Jubilee Yuri Yitkov: 2020, interesting facts, biography, family


On May 29, 2020, Yuriy Yitkov, a talented artist, noted, is best acquainted with the viewers of the Ivanov-Ivanov, Ivanovy-Ivanov, met his 70th anniversary. Until the end of the last century, Yuri Leonidovich's career was tightly connected with the theatrical scene - the actor appeared on the TV screens at the beginning of zero and since then he was not shot. Interesting facts about the personal life and creative biography of ICSKov - in the article 24cmi.

About "Ivanov"

Yuri Izkov recognized that at first he was wary of participation in the TV series "Ivanov-Ivanov". The reason is that shortly before the start of this project he was able to read the TV show's script with a similar plot, but disgusting quality. However, the experiences were groundless - Sitkom, in which the actor had to reincarnate into a member of the "poor Ivanov" family, Pensioner Viktor Alekseevich, hooked.

About working abroad

Yitkov was not limited to the game on Russian theatrical scenes - it was an artist to perform in foreign stage. So, Yuri Leonidovich at the invitation worked for some time in Poland - in the theaters "Small" and "Swedish". By the way, on the scene of the second, in the play "Castle", the artist embodied 6 images at once.

Cinema and television

Having devoted himself to the example of parents theater in youth, the actor did not break off to other directions for a long time. In the cinema, Yuri Yitkov played for the first time in adulthood - in 40 years. The debut role was the character of the second plan in the dramatic film of the director Mikhail Veddheva "Who in Russia live ...", shot in 1989.

Actively acting the actor has become already on the sixth top ten, at the beginning of zero. At first, many roles were episodic, but even in short scenes for the appearance of their characters on the screen, the artist managed to demonstrate a high-class and memorable game.

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About family

With the daughter of the eminent athlete-cyclist Leonid Zhidelov, hope, Yuri Leonidovich met in 1979, when the girl only finished training in a music school at the Omsk Theater. Since then, the couple does not part, although in family life, the artist recognized, did not do without difficulty.

Jicks also claims that he was not jealous of hope when she was filmed in one of the first Soviet paintings with a "nidget" - "ChP of a district scale", in which the partner of the state of the actor on the shooting platform was played by Igor Bochkin. However, Yuri Leonidovich notes, before the release of the film he did not suspect how much scene would be frank at that time.

Risk is noble

Among the numerous roles in the television and film projects in the repertoire of the ICKova, the image of the maniac - such a character was played by Yuri in the painting of Andrei Libenson "The one who extends the light", published in 2008. The episode with the participation of the actor, in which his hero is delayed service dogs, consider the dangerous trick in the film. Although animals trained 2 weeks so that they do not crush the actor truly, the risk remained great.


The audience drew attention to the actor after the brightly played image of the Help of the Antipa Sleshuba in "Grigory R.". Itsov himself remembers a funny episode that occurred during the filming of the film. According to the scenario, the artist character had to drown in a specially prepared swamp. But he could not - the air climbing the clothes did not allow to plunge.

It was necessary to build a cunning construction at the bottom of the reservoir to "drown". It turned out only with the third time, for the rope designed to make himself the bottom of Yury Leonidovich, did not get to grab due to the excitement of water.

About Stalin

Playing in the "Children of Arbat" Joseph Stalin, Yuri Izkov on a dispute resist the pause on stage 4 minutes. It was scary himself, as the audience react, but no one in the hall was lying around - there was a coffin silence. As a result, the artist won 2 bottles of brandy and estimated how the sca of the figure was the resulting leader.

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