Interesting facts about the program "Galileo": presenter, fur, experiments


In May 2020, the Galileo program is returned to the STS channel. CEO of Canal Vyacheslav Murugov called the revival of the project by an answer to online education. Interesting facts about the scientific-popular format show, which existed on Russian television from 2007 to 2015 and again ready to delight the audience with exciting experiments and facts - in material 24cm.

The format "for children" was not planned

In the comments to the ether of past years, there are receptions of adults who grew up on the releases of Galileo and thank the creators for giving them to science. However, the ex-lead show Alexander Pushnya believes that the ether only recorded natural interest in physics and chemistry.

So coincided that the popularity of the show quickly moved the air for a while when the parents had not yet returned from work, and the children had already lunch at home after school. Cognitive videos for adults, which heated the interest Charismatic lead, liked the young generation, although the values ​​remained "for family viewing."

Project Idea - German Franchise

Initially, the creators of the show were viewed as an idea the original format of the children's vintage "I want to know everything." However, when viewing the German Galileo project, there was ideas to use foreign rollers in transmission.

Then, in the format, they made an emphasis on what "you can touch with your hands", avoiding topics from the life of a microworld. Next, in the 6th season, the heading "Experiments" appeared with visual experiments performed by the lead. Starting from the 15th season, which was published under the "Megagalileo", there were only Russian original scenes.

The success of the Russian show could not be repeated

In November 2020, the German program will be 22 years old. Concept can use other countries to create a television program.

Galileo was released on the Ukrainian television channel "K1" with leading Yuri Karpov, but the success of the Russian show could not be repeated. In Ukraine, the project closed due to financial difficulties, and in Germany the show is perceived as a pseudocarbonate, where the information material scientists call dubious.

Not all episodes have entered the air

During the existence of the transfer, 1084 releases were released in 14 seasons, and the 15th season was broadcast under a different name - "Megagalileo", the premiere of which was held on the CTEC LOVE channel on May 15, 2017. Were announced, but did not go to the ether of the plots "Who sews spam?" and "Increased women's chest." The rollers were removed from the censorship for censorship.

Issues still remain interesting to the audience

Despite the fact that until 2012 (13th season), the issues went out in an old format and differ in the dynamics of broadcasting from modern television, the Galileo program remains interesting to both adults and children. Since 2019, the channel "STS LOVE" showed repetitions of the transfer. In mid-May, STS announced the release date of the reborn show on May 25, 2020 with the leading Vladimir Marconi.

The "highlight" viewers consider Alexander Pushny

In German ether, the behavior of the leading transfer is more restrained and limited to the announcement of the rollers. Alexander Pushnaya created his own format, where in each episode invented an exciting eyeliner and commented on what was happening with simple words.

In the revived "Galileo" Alexander Pushnyh will not be that upset fans of the program. Forwarding Vladimir Marconi will be blogger Danya Kraster. According to Vyacheslav Movyov, the show is designed for a new generation, which has other idols.

Transfer closed for political reasons

According to official data, the Galileo program closed due to falling ratings. There is also an informal version that says that the reason for the participation of the fur in opposition rates on the Bolotnaya Square has served as a reason. Alexander himself argues that the channel planned to modernize the issues after the project came to the plateau.

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