Peganhood: how to abide by, diet, benefit and harm to the body


In pursuit of a beautiful and healthy body, people resort to all sorts of tricks, although they are rarely managed to invent something more progressive, except to observe all sorts of diet that was dispersed without an account. Among the "raced" trends - vegetarianism, veganism, raw foods, paleodiete, fruit and pranal studies. Recently, the peganhood was added to their number. About the new-fashioned diet, its benefits and harm to the human body - in the material 24cm.


Peganhood is a "mix" of two popular diets. Strict Vegetarianism, implying the refusal of food of animal origin, including milk, eggs and honey. And Paleodius prescribing to use exclusively environmentally friendly and not past industrial processing products, as those who lived in the cave era of ancestors.

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Of course, peganhood, taking the basic ideas from other directions of dietary, they are finalized. So, the diet is based on the drafting of the diet mainly from vegetable foods - vegetables, excluding rooted roots with high starch content, and berries, as well as nuts and seeds. The share of these products accounted for from 70 to 80% of the entire menu of peganhood supporters.

The rest of the part is fish and meat - and extracted in environmentally friendly conditions, and not grown with the addition of growth hormones and other "feeding". And without industrial processing. So semi-finished products disappear.

From sugar, grain, refined and dairy products, this type of diet prescribes to refuse. As with the use of fruits - supporters of peganism, as another diet, it is called, argue that there are many sugar in the latter, and therefore it is strongly recommended to reduce their content in the menu. Limit is required and the number of legumes is not more than 100 g per day.


Unlike strict vegetarianism, the positive parties of Peganhood should include the presence in the diet of products containing the animal protein necessary for the full functioning of the human body. Especially childish, since they are involved in building processes. However, the adult animal deficit protein does not benefit - the human body is adapted to his absorption better than vegetable.

Another advantage of peganism is the presence of a sufficient number of plant food in the menu, in which the content of fiber, mineral substances and vitamins is high. All these components are vital to a person, and the fiber also helps to clean the body and improves the intestinal work.

Another plus is a fish and other food containing polyunsaturated fatty acids involved in metabolic processes and needed for the health of the skin, nervous system, brain, as well as hearts and vessels. A sufficient amount of PNGC reduces the risk of arthritis and heart attacks.


Now it is necessary to go through the minuses of the new-fashioned methodology of dietary:

  1. Limiting the consumption of legumes is not welcome medicine. The steady starch contained in them improves digestion, stimulating the operation of intestinal microflora.
  2. The milk and its derivatives contain a mass of beneficial substances, including calcium, protein and vitamins, the absence of which is capable of demineralizing bone tissue and osteoporosis. And the lactic acid products contain bacteria, normalizing the work of the digestive tract.
  3. Fruits whose consumption is prescribed to limit, differ in high content of fiber, minerals and vitamins, the necessary person. And their effect on the content of sugar in blood followers of fashionable flow is greatly exaggerated.
  4. The low content of carbohydrates in the diet, especially those engaged in severe physical labor, can lead to disassembly, headaches, depressive states and endocrine disorders.
  5. Another important fact is damage to the wallet. "Environmentally friendly products" (and the inscriptions on the label of environmental friendly do not guarantee!) It is cosmmatically expensive. The alternative in the form of its own economy is also no low cost - this is not only money, but also labor costs.


Summing up, it is worth noting that Peganhood is a good option in order to diversify meals for a week-other. However, it is definitely not to get involved in and for a long time to switch to the "rails".

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