Irina Sannikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Infectness, Coronavirus 2021



Irina Sannikova worked for more than 25 years in the posts of the infectioleteist of Stavropol and had an impeccable reputation. However, the experience did not help a woman to avoid negligence associated with the spread of COVID-19.

Childhood and youth

Irina Sannikova from the young age dreamed of becoming a doctor. That is why immediately after graduation, she entered the Stavropol Territory Medical Institute, then the internship and the residency passed. As a specialization, the girl chose infectious diseases and in 1994 she defended her thesis, becoming a candidate of medical sciences. For a while she continued to work as an assistant to Alma Mater, and then decided to make a career.

Personal life

The doctor does not disclose information about personal life and family, according to information from open sources, she has a daughter.


In 2009, Sannikova received the title of associate professor, during this period she worked at the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Medical Academy. A year later, a woman defended his doctoral dissertation and began work as a professor of Stavropol Medical University. She was allowed to oversee graduate students of absentee and full-time compartments.

In parallel with the main place of work, Irina Viktorovna was appointed main infection at the Ministry of Health of the Stavropol Territory. She was engaged in consulting in the regional infectious disease hospital and there also headed the Commission on antiviral therapy and the examination of Brucellize.

Irina Sannikova now

In March 2020, the doctor visited Spain, where Coronavirus was raging. The reason for the visit remains unknown. Some sources claim that the woman wanted to spend the daughter, others - what was on vacation, the third reported her trip to the medical conference.

After returning from abroad, Irina Viktorovna continued to work, communicated with patients and workers in the hospital, as well as with university students. Soon she felt unreasoning in the form of pressure increase and turned to the specialists of the infectious department.

On the same day, the woman made an express test for Coronavirus, which showed a positive result. Samples were aimed at analyzing the Novosibirsk laboratory, whose employees confirmed the diagnosis.

After that, the media appeared in the media that the doctor had intensive care with bilateral pneumonia. It caused panic from the leadership of the hospital and residents of the Stavropol Territory, because the woman hid his trip to Spain and did not adhere to the mandatory quarantine measures, which could be infected with a lot of people.

The press only strengthened the noise around the doctor, wrote even that Sannikova died. Later this information was refuted. The Governor of the Region, Vladimir Vladimirov, said in "Instagram" that everyone who contacted the woman could get sick, were examined for the presence of infection. As a result, another 11 people discovered suspicion of COVID-19. Hospital and university, in which Irina worked, closed on quarantine. According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, the diagnosis has been confirmed by one nurse.

Soon a message appeared that in the investigative committee, a criminal case was brought to the doctor. She is accused of violating two articles of the Criminal Code - "negligence" and "concealing information". On March 23, the Region's Ministry of Health reported that Sannikov was dismissed from the post of freelance infectious exam.

In defense of Irina Viktorovna, a representative of the United Russia party was spoken, and the former chief epidemiologist of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko. He stated that the woman violated medical ethics, but a ban on trips to Spain was not registered in the Hippocratic oath. The man did not support the decision to dismiss the physician.

Colleagues and former patients were surprised by such a doctor act. She managed to earn a reputation as a responsible person and a professional. Onishchenko suggested that negligence could be connected with the experience of the doctor. Over the years, she decided that her "does not take any infection." He added that "no doctors do not understand."

Now for the state of health Sannikova, users are watching throughout Russia, waiting for news and photos of the patient. The doctors of the infectious branch reported that it is alive and is in a state of medium severity. According to "Rise", the woman herself repents in his offense and considers himself guilty.

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