The most dangerous roads of the world: a plot, movement, accident, legend


Some people are panicly afraid to fly, but statistics stubbornly confirms that much more of all sorts of emergency situations leading to irreparable consequences and victims occurs on roads. About the most dangerous roads of the world - in the material 24cm.

"Death Road" in Bolivia

Fifty kilometers of the mountain road, since the 30s of the last century connecting the Bolivian cities of Koroiko and La Paz, the locals have long dubbed the "dear death". Appears snake ribbon path, then rising to a height of 4.5 kilometers above sea level, then sharply go down, has no fences capable of preventing falling into the abyss. And the quality of the coating, forever dirty and slippery, the track on which not to disperse two cars, not to boast.

So, when looking at this sight of Bolivia, there are no questions, why the road is dangerous, the terrible state of stretching over the abyssful serpentine is striking immediately. Every year, in these parts, 200-300 people are dying - the movement here is relatively lively, and often at the next turn of the road down passenger buses, carrying local residents, and sometimes tourists.

Highway Dalton in Alaska

The most remote from the settlements of the highway in the United States, named after the engineering designed its engineer, has a length of 666 kilometers and is among the most dangerous roads of the world. Highway originates in the middle of the state of Alaska, and ends almost the very coast of the Arctic Ocean.

It is not surprising that the road, most of which is deprived of the asphalt coating and is a gravel embankment, is considered the most snow-covered in the country. The precipitates and formed on the surface score make greatly difficult to control vehicles and often lead to accidents.

Those courses who are decided to go on a journey through the Dalton's highway to enjoy picturesque natural beauty, local authorities strongly recommend stock all necessary in advance. If something happens on the way, then the help may not have time - there are only three small settlements along the route, two of which are intended for seasonal workers and most of the year uninhabited.

Tunnel of Hollyan in China

In the central part of China stretched through the central part of China, the province of Henan Mountain Ridge Tahanshan was laid a road connecting the remote mountain village of Hollyan with the rest of civilizations. This path was replaced by an extremely dangerous stone staircase, according to which the locals until the 70s of the last century were descended from the peaks.
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And the most remarkable and extremely dangerous portion of this high-altitude track is considered a segment of 1.2 kilometers, which is carved into the rock tunnel, called the mentioned settlement. In the external wall of the latter, "windows" cut down, allowing to look at travelers to the picture opening under the legs. And with insufficient skill of driving a car or inattention, it also get into an accident, for the fences are not arranged everywhere.

According to the local legend, the tunnel in the sheer cliffs gave up 13 residents of the village, which, selling the harvest and livestock, acquired a passing equipment and started laying the road through the mountains - they left for 5 years. In reality, the peasants were much more - the funds were collected by the whole of the village, as participated in the creation of a local attraction.

"Staircase Trolls" in Norway

On the territory of Norway there is enough places attracting the attention of numerous tourists. In addition to all sorts of beauty, there are a kind of nature, the road connecting the cities of Valdal and Ontalsnes also includes similar attractions. More precisely, her mountain plot called the "Staircase Trolls".

It is noteworthy that on this segment the road, as if driving to the tops of the Mountains of the Snake, makes 11 sharp turns - published it and really resembles steps intended for the legs of mountain giants.

Because of the sudden turns and the features of the relief, as well as harsh weather conditions and uneven width, in places reaching only 3.3 m, the road and dangerous, because not every driver can cope with the management here. In order to avoid unreasonably high emergency, on the winter season the track is closed.

Highway Air in Australia

Believe that stretched at 1664 kilometers through a non-noticeable plain nullarbor in Australia almost direct highway with excellent asphalt coating refers to the number of the most dangerous roads on the planet, difficult. And in fact, part of Perth connecting the city and Adelaide, the route network does not look a melting threat.

The absence of sharp turns turning the road to the perfect straight. A monotonous desert landscape, where the eye is not for having to cling, because even the trees are rare. Yes, and the weather does not happen. However, the Eyre highway is still unpleasant to surprise.

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It is because of the incredible boredom who accompanied the driver relaxing on a high-quality smooth and straight road, and numerous emergencies occur here. That will fall asleep someone behind the wheel and, turning off the track, will turn over to the stone that turned up under the wheels. And then the animal will suddenly pop up in front of the hood - the brain duplicated with a radiant monotony does not have time to react to a new road participant. And the wild emu, camels and kangaroo there are enough. But here is to the nearest housing - hundreds of miles.

Road through Stelvio Pass in Italy

In the Eastern Alps, in Italy, Stelvio Pass is located, to which a winding serpentine leads. Opening from a height of 2.7 kilometers landscapes are able to charm even the most unresponsive traveler. That's just the time to look at the driver from the driving driving, traveling along the track leading to the passage, will not be 75 cool turns on this road will not be allowed to bother even an experienced shoe.

Among the main causes of accidents on the highway, accidents are called, oddly enough, excellent quality of coverage and biddler standing everywhere. Due to the illusion of the safety, the drivers relax and on the next "hairpin" "go from the track". Motorcyclists are becoming more often the rest of the victims of the accident here.

Winter in Russia

Do not be mistaken and think that difficulties are preparing exclusively foreign routes, - in Russia, too, have enough problems in the way, starting with the places of "killed" coverage and up to sudden collaps and collaps, when cars in the middle of the route go under the ground.

However, it is a mansion of "wintering" - roads that can be exploited only during the cold period, when, thanks to the frost, the impassive dirt or irresistible water barrier freezes and the journey becomes possible.

About most of these "wintering" it is possible to say that they are the most dangerous roads of Russia. For example, every year in winter the paved road between Nadym and Salekhard is 350 kilometers in a snowy steppe, where the polar night is not difficult to burn the hood in the snow or get lost in Purga. And all the time not to find a single village. So, if something happens, wait for help in the middle of the icy desert, hundreds of kilometers from human housing will not be easy.

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