Series "Several Steps to Love" (2019): Release date, Actors, Director, Russia-1


On July 4, 2020, in the evening air of the channel "Russia-1", the audience will again see the series "Several Steps to Love" with Elena Zaharova in the lead role, the release date of which was held on holidays on January 6, 2019. The actors and the role of the film, as well as interesting facts from the set - in the material 24cm.


The series "A few steps to love" reveals a line in the plot dedicated to the topic of betrayal and repentance. The film was intertwined in complex moves in the relationship between mother and daughter.

The main character of the main character of Larisa will also fall a test by the real, where she is going to marry an unloved man. In parallel, the woman learns about the events of the past years, the price of which was the happiness of motherhood. And the desire to be justified for other people's sins and will turn into changes in life at all.

Actors and roles

Starring starred:

  • Elena Zakharova - Larisa, the hostess of the network of boutiques, which intends to marry Mikhail. Relations with beloved are more reminded by partnerships, but the mother of Larisa is insisting on the union of young people. Plans are changing after exploring Sergei, who claims that he is her son.
  • Vladislav Reznik - Dmitry, former beloved Larisa, who was picking up a child from the orphanage. After the death of his wife, a man stayed with her daughter and topped his mountain in alcohol. Larisa's son, Sergey, asked to help his father in raising a child while he serves in the army.
  • Ruslan Chernetsky - Mikhail, entrepreneur and groom Larisa. Will the case, he also becomes a hostage of the current situation, which has become a check of the feelings of future spouses. The man has to put up with changed conditions in life. Nevertheless, the son and a former beloved bride become an obstacle to family happiness.
  • Natalia Aladko - Natalia, Mother Larisa. A woman makes decisions for the daughter that becomes the cause of the tragedy in life. Only after a while, the daughter understands the goats of Mother and is ready to take the life initiative into his own hands.
  • Sergey Walkov - Sergey, Son Larisa, left in the house of Baby. The young man is confident that he was betrayed. However, later, the hero learns about the deception and justifies the mother.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the project became Eduard Palmov, known as the director of the work of "Dr. Snail", "Galina".

2. Judging by the photo Elena Zakharova on the page in "Instagram", the shooting of the series began on September 9, 2018.

3. On December 6, 2017, a daughter was born at the leading role. The star began to start when the baby was about 9 months old. Surprisingly, but in the frame of Elena looks great. However, the celebrity appeared to subscribers with a question where to find strength and inspiration for work at 8 am.

4. The series "Several Steps to Love" received an ambiguous review of the audience, who embarrassed the open finale. And in acting work, Sergei Walkov was noted, debut in the film "State Border" (2014) in an episodic role.

5. This is not the first work of the director and operator Alexey Katsueva. Previously, the creative duo created such works as the "Matrona Effect", "Know the future. Life after Vanga "and" Domrabota ".

6. The shooting of the series was held in the walls of the real hospital in Minsk.

7. The series "Several Steps to Love" does not contain a role in the titers performed by the director. Edward Palm Played Doctor.

The series "Several Steps to Love" - ​​Trailer:

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