Drew Fuller - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Drew Fuller is an American actor, known to Russian audience in participating in the "Enchanted" series. In the filmography of Artist, there is a picture that was going to nominate to Oscar.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in May 1980 in the California town Atherton, in the population of which the rich Flooking Americans prevail. Drew has the younger sister Hilary.

In the model business, Fuller was invited to 12 years old when the agent saw a photo of a teenager, placed by another family on the cover of the UCLA magazine. However, Drew had time and began the biography of the model only after 4 years. Behind the shoulders of Fuller, whose growth is 185 cm, participation in Prada, Toyota advertising campaigns, SUBWAY.

Personal life

About the personal life of Fuller knows little. In his youth, the actor met with Sarah Carter, and in the second half of the 10th of the 21st century - with the Australian colleague Claire Van der Bum. Later, Drew attributed a novel with an actress and model Ariel Vaddenberg, which is now engaged to Matt Katsholl and post a photo with the fiance on the page in "Instagram".

A man is engaged in yoga, plays tennis and basketball, riding on "boards" both in the snow and water. In 2019, fans were concerned about the news on the decline in Drew's weight, which previously possessed a luxurious torso.


In 1999, Drew his debut in the series "Partners". The popularity of the guy came after filming in the "Vampire clan", in which Fuller fulfilled the major role of the young killer Roderik Justin Farrell. In 2003, the actor flashed in the series "Lonely Hearts".

The Hero of Fuller in the "Enchanted" Chris appeared in the last series of the 5th season and quickly loved the audience. The series presented Drew the opportunity to work with such actresses like Holly Mary Combs (Piper Hollyllil), Alisa Milano (Phoebe Holliell), Rose McGowan (Page).

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In the finals of the 6th season, the director "enchanted" donated the character Drew. Chris killed Elder Gideon. In the next seasons, the Fuller series as a guest star periodically appeared in flash stakes.

In the first six seasons of the multiserial drama "Army wives" Drew played Lieutenant Trevor Leblana. In the spouse of Fuller character reincarnated Sally Pressman. The roles of Drew in the detective thriller "Last Instinct" and Panaman Drama "Outside Brotherhood"

Drew Fuller now

In 2019, Drew filmography was replenished with the series "Love, Fall and Order". In May, a clip was released on the song of the singer and actor Brendon Jenner Death of Me, delivered by Fuller.

In August 2019, at the Film Festival in Philadelphia, the premiere show of the film Test Pattern, in which Drew starred. The rental picture, considering the problems of racism and sexual violence, was released in 2020.


  • 1999 - "Partners"
  • 2000 - "Academy Voodoo"
  • 2002 - "Vampire clan"
  • 2003 - "Lonely Hearts"
  • 2003-2006 - "Enchanted"
  • 2006 - "Last Contract"
  • 2006 - "Last Gift"
  • 2007 - "Blonde with ambitions"
  • 2007-2012 - "Army wives"
  • 2011 - "Maritime Police: Los Angeles"
  • 2014 - "Last Instinct"
  • 2017 - "Outside Brotherhood"
  • 2019 - "Love, Fall and Order"
  • 2020 - Test Pattern

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