Comedy Club (2020): show, residents, 15 years old, Caribidis, Volia, Harlamov


15 years ago, the first release of the Comedy Club humorous show was released on the TNT channel, made in an unusual at that time for the Russian viewer. For those who have passed since the opening of a decade, a draft that has changed the domestic idea of ​​the humorous genre, constantly progressed and was transformed, many modern stars of cinema, television and varieties began their career on his scene.

About how it changed over the years of the show of the show, its permanent residents will tell the material 24cm.

Pavel Volya

Pavel Will (2007/2020)

Find out in a powerful family man, a loving husband and father of the charming children of the "glamorous scum" Pavel Snow Veja will, whose performances were built on mockery over the guests who came only, can only fans who watched Comedy Club from the very beginning.

Over the past years, the resident has changed little externally, but he managed to play in a number of films to 2020 and release 6 music albums. Now Paul, still appearing on the "Comedy" scene, leads the TV show "Improvisation" and "Songs", overlooking TNT, and its solo concerts are collected by thousands of fans not only in Russia, but also overseas.

Garik Kharlamov

Garik Harlamov (2006/2020)

Another old member of the project, which is a resident of the Club since 2005, Garik Bulldog Harlamov, has managed to not only become dad, but also twice marry. And also go through the path from the frontman of the KVN teams "Unlimited youth" and "Moscow team" Mami "" to the famous all-Russian pop-up comic comic, each performance of which makes the hall cry from laughter.

At the same time, as his colleague on the site, Harlamov released several singles and disks, and also lit up at 30 with excess movies and televisers, and to some Garik put his hand as the creator.

Timur Batrutdinov

Timur Batrutdinov (2006/2020)

Friend and permanent partner of Bulldog on stage and shooting platform, Timur Kashtan Batruutdinov, success in the project sought from the lowest - for the first performance he received only 400 rubles, which only enough for a pack of cigarettes and dinner.

Now the artist has an impressive database of fans (only in Instagram at the celebrity under 2 million subscribers). Advertising agencies in vain offer contracts, and at the heart of the comedian, the participants "Bachelor" show, whose main character Timur was in the 2015 season, and "Plan B". But the artist and in the 2020th remains unmarried.

Alexander Revva

Alexander Revva (2010/2020)

In Comedy Club, Alexander Revva came in 2006, played joint miniatures with other participants, and also performed with his numbers, including in Arthur Pupgo.

During the creative activity, the club resident not only was transformed outwardly, starting to prefer instead of shoes with an open collar and long hair, solid costumes and a stylish hairstyle. He also became a famous Russian actor, able to play in one picture at once several roles, the advertisement of Beeline, and also acquired his own restaurant.

Demis Caribidis

Demis Caribidis (2013/2020)

Like other members of the humorous show on the TNT channel, I started Demis Caribidis from KVN. But the composition of the "comedy" came only in 2010, becoming a regular participant in the project. His bright and irrepressible-energetic characters deserve the sympathies of the audience.

Demis, remaining 10 years old by a resident of the club, managed to participate in other humorous shows, including Comedy Woman and HBDS. The artist was filmed in the television series "Univer" and "Our Russia" (in the latter - along with Mikhail Galustin) and full-length films, and his last year's benefit was remembered for fans of bright and original numbers.

Garik Martirosyan

Garik Martirosyan (2005/2020)

Not only a permanent resident for all 15 years of existence of Comedy Club, but also a project co-founder, Garik Martirosyan managed to visit the show and leading, and artist, speaking on the stage independently or join the miniatures of his colleagues, and a voice voice.

Now Martirosyan, who has tried himself as a movie and teleproducer, travels with steoth-concerts across the country and abroad, and also often appears on the air of other channels - as the host, then as a guest guest or a jury member.

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