Victor Hara - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Chilean Poet



In July 2018, 45 years after the death of the Chilean poet and singer Viktor Hara and director of the gendarmerie, Littre Kirogov, the final sentence was made guilty of the crime. Eight of the nine former military gave 18 years in prison - 15 for the murder itself and 3 on charges of abduction of both sacrifices, and also obliged to pay them to relatives more than $ 2 million. As you know, the musician's wife from the day of the death of her husband never ceased to seek Justice happened.

Childhood and youth

At the end of September 1932, the 28th, the peasants of Manuel Hara and Amanda Martinez, the fourth child Viktor Lidio appeared. Before him, the spouses were engaged in the upbringing of senior Mary, Heorthina and Eduardo. On the place of birth of the future victim of the military coup, Augusto Pinochet, the views of researchers are still: Some point to San Ignacio, others - on Chilean Viejo, the third - to Kirikina Island. Subsequently, he together with his family moved to Lonken.

Father with a mother from dawn to sunset disappeared in the fields, working on large landowners, but there was no significant income: there was enough money only for modest food and some clothes. Therefore, parents from an early age attracted her sons and daughters to work, but this did not improve their position. The head of the family could not feed the households, began to abuse alcohol, and in the end, and left his wife with his children at all.

It is from Amanda, Viktor was transferred to creative abilities. The woman masterfully owned two musical instruments and performed at local events as a performer of folk songs. In addition, unlike the former husband, she insisted that each of the heirs would be educated and a good profession. Also rooted in a boy interest in art and rural teacher, who shot a room in their house: A man taught to play the guitar.

Due to an accident (a boiling water boiler fell on one of Martinez sisters), the family turned out to be in Santiago, where children once again changed school, and the mother set up a cook in a cheap cavo. Subsequently, she managed to accumulate some money and open a small restaurant for workers. Opposite him there was a wine shop where Omar Pulgar, who became the next mentor of Victor.

As for education, the young man first studied at the expense, but because of the death of the mother threw this occupation and settled the furniture larger. Then he entered the spiritual seminary of the Order of the Holy Savior, but after 2 years he left her.

"I had certain relationships with the church, and at that moment I found shelter in it. I thought the church would tell me the way to other values, will help to find a deep love, which, perhaps, will reimburse the absence of human love. I thought to find this love in religion, becoming a priest, "the musician explained his decision.

Having gave the debt home and served in the Infantry School, the young man after demobilization settled by Sanitar Ambulance, then joined the Chile University Chile, having left with his colleagues in the folklore expedition. In March 1956, Hara joined University of Chile to theatrical program and even received a scholarship.

Personal life

Victor's acquaintance with the future wife - British Joan Alison Turner occurred in 1961, when he studied at the university, and she, who was a soloist of the National Ballet Chile, gave the lessons of dance in the theater school at the university. Behind the woman you liked, the singer cared for romantic, for example, to raise her mood after the disease, narrowing a bouquet of flowers straight from the flower beds in the park.

Personal life has been harmoniously, the lovers soon got married and took up the education of children - the eldest manuela, daughters from the first marriage of Joan, and Amanda, named after Mother Victor.

The spouse of the soul did not care in her husband and when he was cruelly killed, stated that she had died with him at the same moment. She could not even think about repeated marriage, so strong was her love for Viktor.

Politics and creativity

In 1957, the acquaintance of Victor with the singer Violete Parre was acquainted, thanks to which the novice artist received the necessary knowledge in the field of folk music. At about the same time, he tied his creative biography with the Cuncumen Folk team.

Gradually, Hara, who remained aside from political events, engulfed his native country, turned into an essay of own author's songs. "Man with a guitar" recorded the hymns, participated in demonstrations, and after visiting Cuba, where Fidel Castro was impressed by the actions of Fidel, and the USSR, where he remained conquered by his open and good inhabitants, no one who was unreacted by the conquest of Cosmos, joined the Communist Party.

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He often devoted his compositions for freedom of Che Guevar, Salvador Alende and Ho Chi Min. The man released the debut album Víctor Jara (Geografía) in 1966 and the famous "Questions about Puerto Monte" in 1969, which contained a direct accusation of the government in arson of the housing of the poor.

In the 70s, Hara actively supported the presidential candidate Alende, voluntarily participating in his election campaign and giving free concerts during her. For a couple with his wife, the musician who held the post of theatrical director and did not forget about teaching activities at a technical university, became a key figure of the cultural revival of Chile.

"I want our boys to have the opportunity to develop, whether they compose music, whether ore is mining whether bread is grown. Such opportunities are revealed by the government of national unity. The changes in which we participate are the best of what can happen in my homeland, "he said.

Everything changed as a result of the September 1973 coup, which occurred with the support of the United States.


On the morning of September 12, 1973, the Chilean military grabbed Haru, who was at the university, and together with thousands of the same victims were dragged to the stadium turned into a real concentration camp. For four days over Viktor, cruelly mocked (they launched a current, beat the face and head with the goals of weapons, broke their fingers and bones in 30 places, crushed their hands) for supporting the left ideas and was a voice of the Chile's communist movement.

At the end, the tormentors asked him to sing some song. The musician and before inevitable death did not change its principles and fulfilled the protest "we will win." Literally immediately after that, there was a shot into the head, which was the cause of death, and then the body was extended by 44 bullets.

Even under the torture, a man did not forget about his beloved wife, arranged so that the woman would give a message that he loves her, as well as where their car was parked. Joan after identification secretly buried the spouse on the general cemetery and hastily left the country. Subsequently, she devoted all his life to the perpetuating of the memory of Hara, the preservation of his heritage and achieved the killers to suffer punishment.

As a result, in 2018, Lieutenant Pedro Barmentos, Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Sanchez Marmonti, Roberto Supper, Raoul Hofre, Edwin Dimter Bianchi, Nelson Assa, Louis Betke and Jorge Smith on the final decision of the judge of the Court of Appeal Santiago Miguel Vasquez received real prison terms. Another retired military appointed 5 years of imprisonment for concealing crimes.

January 11, 2019 Netflix released a documentary film RemaStered: Massacre at the Stadium, containing rare photos, video and interviews, as well as a statement of Barmentos about his own innocence.


  • In memory of Victor Hare, a small planet is named (2644), open by astronomer of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Nikolai Black on September 22, 1973.
  • The Clash sing about Victor Hare at Washington Bullets, in the album Sandinista! 1980.
  • In 1987, U2 included the One Tree Hill track, containing rows dedicated to Viktor Hare, in their album The Joshua Tree.
  • In 2003, the stadium, where Victor Hara died, was named after him.
  • Dean Reed composed a song and played a major role in the biographical film about the Hare "Singer".
  • "Ballada about Victor Hare" is dedicated to Yuri Visboring a killed musician.
  • According to the events related to the death of Viktor Hara, the Soviet musician Alexander Gradsky created the Rock Opera "Stadium".
  • Street Fighting Years from the Simple Minds group of Simple Album is devoted to the memory of the Chilean singer.
  • The Portuguese Music Group Brigada Víctor Jara is named in his honor.
  • Chuck Brodsky recorded a song called "Hands of Viktor Hare".

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