Prison "Black Dolphin": prisoners, the most terrible prisons of Russia, photo


For a long time, the times have already passed when the defeated aristocrats were sent to distant snowy edges, "the state system has changed, as is the attitude to crimes. So among the places of the conclusion there were no such, around which the romantic flurle of inconsistency and freightness would be preserved. But among the prisons of the local, it turned out to be plentious for whom the fame of the most terrible in Russia was entrusted. Let's talk about where the infamous black dolphin colony is located in which the sentence sentenced to life, about the history of this place, and what conditions are contained by the prisoners.

History of "Black Dolphin"

Correctional Colony No. 6, its unofficial name of the Black Dolphin sculpture, who is decorated with a fountain located on the territory of the institution, the countdown of his own history leads from the era of Catherine Great. Restless time marked by the rebellion of the rebellion of the rebellion of the Don Cossack Emelyan Pugachev, demanded that 1773-1775, to create an urgent, where it was possible to send caught robbers after the suppression of Discharge.

For the sake of excluding problems with the transport of criminals, the territory was elected to the organization, in those disturbing years and became the focus of Pugachev uprising. Now it refers to the Orenburg region. A prison, which, hundreds of years, will be called one of the most terrible in Russia, organized in the fortress Iletsky defense. Here, the arrestants were doomed to work on the mines, mining Kyle salt, until death interrupted their earthly path. Later, the city of Sol-Iletsk, where the correctional institution "Black Dolphin" is now located on the site of the strengthening.


During the existence of the prison, located in Iletsk protection, was repeatedly transformed. So, at the end of the 19th century, the Ostrog was converted to the Arrest Department, designed for 400 people. The prisoners no longer worked in the salt mines, and they made shoes and clothing, burned alabaster for plaster, and with the arrival of heat worked on the subsidiary farm. Although in that period in the institution of sentenced to the conclusion, separately, distributing on the professionable religion and estates, punishment for all was provided for the samely strictly rods of sequins as far as the peasants and former landowners.

From 1905 to 1917, up to the revolution, Iletsk, the Arrest branch worked as a forward prison. After that, in its place organized a concentration camp for deserters, White Guards and they sympathizing, which existed in this form before the beginning of the Second World War. The institution was then transferred under the jurisdiction of the 2nd NKVD control and was transformed into an insulator to keep under investigation.

In the 50s, the prison was transferred to the department of the Ministry of the Interior, and in 1965, after another transformation, it became the place of conclusion for criminals, patients with an open form of tuberculosis. As a tuberculous prison isolator, a colony and worked in the next 3.5 decades.

IR number 6.

The modern status of a special regime colony, intended for the content of prisoners sentenced to the long periods of serving a sentence, including life, the institution received only in 2000 - after a reasonable repair and equipped with the latest means of tracking. Also strengthened and perimeter, adding block posts. Separate attention was given to the safety of prison staff, setting additional lattices at the inlet in the chamber.


According to new requirements, in a correctional institution there is a strict isolation of prisoners, not allowing mutual contacts, except for the cases provided for by the schedule. Convicts are contained in separate chambers of 2-4 people. Moreover, the models are selected by the leadership of prison, based on the recommendation of the psychologist, which allows you to minimize the likelihood of conflict situations. Those criminals whose psychological profile does not allow joint living, place in individual "apartments".

Camera B.

Also, a mandatory requirement for the content of convicts in the "black dolphin" is a continuous video surveillance that allows you to track possible disorders of the established schedule or the facts of mutual aggression from the prisoners. Other methods of monitoring criminals are also provided, as well as measures to limit freedom of movement.

So, light in the chambers, the area of ​​which does not exceed 5 square meters. m, it burns constantly - even at night, and when you leave the punishment for a walk in the composition of the convoy group, a cynologist with a service dog is invariably present. After lifting at 6:00 on charged beds, it is forbidden to go to bed or sit down to a pen. Thanks to the installed lattices, even the sky is almost not visible in the windows - only a narrow strip. Yes, and walks for which the prisoners are delivered daily, pass in a special room, and not at all on the street.

