Scotty Pippen - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Basketball 2021



Scotty Pippen is a basketball player and a former partner of Michael Jordan on the Team "Chicago Bulls". For 10 years, the athlete consisted of an NBA League Club and together with the famous colleague went to the parquet for 6 championship seasons. In the NBA, he performed in 17 seasons.

Childhood and youth

Scotty was born in the American town of Hamberg, Arkansas, September 25, 1965. The boy turned out to be junior in the family, where, besides him, another 11 brothers and sisters were brought up. The biography of Pippen was not easy: a father, a paper factory worker, turned out to be paralyzed as a result of a stroke in 1971, and children were forced to work from an early age.

Scotty smiled good luck. After school, he miraculously was able to go to the college, where he met Archie Jones Basketball coach. The mentor helped him to be mastered in the Aza of Professional Basketball and entered into the University of Central Arkansas. Pippenu has nothing to pay for study, the guy's scholarship was not provided. Thanks to the kindness of teachers there were connections, and Scotty recommended the Chief Coach of the University of Don Dyer. The young man was offered a worker grant and the position of the manager of the football team. Having worked on in his free time, in the educational Scotty studied management in the manufacturing area.

Personal life

Scotty was married several times. The short-term alliance with Karen McColaum was marked by the birth of the son of Antron. After 2 years, the couple divorced, and already in 1997, Pippen married Lars Yun. Spouses brought up four children - Scotty, Preston, Justin and Sofia. In 2018, the second marriage of the basketball player collapsed.

Pippen also became the father of the girl named Sierra, which the former Bride of Ivette de Leon gave birth to him. The Sony Robin model gave a basketball player two daughters, Taylor and Tyler. The second girl died 9 days after appearing on the light.

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The athlete consisted in other romantic relationships. For example, in his youth, a man even met with Madonna.

The former basketball player now lives, fans will learn from Pippen's accounts in "Instagram" and Twitter. Scotty will often post a photo and divides news about themselves.

The celebrity growth is 203 cm, and the weight is 103 kg.


Pippena managed to become the best player at the university, although it did not guarantee the prospects for professional career. Already in 1987, Forward became an active player "Supersonix Seattle". But very soon a fateful transition to Chicago Bulls took place.

The first time of Scotty was among the spare, but by 1989 began to appear on the site and even performed by the main partner of Michael Jordan and Dennis Rodmanana. The partners helped Pippen to develop, and this trio brought the team to a new level of the game. Being a light striker, Scotty turned out to be fast and maneuverable. He often performed in defense and did successful transmission. In the early 1990s, the guy was among the best team players. He began to trust work with the enemy, and in some games it was the sports manner of Pippen helped to achieve victory. So, in the 1991 final series, he brought the "bulls" in the NBA champions, having stressed a fight with rivals from Lakers.

The Peippen team was led three times within the League, and all Lavra got Michael Jordan. Scotty remained on the second roles and made an important work that helped the team to win. An important event of this period was the departure of a companion from the club. Jordan left the "bulls", giving the opportunity to Pippen to show what he is capable of. The 1993/1994 season demonstrated the player's talent in all its glory. The return of Jordan again dropped him into the shadow, but Scotty did not compare about this. Together with the colleague, he took a team another 3 times on the 1st place of the NBA Championship.

Subsequently, Jordan left professional sports, and Scotty moved to the club "Houston". The player of 8 years in a row became a representative of the national team of all stars. Experts noted the speed of his reaction, developed thinking of the strategist and the protection tactics. In 2000, Pippen almost won the champion title for the Portland team, but the players gave way to Lakers.

Career Scotty ended in Portland. The team did not demonstrate outstanding results, and the player tired of the turbulent sports life. He spent the last professional season in Chicago Bulls, but was no longer the star that in his youth. The composition of the collective was updated. At the end of the season, Pippen left the club. In 2004, he officially completed the sports career.

In 2010, the player was accepted in the Hall of Fame of Nasismit. Players remained as a heritage athlete, for whom he spent professional trainings in his youth. The merits of the athlete in front of the NBA are highly appreciated. Scotty Pippen is called basketball world stars.

Scotty Pippen now

The nephew of the basketball star Kevin Pippen went in the footsteps of the uncle and became an athlete. Now Scotty follows the career of the ward. In 2019, as an expert, he commented on the Events of the profile area and gave an assessment of current players.


Command achievements

  • 1991-1993, 1996-1998 - NBA champion
  • 1992, 1996 - Olympic champion

Personal achievements

  • 1990,1992 -1997 - Participant of seven matches of all NBA stars
  • 1992-1999 - 8 hits in the 1st national team of all stars of protection of the NBA
  • 1994 - the most valuable match player of all NBA stars
  • 1994 -1996 - 3 hitting in the 1st national team of all stars NBA
  • 1995 - Leader of the 1995 NBA Regular Championship

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