Kira Evdokimova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Daughter Alexander Malinina 2021



"Let them say" and without Andrei Malakhov never ceases to surprise Russia with scandalous news every day. At the end of the winter of 2020, the daughter of Alexander Malinina Kira Evdokimova from Marriage with Olga Zarubina appeared on the Talk Show for the second time, with which he still does not want to support relationships. In the issue called the "insult of the whole life", the decision of a young woman was detailed to submit on a biological father to court and get an impressive summary of him.

Childhood and youth

In 1983, in the personal life of one of the most popular in the USSR, the singers of Romance had changed change - he divorced inna churches and married Olga Zarubina. In marriage with the latter, lasted 5 years, a child was born in 1985.

According to the artist, Hita "on the motor ship plays", the former spouse categorically did not want children. And the girl is the result of re-pregnancy, after the news of which a man went into rampant and disappeared. When he first found out that he was in an interesting position at that time, he was actively advocated for an abortion.

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The artist never participated in the upbringing of his daughter and to the meeting in the studio "Let them say" in 2011 I saw it only at 9 months of age. Father Cyre replaced Vladimir Evdokimov stepfather, surrounding care and love.

In the early 90s, the family moved over the ocean and settled in Seattle. In a new place, the star of the Soviet stage tied his professional biography with a sphere of medicine. In the middle of the zero, the woman returned to his homeland, and her only heiress remained in the United States, where attempts to get a psychological education.

After meeting with Malinin, the girl, seeing his negative reaction, fell into depression - threw her study, sharply lost weight, did not communicate with anyone and even wanted to commit suicide. Only once the musician sent money at her request - $ 700 per Art College, where the student planned to acquire knowledge in the field of hairdressers.

Despite the difficult relationship with Alexander Nikolayevich, she had a warm communication with the second family of the grandfather. Evdokimova came to relatives to Yekaterinburg, where he was actively engaged in gloomy and willingly fired with the greenhouses. It is also known that it is often rewritten and with Nikita Malinin.

Personal life

"The secret to a million" shed light on the personal life of the eldest daughter Alexander Malinina. It turned out that a young woman shocking the surrounding extravagant outfits, from January 26, 2019, is engaged with an American named Joshua Sullivan and marry him. In the past, chief chosen was a soldier, and now engaged in construction.

Dating a couple occurred in one of Seattle Casino in July 2018 and soon turned into sympathy. Mutual feelings did not prevent any age difference nor the presence of five children from the previous relationship. Lovers of the souls do not make friends in each other and live together on the outskirts of Seattle. They even have one harmful habit of two - passion for fastfood.

The second half of Evdokimova supports it in all endeavors and makes all his homework from making food before washing floors and dishes. Occasionally Kira pools the boyfriend with his corona dish - pie.


In the conversation of Olga Zarubina with Leroy Kudryavtsevaya, it turned out that until 2019 Kira never officially worked anywhere and at that time she was engaged in sewing women's clothing and hats on his own sketches. There were also flashed and rare photos, where the girl was captured in the gym in boxing gloves.

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And a year later, the viewers learned from the ether on the first channel that Evdokimov had hairdressers (haircuts, styling, hair extensions) in the beauty salon.

Kira Evdokimova now

On February 25, 2020 Kira again came to the studio "Let them say", where he stated that he intends to submit to the court on a biological father and receive millions from him for two reasons. First, for insults and slander to her and mother, and secondly, on the alimony relying on the law.

"This is not revenge. I have no feeling for him. He sued me, wanted to cut a million rubles. I brought up a child, I did not sleep at night. A man must also be responsible for him. Malinin We Hayal on the whole country, calling homeless, prostitutes. For this we need to answer, "Zarubina explained.

The opinions of those present were divided equally. Some stated that Evdokimov had a full right to this. Others supported the statements of the current wife of the singer Emma Malinina, that women are just doing that they wander around the gears and Haipheut.

"Are they normal? Here it is necessary to treat both. It can be seen that they earn programs, ready for anything, to do for this. Destroyers, of course, not in my family. I have enough for this and strength, and opportunities. And the fact that they will be sent to the court ... it's all empty, "the artist's spouse added.

And programs behind the shoulders of the main characters really got a lot. The above refers to the "actually," where the wild assumption was put forward, which Kira was the fruit of a borrowed borrowed with his father-in-law.

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