Camera in prison

Of course, there are no televisions in the chambers. The exception is made for those who spent more than 10 years in colony, unless relatives agree to acquire equipment. Maps, chess and communication means like mobile phones are under a strict ban - in one of the most terrible prisons in Russia, even electricity in the outlet, so that the prisoners were able to use the electric shaver or boil the water, they only give a couple of hours a day. Yes, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening there are radio.

Life in the territory of the colony is subordinate to the hard schedule, repeating from day to day. Only the sick, instead of a walk, weigh in the Sunchast - a little diversity in the incessant monotonous routine serving the punishment.

Path in the bag

Another distinguishing feature of the colony was black bags that put on the heads concluded when they were transferred from one case to another. This is done to make it difficult to convict orientation on the territory of the complex. Even the famous Black Dolphin sculpture, which gave the name to a correctional institution and created by Vladimir Cristopa sentenced to life imprisonment, never falls into the eyes of the artants, although the path from the gate to the prison corps lies by her. Black bags on the heads and handcuffed handcuffed hands remain unchanged attributes for convicts for any movements outside of cameras and pleasure boxes.


However, it is worth noting that the bags are also a measure, intended to protect those in conclusion from possible revenge on the part of the victims of the victims or bullets of the hired killer sent by the accogram of the convict, which "knows too much." Around the colony is quite a lot of high spirits suitable for the organization of the firing point of the sniper.

Without delight

Offered to arrestants in the "Black Dolphin" kitchen of delights, as well as local leisure, does not provide. Liquid chowder and bread are delivered directly to the chambers. Here, prisoners for lunch in the dining room do not water to avoid the occurrence of unrest. Moreover, kitchen staff transmit another soldering directly through a special opening in the camera door with a shovel with a long stalk - approach when the dispensing window is strictly prohibited.

Convicted "Black Dolphin"

All listed features of the content and precautions are difficult to be called in vain, taking into account the contingent enclosed in the "Black Dolphin". In the Sol-Iletsky prison, about which several documentary films were shot, people who committed terrible crimes fall. At 900 "guests" colonies on average account for about 3000 victims - maniacs, terrorists, killers and robbers are sitting here, most of whose acts are capable of surprising inhuman cruelty.

Cannibal Vladimir Nikolaev

So, among the arrests of correctional colony No. 6 - the murderer and cannibal Vladimir Nikolaev who deprived the lives of two people and sentenced to death, later replaced by life imprisonment. Another cannibal, serving the term in the Black Dolphin prison, Alexander Masli , dealt with four victims, among whom - the former ceaming of the criminal in the Rubtsovsky colony, where the convicted person inhabited before.

Alisultan Salikhov and Isa Zainutdinov - Two terrorists in conclusion for organizing a terrorist attack in Buynaksk, as a result of which more than 60 people died.

Vadim Ersho In - the rapist and serial killer, attacked women in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and killed 19 people. Only the case helped to hold his detention: the girl closed on the cries, who was attacked in the stairwell, a resident of the house stunned by the maniac to hand over the fire extinguisher.

Sergey Vinogradov - Serving once by the investigator in Yekaterinburg, a man serving the term for killing his mother with his daughter and another 9-year-old girl.

Maniac Vladimir Muhankin

This is not a complete list of names - for each of the doors in the "Black Dolphin" colony contains people whose crimes are able to force the most persistent person to pale. And each camera hangs a sign that resembles the staff of a correctional institution about who is sitting for which acts here, not allowing no moment to relax.

Although the legislation allows the submission of prisoners to serve to serve the sentence of life, the petitions on the conditionally early release after 25 years of staying in the colony, on the fact of these criminals to get into the will possible only in one way - after death. The judges, as a rule, refuse to be convicted of such places of imprisonment, as the Black Dolphin prison, in pardon.

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