Julia Donaldson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



English writer Julia Donaldson creates for children. The woman started with the play and songs for the radio, and eventually became famous for the rhymed fairy tales dedicated to Grofalo, Zogu and other incredible heroes. The author's books are published by millions of circulation, they are transferred to foreign languages ​​and fall into the basis of the shields.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in the Northern District of London Hampeeda in 1948. Parents James and Elizabeth Shields together with the daughters of Julia and Mary lived in a three-story family house, where there was a place of her grandfather and grandfather, as well as the family of aunt Beta, her father's sisters.

Julia's parents worked a lot: Father, a graduate Oxford, translated, taught psychiatry with a clinic and engaged in genetic studies, Mom built a career in the military industry. Evenings they spent in a music club, where they sang and played on the instruments, and the music firmly entered the girl's life. She wanted to manage everything: playing the piano, sing in the choir, read poems, play in school productions and learn foreign languages.

Owning German, French and Italian, the girl of 1967 entered the University of Bristol, at the end of which received a diploma diploma. In addition to languages, Shields engaged in dramatic art here and, together with students, organized performances and musical performances with which young people went to the scenes of bars and city streets.

In the early 1970s, Julia got a job in Michael Joseph Publishers publishing house, where he came from the position of the secretary to the younger editor, later then turning to work on the Bristol radio. At the same time, the theater and music did not leave the woman, continuing to participate in production and write songs. She managed to even create a couple of musicals who were walking in London and Bristol.

Poems, songs, scenes and scenarios for radio broadcasts soon steel for the author the main source of income. At the same time, she graduated from College in Brighton, which allowed her to work as a teacher of English. Later, already being the mother of three children, she continued the pedagogical work at school as a volunteer.

Personal life

Personal life of the writer happily developed in the student. The future husband Malcolm Donaldon lived behind the wall in the student dormitory. They traveled together, engaged in creativity. The medical student played the guitar, and Julia sang, and they performed a duet, successfully touring Europe. In 1972, lovers got married. Malcolm became a doctor, and the couple often moved, having time to live in Brighton, Lyon, Bristol and Glasgow, where the family eventually settled and dwells to this day.

Donaldsons were born three sons - Hamish (1978), Alişer (1981) and Jess (1987). The tragic page in the biography of Julia was 2003, when a 25-year-old senior son, who suffered from a mental disorder, committed suicide. The remaining children live in the UK and presented four grandchildren to parents.


Being a playwright on the radio, Julia caught fire from the idea to publish written in the form of a book. So in 1993 it appeared "if in the house is closely" decorated by a German illustrator Axel Sheffler, the first work with which broke into fruitful many years of cooperation.

In 1999, the Bibliography of the Englishwood was replenished with a fairy tale "Grofalo", which presented enthusiastic reviews, literary awards and world glory. A good-natured monster became a favorite of children from around the world, and in 2009 they even removed the cartoon.

Dragon Zoga, Giant George, Cat Timothy Scott, supercharmer and other amusing characters become other popular heroes of Donaldson. In total, the writer is dozens of books, among which are not only fairy tales, but also reading benefits, textbooks and plays for the children's theater.

Julia Donaldson now

Now the author continues to write new books, one of which became The SMEDs and the Smoos, created in the coalboat with an illustrator Aksel Sheffler and published in 2019. On the plans for the 2020th, you can find out on the official website of Julia, where the photo of the writer is located on the main page, surrounded by the folly heroes invented.

The woman also finds the time for charity, participates in the Bookbug program, encouraging parents to enter the life of children reading and instilling a book culture. In his free time, Donaldon sings, plays a piano and writes songs.


  • 1993 - "If the house is closely"
  • 1999 - "Grofalo"
  • 2000 - "I want to mom!"
  • 2002 - "New Giant Outfit"
  • 2003 - "Snail and Kit"
  • 2004 - "Gearfalo daughter"
  • 2005 - "Favorite book Charlie Cook"
  • 2007 - "Tulka. Little Fish and Big Frame "
  • 2009 - "Timothy Scott"
  • 2011 - "Communion Bunny"
  • 2012 - "Supercrumb"

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