Birthday of Julia Baranovskaya: 2020, biography, children, Arshavin


On June 3, 2020, the popular Russian television broadcasting, Julia Baranovskaya, noted the next birthday, was 35 years old. Starting his television career in 2014, the celebrity had time to not only become one of the first channels, becoming a hostile program "Male / Women's", but also to assemble the whole army of fans - now in "Instagram" she has more than 2 million subscribers.

Interesting facts from the personal life and the creative biography of the star - in the material 24cmi.

About school

Julia Baranovskaya studied at the University of St. Petersburg Aerocosmatic Instrumentation, but did not finish - in 2005 she gave birth to the first child from Andrei Arshavin. And since by that time I realized that the specialty received was not suitable for her, Baranovskaya did not return from academic leave. However, without education, Julia did not remain - in 2010, he received a diploma of the private London Art School Sotheby's Institute of Art.

About resourcefulness

At the 6th age, Baranovskaya sang as part of a children's choir. And to get into it the future celebrity helped the promue. After having listens, the little Julia, while the adults were engaged in their affairs, from a bunch of sedied children, the group was imperceptibly moved into the group to the past.

Oh Chado

Rumors about the novel of Julia Baranovskaya with Andrei Chadov, who refused TV presenter. She argued that it is only a warm and friendly relationship. Although the fans have noticed that the joint photo of stars in social networks is a delicate atmosphere, so that it is limited only to friendship.

The version was put forward that celebrities could not be together, because at that time Yulia Baranovsky lived in London and only sometimes visited Russia.

On Father

With the father of Julia, in childhood, difficult relationships have developed - he left the family when the daughter was only 10 years old. After that, Baranovskaya for a long time avoided communicating with him. Only in 2016, the relationship with her parent began to be established - on the initiative of the mother of the TV presenter Gennady, Baranovsky met with grandchildren after 8-year separation.

About the proposal

Andrei Arshavin offered Baranovskaya to marry, but she responded with a refusal - at that moment a friend of the football player hatched the child and did not want to marry a pregnant woman. According to the future TV presenter, she wanted a real, lush wedding, and the desired belly did not allow the desired. As a result, with marriage and did not work out - shortly after the birth of the firstborn, Julia became pregnant, and Andrei did not return to the conversation about the wedding.

About chocolate

Baranovskaya admits that, despite the common opinion about sweet tooth girls, since childhood does not apply to chocolate lovers. According to the lead, in his youth, it would prefer to eat a salty cucumber, leaving a sweet little mother. With age, the situation has not changed. However, this is one of the reasons why Julia manage to maintain a slim figure and do not deliver themselves with workouts and diets in the fight against overweight.

About clothes and kitchen

Julia Baranovskaya does not like purchased clothing. Much more of it attracts the opportunity to create something else. So, over the design of many outfits from our own wardrobe, the celebrity worked independently, after ordering the manufacture of the prepared sketches of his dressmaker. Also, the star loves to cook - cover the table for the guests who came on the occasion of the holiday for her is not a problem.

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