Vladimir Balon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



Vladimir Balon is an athlete, actor and cascade. The artist was in demand in cinema, where his fencing skills on rapiers actively applied. The USSR champion put complex and spectacular tricks. This activity turned out to be so close to him that from 1990 to 2002, he led the studio of the styles.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Balon was born in Leningrad on February 23, 1937. The boy's father worked as a construction engineer and was busy on the construction of objects where the prisoners of Gulag had worked. The mother was the employee of the newspaper publishing house and also could not always give her son time, so little Volodya was often provided to himself.

Balon rose painful child. He was diagnosed with bronchial asthma and tuberculosis, so Vladimir often became a "guest" a polyclinic and a dispensary. His sports forbidden to him, although the growth and physique had to them. In 1952, having delivered a fake certificate, the young man got on a fencing circle of the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers.

Feeling the desire to engage in physical activity, Vladimir became a student of the institute. P. F. Lesgafta. The young man was the champion of the USSR on fencing, deserving this title first in its age category, and then in adult. For some time, the balloon even worked as a coach.

Personal life

By nationality, the relatives of the actor were Russians, but the boy told about the presence of French roots, which was not documented. Having a passport, he intentionally missed one letter "l" in writing, adjusted by the surname.

Vladimir Balon's personal life was rich. The man enjoyed the attention of women. His first marriage was concluded in his youth. An actor's wife became Tatiana's classmate, the union with which he gave Elena's daughter. The couple stayed together for 3 years.

The second family, the ballon built with the soloist of the "Birch" ensemble by Jelly Agafonov. Vladimir and his spouse consisted in romantic connections with other partners, but it did not prevent the artists to live together for 50 years, until the death of the fencer. Children in marriage did not appear.


The turning point in the biography of the artist happened in 1962. Eldar Ryazanov invited him to try himself as a director of the scenes of fights in the film "Hussarskaya Ballad". The athlete received an episodic role and appeared on the screen in the image of the Kutuzov adjutant. It turned out that the professional skills of the fencer are easily applicable in a creative path, so by 1964 the balloon retrained into the artist, although it did not have a specialized education.

The directors offered the Contractor to take part in the shooting of the tapes for which he put the spectacular tricks. Thus, in the 1970s, the balloon appeared at once in two tapes, where his fencing skills were useful, these are the projects of the Neckline "and" Step from the roof. " Soon, new roles began to appear in the artist filmography. In the films "Give a plaintive book", "Princess Circus", "Dryness" did not plan to fight. Here, the Balon appeared a chance to demonstrate the depth of the imaginary dramatic potential.

In addition to cinematic projects, Vladimir Balon participated in the performance of performances. He planned fencing episodes for Romeo and Juliett in the theater on the Small Bronnaya for the director Anatoly Epros. 1965 brought part in the creation of film "Director", but the work on it was stopped because of the tragic death of Eugene Urbansky, the actor, who played a major role. Later, the film was released on the screens with the participation of other artists.

A year later, the Balon put fencing episodes for film "Beware of the car". The project was once again marked by cooperation with Eldar Ryazanov. It is curious that the director suggested a colleague the role of Semitzvetov. Subsequently, the audience saw Andrei Mironova in this image.

The glory and popularity of the artist brought the project "D'Artagnan and three Musketeers", the shooting of which was conducted at Odessa film studio in 1978. Georgy Jungvald Hilkevich invited Balon to embody the enemy of the main character - Cardinal de Jessak. Thanks to the initiative of the artist, the time of the character's presence in the frame was increased, and the image was collective. Work on the role of Vladimir combined with the planning of staged battles and tricky scenes.

When a few years later, Jungwald Hilkevich rented the continuation of Sagi, Balon was invited to put tricks for Musketeers' films twenty years later, "the secret of Queen Anna, or Musketeers thirty years later," and "The Return of Musketeers, or Treasures Cardinal Mazarini." Cascadened swears with actors, their joint photos have been preserved for memory fans.

At the invitation of Svetlana Druzhinina, Vladimir Balon, he taught artists fencing skills on the shooting area of ​​the tape "Gardemaryn, Forward!". He got an episodic role in this project: he portrayed a chevalier de Brilli servant. The same hero, the artist embodied in the frame in 1991 on the filming of the painting "Vivat, Midhemarins!". In the final tape of the trilogy, he was no longer rented, but he worked as director of tricks.

1980-1990-e brought a new stage in professional activities to the act. He collected the team of "Pylish", specializing in Cascader's numbers. Later, the team turned into an organization called Mosfilm-Avtotriyuk, and Vladimir Balon became its manager. In 2002, the structure changed in the union, and the artist left the director's post.

The directors periodically offered an artist with episodic roles in the series, but he starred more and less. The balloon appeared in the frame of the series "Marsh Turkish" and "Detectives-3", and the last film with his participation was the "blue Merin".


In 2009, the artist was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. Doctors managed to stop the disease by conducting an operation. After some time, the ailment returned, and in 2012, oncologists revealed lung cancer from the artist. The surgical intervention did not give results - in 2013, Vladimir Balon died. The cause of death has become a long disease, which weakened the body of the actor. The grave of the artist is located on the Troekurovsky cemetery.


  • 1962 - "Hussar Ballad"
  • 1964 - "Give a plaintive book"
  • 1966 - "Call, open the door"
  • 1967 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 1967 - "Nikolay Bauman"
  • 1970 - "Step from the roof"
  • 1978 - "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeer"
  • 1982 - "Princess Circus"
  • 1987 - "Midshipmen, forward!"
  • 1991 - "Vivat, Marthemarines!"
  • 1992 - "Musketeers twenty years later"
  • 2000 - Turkish March
  • 2004 - "Detectives-3"
  • 2007 - "Return of Musketeers, or Treasures Cardinal Mazarini"
  • 2010 - "Blue Merin"

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