Ferb (character) - pictures, "Finés and Ferb", cartoon, prototype


Character History

Ferb Fletcher - Funes Finenna's consolidated brother. Silent genius, versed in drawings and design, implements incredible ideas of the best friend.

History of character creation

The idea of ​​the animated series appeared at Jeff Marsha and Dan Perenmair still during work on other projects - "Simpsons" and "Futurama". They expressed the desire to refer to these cartoons for the summer vacation.

However, the history of the creation of Phineas and Ferba took 16 years. During this time, the authors decided to release a separate cartoon. A picture showing the world that opens if you discard console and video. Therefore, the main characters are the consolidated brothers - do not sit at home, but go outside to create, invent and enjoy holidays.

The idea was ultimately supported by Walt Disney Studio. In 2007, a pilot series of the cartoon was released on the Disney Channel Channel. 136 episodes, one full-length animation film and millions of fans among children and an adult - this is only the main thing in the list of achievements of this project.

In addition, to show the world around the door of the apartment, the authors pursued another number of goals. One was achieved through a biography of a mixed family. Both boys either mom or dad are receiving. But this does not affect the relationship between them. Fine and Ferb - the best friends, and stepfather and stepmother love as relatives.

Farb, according to the tradition of the cartoon geometrically portray the characters, with the head in the form of the letter F. This hero has a prototype - Uncle Jeff Marsha. The man had a genetic disease - the hunger of the lip, which is why he was a few. And if he said, then only important and clever things.

Also, the Ferb is more often silent by issuing only at the end of the series a wise phrase. The diminutive name of the hero presented Frank - a familiar cartoon creators, which masterfully owned a construction tool. Frank's wife called a spouse farb. The series indicates that this name is a diminutive, but the overview of the audience did not know.

Thomas-Brody Sangster became the voice of Conscious Brother Fiemes. The actor worked remotely from England, so he was sent to the draft version, which he solely voiced.

Farba Image and Biography

Motherland Fletcher - England. The boy's biological mother is unknown. It is said that the hero's parents at some point broke up, and Laurence began to raise his son alone. Immediately after moving to Denville, his father met Linda Flynn and immediately loved her.

The woman had two children - the son of Phineas and the eldest daughter Kendes Flynn. When the couple was combined with marriage, the guys were very sad. The boys of one age found a common language, carried away in the inventions. Phineas responded for ideas, and the Ferb - for their embodiment.

At the same time, the eldest sister first time to the mother's brothers, but her attempts to expose friends ended the failure. Moreover, Linda Flynn-Fletcher as if she missed her daughter's replicas by their ears.

The character of Ferba is very calm and judicial. An intelligent boy practically does not speak, since it prefers the words action. The most long replica was a monologue in response to the Offer Isabella to stop the search for pets-chameleon Steve. Despite silence, in the animated series a lot of songs performed by this character.

He is brought up and polite, which, however, does not prevent the insane ideas of a consolidated brother in life. The farb is emotionally cold, so shows the attitude or a smile, or slightly frowning. More often, Fletcher Jr. is concentrated on some kind of task, and nothing can distract it. The only moment in the cartoon when he seemed to remove the mask and relaxed, is a meeting with Vanessa Fuffelshmerz.

Romanic relations between these heroes are not traced, however, in the series showing the future of characters, it is described that adult farb falls in love with the daughter of a scientist Fufelshmer.

A teenager amazes intellectual knowledge. He talks in several languages, including on Martian and Dolphin. Often finds unexpected solutions in, it would seem implicit situations.

A talented person, as usual, talented in many ways. The skills of the farb are not limited to the smelting. The boy plays on the musical instruments - the harp, the volya, a bubble, trombone, guitar, etc. And he also has outstanding vocal data, and he dances perfectly.

Some silence some are identified with modesty and indecision, but it is completely wrong. The hero without fear comes to revenue to friends and is open to new achievements. And the list of its inventions causes respect: space laser, time machine, arena, stadiums and much more.

In addition to Steve Chameleon, the farb has another Perry-Utkonos. The latter is not a simple pet, but one of the main characters of the cartoon. After all, in fact, this is an animal - a secret agent, which is engaged in the fact that the attempts of the doctor and the scientist Jainz Fufelshmer seize power.

Heinz Fufelshmerz and its inventions are another storyline in a cartoon, which, one way or another, intersects with the studies of the farb with his brother. Fuffers also constructs incredible technique, but when testing, he constantly interferes with these two boys. Not to know, the guys are roasted by malicious scientists, and he, in turn, erases traces of the adventures of two schoolchildren.

As a result, Phineas and Ferba is not possible. And it greatly upsets the older sister - Kendes Flynn. The girl also turns out to be in the center of events, and often comes to the revenue of the younger brothers. But the attempts to catch them before the mother does not leave.

During the 4 seasons of the animated series, the heroes fall into incredible adventures. The Ferb managed to get 5 world records, go to the past and see dinosaurs, to meet the Loch Nesky monster. It was consistent with him nearby Finés, who shared with his brother every moment of this amazing summer.

And once the Ferb together with friends and is in the parallel world. The audience saw the full-length animation film "Phineas and Farb: conquering 2nd dimension" in 2011.

Farb and Vanessa

At the beginning of the cartoon, the boys collect a re-destroyed "orphanage" (the next project of Fufelshmerz) and fall into another dimension. The guys see that the scientist became the owner of Trishota, and the inhabitants are even afraid to go out into the streets, fearing the tyranny of a crazy doctor.

But the brothers manage to defeat the powerful ruler, however, to return home I had to agree to erase the memory of these events. Therefore, Perry-Wkontos again became a pet for them, and not a secret agent.

Ferb is a character, whose picture has not changed for 4 seasons. Green hair, square nose, different eyes (one much more than the other) - so remembered a few talent to millions of fans.

Interesting Facts

  • In the pilot series, Ferba voiced Mitchell Musso. Later, the authors decided to give this actor the role of Jeremy Johnson.
  • The numerous talents of the teenager also applies the ability to use instead of the hand.
  • A big eye in the boy is drawn so that it is always the furthest from the screen.


Actually, guys, I am not a Briton and not Junk. I'm just a Ferb. If a person is very expensive to you, you need to overcome myself. Thendes, we are children.


  • 2007-2015 - "Phineas and Ferb"
  • 2011 - "Phineas and Farb: conquest of the 2nd dimension"

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