Harvey Milk - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, film, gay



Harvey Milk is a political figure of the United States and odious person in the 1970s. A representative of citizens with unconventional orientation, he undermined the foundations of the conservatism of American society.

Childhood and youth

Harvey Milk was born on May 22, 1930 in New York. Parents brought up the eldest son Robert. Harvey studied at the Bay Shor school and did not demonstrate interest in the sciences, but he loved to play basketball and football in school teams. On Fridays, the guy was in Manhattan, where he went to theater and opera.

In 1947, Harvey graduated from the Pedagogical College of Albany. Having completed training in 1951, Milk went volunteer in the fleet and served at the aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean.

Personal life

Deciding with sexual orientation, Harvey initially hid it from loved ones. In 1956, he entered into relations with Joe Campbell. The novel lasted 5 years and became the longest politician in his personal life. From 1962 he was a partner of Gay Activist Gregar Rodell. Relations were interrupted due to the compromising behavior of the beloved.

Actor Jack Galen Mcquinley at a time was happiness Harvey Milk. Men settled in San Francisco, but due to jealousy and depressed partner there was a break. Scott Smith became the new chosen one. He was younger than his beloved for 18 years.

Subsequently, Milk has repeatedly consisted of short-term connections with other men. He always walked beautifully for chosen, but not each of them was ready to accept a mad political race, which fascinated Harvey.


In 1955, Milk returned "to the Cituit" and settled the teacher to school Hyulett. With the beloved Joe Campbell, he moved to Texas, but then returned to New York and got a job in the insurance company. Subsequently, Harvey built an analyst career. The presidential elections of 1964 Milk supported the Republican Party.

During this period, homosexual relations were prohibited. Police areas took place in gay bars, and people of unconventional orientation were arrested. Such behavior of the authorities rallied homosexuals. In 1969, an attempt was incurred by the introduction of a law on the resolution of same-sex relations. Milk lived in San Francisco and kept aside from politics, but supported the dissatisfaction of like-minded people.

In 1973, Harvey held the Castro Camera store and often faced the injustice in the matter of taxation, which prompted him to tie a biography with politics. Harvey Milk performed for the interests of ordinary people, the reform of the election of urban observers, supported Liberals and the right to privacy, which assumed the sexual interests and use of light drugs. The speech of the running policy was inspiring and attracted the attention of the presses in the elections in 1973. Of the 32 positions, Harvey took the tenth.

In 1975, Milk again tried to enter the Municipal Supervisory Board. Speaking for the interests of a small business, he attracted large companies to the city and gained support for trade unions. Elected in 1976 Mayor George Mosona appreciated the contribution of the Milka, so he made it a member of the Commission on Appealing permits. So Harvey became the first GEM of the United States in the position of the city representative of the authorities. A month later, Milk declared a decision to run into the state assembly and was fired, becoming a political outcast.

Harvey came against the system. In 1977, he conducted a political campaign, promoting the improvement in the health system, free travel in transport, a decrease in the cost of the lease, etc. Politician entered the city supervisory board. In the new post, he fought with speculation, defended the rights of senior citizens and gays.


Harvey Milk was killed on November 27, 1978. The cause of death was the shot, perfect by Dan White, long-standing opponent Milka. He burst into the office of the mayor of George Moscon, killing him, and then sent his anger and Harvey. In 1984, the killer came out of prison, and a year later he broke up with life.


The murder of Harvey Milka stirred up the wave of protests. In honor of the outstanding figure in San Francisco called the Square. In 1978, his name took gay's urban democratic club. In 1982, the book "Mayor of Castro Street" came out, and in 1985, the Harvey Malka for adolescents with unconventional sexual orientation appeared in New York.

About life Politics in 1984 removed the Oscarone film "Times Harvey Milk". In 1991, the musical of the "show Harvey Milka" came out, and after 4 years, the premiere of the opera about him. In 2008, in the Russian cinemas, Harvey Milk tape was shown, the main roles in which the actors of Sean Penn and Josh Brolin were performed. Policy memory is carried and preserved photos.

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