Oscar de la Rent - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, fashion designer



American designer Oscar de la Renta was the founder of the famous company who worked on the image of Jacqueline Kennedy and the other first Ladies of the United States. Now its boutiques are located in a number of the largest cities in the world, including London, New York, Dubai, Paris and Moscow.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the fashion designer with the present name Oscar-Aristide Rento-Phial began in the Dominican Republic in 1932. Being a senior of seven children of the parents of Spanish and Puerto Rican nationality, a boy since childhood is used to independence, helping younger and work.

Among the ancestors were representatives of socially useful professions: the mayor of Ponce, architect, writer, doctor and diplomat. The father owned the insurance business, and the mother was engaged in raising children, wanting sons and daughters to be interested in a row.

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Rejoice in the chance to choose the future, Oscar studied painting in Spain and after the death of his beloved parent, he studied at the Madrid Academy of Arts. Acquaintance with the masterpieces of the masters of the past and the paintings of modern artists helped de la Rente sowned styles and develop their own taste.

In his youth, he began to cooperate with some popular publications, drawing objects of women's wardrobe for illustrated magazines and newspapers. In the mid-50s, the young man created a sketch of a dress that faced American diplomats to enter the highest light.

The spouse of the ambassador, inspired by the Oscar, ordered a graduation outfit for her daughter, and soon his photo appeared on the villages of foreign media. The author realized that he was able to achieve popularity in the fashion world, and dedicated to this biography, anticipating happy days.

Personal life

In the personal life of de la rent, everything was successful, he was in his own way happy with each of two legitimate wives. Marriage with French franciasa de Langlada was based on interest in the world of fashion, and Annette Reed contacted the Foundations surrounded by the fashion designer from all sides.Embed from getty images

In the absence of their own heirs, Oscar adopted a child from Dominican and settled with him in a house located in the American city of Kent. The boy miraculously managed to hide from the attention of journalists, his photo was never printed on the pages of magazines and newspapers.


At the beginning of a career, the talented young man collaborated with Spanish firms, and among his mentors there were outstanding founders of fashionable homes. Then he moved to France, to the homeland of famous brands, and worked with Antonio Castillo before the early 60s.

Friendship with designers and journalists helped Oscar to create a name, and he went to the United States as a fashion designer. There, the dream of creating an enterprise for the production of finished clothes, he practiced Elizabeth Arden for some time in the designer firm.

In 1965, De La Renta debuted as the author of the collection, which was sponsored by Jane Derby, the owner of a number of prestigious awards. An elderly woman handed down the designer to manage his own company, and once he discovered that he was famous and rich.

In the early 1970s, a newly new businessman expanded production and began to produce not only clothes, but also an exclusive line of spirits. Such fragrances like Bella Blanca, Oscar, Intrusion and So de La Rente are still in demand and deserve good words.

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Possessing a representative appearance with high growth and balanced weight, Oscar personally communicated with clients, among whom were well-known person. He dressed Jacqueline Kennedy, Laura Bush and Nancy Reagan, following the customer to be as satisfied as much as possible.

In parallel with the leadership of his own company de la Rent, he created independent collections and became the first foreigner in history, heading the Parisian fashion house. For cooperation with the team of Pierre Balmen, who created the outfits for the film "Parisanka", Oscar received the Order of the Honorary Legion and the military rank of Commander.

At the beginning of the XXI century, the fashion designer began to make accessories, which, despite the high price, was in demand in humans. On the official website of the company, the range was regularly replenished, and the world was delighted with new designer moves and ideas.

The coming reviews gave reason to open a number of nominal boutiques in Spain, Greece, Emirates, Russia and, of course, the United States. Revenues allowed the owner of the company to engage in charity and become a member of the Board of Trustees of the METROPOLITAN OPERA troupe.


De La Renta was considered a long-lived fashion designer, because he continued to work with a terrible diagnosis of "cancer". Contrary to reports, it did not work out to finally get rid of the disease, and Oscar passed the business of Peter Copping, explaining what to do and how.

The causes of the death of Matra Fashion October 20, 2014 remained a mystery to fans at the request of relatives and friends. The unexpected departure of the fashion designer, the owner of awards and premiums, upset and saddled millions of not indifferent people.


  • 1967, 1968, 1971, 1973 - Prize Prize
  • 1968 - Neuman-Marcus Prize
  • 1989 - Jofri Bina Prize for Lifetime Merit
  • 1996 - Prize for the Lifetime Merit of the Spanish Heritage Foundation
  • 1999 - Order of the Honorary Legion
  • 1999 - Gold Medal for Merit in Arts
  • 2000 - "Designer of the Year" (Prize CFDA) for the collection of women's clothing
  • 2006 - Prize for Lifetime Merit, 58th Annual Parsons School Fashion Show
  • 2007 - "Designer of the Year" (Prize CFDA) for the collection of women's clothing
  • 2009 - SuperStar Award Prize for Contribution to the Development of the American Fashion Industry, Fashion GROUP INTERNATIONAL
  • 2013 - Award Elinor Lambert (CFDA Prize)
  • 2014 - Carnegie Hall Medal

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