and journalist Dmitry Kiselev remembered the viewer as a person with an inflexible position, which was considered a porger of restructuring. His appearance was reflected in the inner rebellion. In the youth, Dmitry Konstantinovich was distinguished by an informal view and flashed on screens with Iroquois.

Dmitry Kiselev in youth and now

Today Kiselev is a political observer of the channel "Russia", which looks European. Business costumes, relevant ties and an informal image in white steel Celebrity business card.

Ekaterina Andreeva

Ekaterina Andreeva in youth and now

The face of the first channel Catherine Andreeva is known as a lady that tells the main news in the time program. The star debuted in 1991 as a central television speaker.

For her career, Catherine remained faithful to the created image: smooth laying, open face, lipstick of calm tones and business style in clothing. Over the years, only the color on the lips has changed, which has become brighter. About the TV list they say that time is not authority over it.

Alexander Vasilyev

Alexander Vasiliev in youth and now

Acquaintance of viewers with Alexander Vasilyev occurred in 2008. Study on the background of colleagues, the fashionable judge helped accessories. And in the microblog of Vasilyeva, the photo is stored, where the celebrity has long hair and outfits, more enhanced on costumes with covers of glossy magazines of 80-90s. However, the fans of the stars like it, and in the comments argue that the leading "fashion sentence" is a sense of style - innate quality.

Olga Orlova

Olga Orlova in youth and now

The "brilliant" leading project "Dom-2" Olga Orlova made his debut on television as a pop singer. In the first clip "There, only there" 1996, Olga - Shahnka, and in make-up focus on the lips. Later, the search for shade of hair will begin, changing the nuances of makeup.

And today Orlova - the legislator of style on television, which adheres to laconicity in the image and is not shy to post a photo in a swimsuit on the page in "Instagram".

Vladimir Posner.

Vladimir Pozner in youth and now

The most authoritative leading of Soviet television - Vladimir Pozner - retained the positions of the Matra of Russian journalism. Spectators remember Posner on telecoms with the United States in his mature years. However, the rare photos of the leading in youth forced the ladies to reconsider the views on men's beauty. Vladimir Vladimirovich was distinguished by the features of the face and shone with a radiant smile. Fans even found similarity with Alain Delon.

Larisa Guseeva

Larisa Guzeyev in youth and now

Larisa Guzeeva, the leading "let's get married," made his debut on television screens in cinema and remembered the audience with a heartfelt look. But in the life of the star was different from the heroine, which was performed. Daring, in trendy jeans and with stacking on a sample, a celebrity in youth resembled a sophisticated Frenchwoman.

The actress was not afraid of experiments with appearance: the karea boldly changed to Pixie and cut off the bangs. And today, televas is more famous as a woman who is not ashamed to tell the truth in the face.

Vladimir Solovyov

Vladimir Solovyov in youth and now

Leading Vladimir Solovyov in his youth was a complete person. He wore mustache and shapeless clothes covering everything too much. But Vladimir Rudolfovich managed to throw off 70 kg, and today it is a slim tagged man, sharp in tongue.

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