Zoya Kudry - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Zoya Kudrya refused a career in journalism in favor of the dream to become a screenwriter. She created stories for military, detective and historical projects that conquered the hearts of Russian audience.

Childhood and youth

Zoya Anatolyevna Kudry was born on January 8, 1953 in Tula. The girl from an early age fascinated working on television, even at school she worked on the radio and wrote for the local newspaper. And after the release of Zoya went to Moscow to get a diploma of the journalist MSU, but cherished the dream to become a screenwriter.

When the study came to an end, a curl of distribution came to Ashgabat, where the article wrote for the newspaper "Komsomolets Turkmenistan". Then she returned to Moscow, but never was able to find work in the specialty. Then the girl sat down for creating the first plot and soon began to attend courses for directors and screenwriters. After their completion, Zoya became a filmmatic.

For some time she worked on NTV, wrote texts for the "Dolls" program. In parallel, the curl began to teach VGIK students, and in 2006 it was taken by the post of artistic director of the AMEDIA television company.

Personal life

With his future husband, Alexander Jüblo Zoya met while studying in Moscow State University. Shortly after the wedding, the screenwriter took the name of the chosen one. The couple had two children - Nadezhda and Alexander. The son went in the footsteps of the mother and tied life from the movie, became the director.

In 1992, Zoe Anatolyevna was born grandson Daniel. He took the post of producer RUSSIA TOODA TV channel.


The first special scenario Zoe became "Homo Novus". According to the plot of drama, a teacher of mathematics Galina alone brings up his son and regrets that he did not establish a personal life. Because of your own experiences, a woman cannot find a common language with students who eventually declare war.

After the successful release of the picture on the screens to the young Scriber's proposals fell on the work. Her filmography was replenished with such projects as "Year of Dogs", "Strawberry" and "Simple Truths". The audience conquered the plot of the series "Border. The taiga novel ", whose action takes place in the 70s of the 20th century. This is a story about the love triangle between the captain Nikita Goloshkayekin, his wife, Marina and a young officer Ivan Pillar. For the work of Zoya was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

The curl was co-author of the Spy Film Scenario "Liquidation", which went to the screens in 2007. The events of the picture are unfolded in the mid-40s around Marshal George Zhukov. In order to save Odessa from the gangster arbitrar, the hero starts developing a dangerous operation with the head of the criminal investigation department David Gotsman.

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The plot of the drama "Admiral" is based on the biographies of the Russian officer Alexander Kolchak. The picture shows the history of the admiral life, which until the end of his days was devoted to the homeland, family and views on the world. The screen version received the MTV RUSSIA Movie Awards award as the best movie.

Soon, Zoya began writing a scenario to the "Pelagia and White Bulldog" detective. The main heroine of the series was the nun, endowed with the gift of intuition and the ability to unravel complex crimes. The next successful project Kudri became the Russian screening of books about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

Then, the celebrity was engaged in the creation of the Melodrama "Shutchiks", telling about women who in the 90s delivered imported goods to Russia. After the outputs on the screens, the project was extended by the 2nd season.

Zoya curly now

In 2020, the woman completed the script for the 7th season of the detective TV series "Katran". Now the curl continues to create. It does not apply to active users of social networks and does not post photos in "Instagram". News From the life of idols, fans will learn on thematic sites about the cinema.


  • 1990 - "Homo Novus"
  • 1994 - "Year of Dogs"
  • 1999 - "Simple truths"
  • 2000 - "Border. Taiga novel "
  • 2004 - "Cadets"
  • 2005 - "Hunt for the Island"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2009 - "Pelagia and White Bulldog"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2016-2018 - "Shutchiks"
  • 2020 - "Katran"

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