Stars who passed heavy trials: Russian, Hollywood, 2020


Behind the smile of public people can hide the tragedy in their personal life, the loss of loved ones, the hard disease, with whom you have to put up daily. They keep the blows of fate and do not apply to the problems of the past. Stars who passed heavy tests - in the material 24cm.

1. Charlize Theron

In the role of Hollywood beauty Charlize Theron role of strong women who oppose life circumstances. Play heroic characters actress help childhood memories. In the eyes of Charlize, when she turned 15 years old, the mother shot his father who abused alcohol.

The court justified a woman, considering the threat of a drunken man dangerous for life. Now the actress admits that suffering is not a reason to complain about fate, but, on the contrary, life tests have become prepared for roles.

2. Irina Gorbachev

Popular Russian blogger and actress Irina Gorbachev lost her mother because of the oncological disease when she was 9 years old. The future star closed in his experiences, could not find a common language with the peers and even the food on the tongs in the school canteen caused a sense of awkwardness.

The lack of personal space at home, where she lived in the same room with brothers, and the silence of relatives about the tragedy caused complexes who pushed Irina to break the relationship with loved ones and in search of independence would go to the factory at the age of 14. Only at the university the star was able to reveal femininity and establish relationships with the opposite sex.

3. John Travolta

In 2009, January 2, immediately after the New Year holidays, a tragedy occurred in the actor of John Tragedia. The 16-year-old son of Hollywood celebrity, Jett, amazingly similar to his father, died from hitting his head in the bathroom. The reason for the fall of the teenager was the seizure, provoked by Kawasaki syndrome.

According to the murmed of his father, the sown's heart problems were constantly. That is why the child has always been nanny. John Travolta, after the death of the heir, broke and even refused to receive the Golden Globe Award, referring that he was not able to "do something".

4. Igor Livanov

The stars who passed heavy tests, the loss of the child is called the most terrible, through which a person can pass. Under the law of paired cases, Russian actor Igor Livanov had a twice challenged the loss of children.

7 stars who barely lost children

7 stars who barely lost children

In 1987, the railway catastrophe took the life of the first spouse and daughter Olga. The artist had to go through the identification procedure, after which the neighbors were disappeared by the celebrity by three-liter cognac balllons, which did not take.

And in 2015, the son of Andrei was tragically died. The young man suffered from diabetes and after the trip to Vietnam, probably picked up infection. The body was discovered in the bathroom, where the son of Livanov fell and hit his head.

Now the actor managed to revive and sees happiness in life in the younger sons: Timofee and Ilya.

5. Kim Kardashian

The American secular lioness Kim Kardashian in 2020 is considered an icon of the style that imitates and envy. However, Teediva does not hide from fans that from 25 years struggles with psoriasis. The disease flows wave-like and sometimes gives complications in the form of arthritis, and stains from the abdomen and legs moved to the face of celebrities.

Kim learned to live with the disease: it observes the plant diet, minimized stress and uses natural ointments discharged by a dermatologist.

And recently in the cosmetic line of Kardashian there was a tonal body cream, hiding the imperfections of the skin. For this star reality show grateful to women suffering from skin diseases.

6. Dima Bilan.

Folk favorite and judge "Voice" Dima Bilan alarmed fans by appearance in 2016. Then the actor lost weight and looked painfully. The cause of bad well-being Bilan explained to the problems with the stomach.

However, in 2017, the singer opened fans and told that he was diagnosed with hernia in the spine, which influenced the engineering functions of the body. Dima had sleep disturbances, numbness of fingers, complexity with small motility. The slightest movement caused suffering.

Dmitry Bilan was prescribed a course of treatment of the disease, which took 2.5 months. This time, the artist dedicated to his immersion: he opened new horizons and felt that he was born again.

7. Liam Nison

In the role of the British actor with the Irish roots of Liam Nison, the image of fearless and cold-blooded single, ready to revenge. Nevertheless, the courage needed the actor and in life to survive the family tragedy. In 2009, Nison had a wife - actress Natasha Richardson.

The misfortune occurred at the ski resort. Nison's wife fell and hit his head, but did not appeal for medical attention, considering that everything is in order. And then unexpectedly fell into whom, from which no longer came out.

Stars who passed heavy tests are often forgotten in work. So, Nison after the tragedy found consolation in creativity. But heavier after the death of his wife was returned to the life of two sons. In 2020, the widower did not give a personal life, despite the presses of the press. He considers time, lived with his wife, the best in his life.

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