Makar Ilyushin (character) - photo, series, detective, actor, Sergey Babkin


Character History

Makar Ilyushin is the protagonist of the Romans of the Russian writer Elena Mikhalkova. The insightful detective with a deceptive manner of the student-unhepted skillly unravels the tangles of mysterious crimes along with their partner - Sergey Babkin.

History of character creation

Elena Mikhalkova is one of the most popular authors of the detective genre from the Russian reader. It is curious that it brought her argument with her husband to the bottle of liqueur to writing such works.

A woman had to come up with the history of the murder, in which it would not be possible to guess the main villain to the very junction. By that time, Mikhalkov was already engaged in writing. True, it was children's poems and scenarios. But Elena took, wrote a novel and won the dispute. Since then, a writer is recognized, she receives the very "beyliz" from her husband for each book.

The first couple of years Mikhalkov wrote detectives at night, and the reader audience included only family members. The main work was to write scripts for children's programs. But Mom is a talented "writing", as herself calls Elena, without the knowledge of the daughter sent electronic copies of Romanov to the edition of Eksmo.

When Mikhalkova called from the publisher, the woman thought that it was a draw. Nevertheless, the contract has signed, and then quit work and engaged in writing detectives.

Today, on the books of the talented author, they remove the series. Elena's great popularity brought a series of novels about two detectives - Makare Ilyushin and Sergei Babkin. The idea of ​​tandem in the genre of detective prose is not new, remember at least the famous Sherlock and Watson.

As well as Arthur Conan Doyle, Mikhalkov became the hostage of these heroes. Editors ask the author to continue writing about them, although Elena admits that she has good ideas of plots without these through characters.

Today, the cycle of novels consists of 26 books. In addition, based on fascinating stories on Russian television, there are serials that have become loved ones for millions of television viewers.

Image and biography Makara Ilyushin

Makar Ilyushin founded a detective agency. In his biography there are instructions why a young man decided to do private practice. The guy has a legal education and experience in law enforcement agencies. He converted his own apartment for his office, placing what he considered it. For example, the "darts" game hung on the door, but I threw a fly on the target only the remnants of pencils and other trash.

Ilyushin had his own investigation method, and he always tried to "dig" much deeper than the situation required. On the hand of a private detective was the image that he created. Joker, merry and even spaced - so saw him surrounding, and Makar did not cause anyone any concerns.

The man at the 31 year was single and granted only to his beloved crown. Women Ilyushin did not attach great importance. Therefore, it easily started the novels and the same, without a feeling of guilt and regret, broke them.

Attentiveness and halanery were often perceived by the rags of the detective as something deep, which was used by the main character. As a result, Babkin always jarled Makara, calling him "heartless type."

Perhaps the longest novel Ilyushin was the relationship with Sasha Strezhenova, the former classmate of Babkina's wife. She was insanely beautiful that even Sergey caught himself at a desire to capture Makarov's girlfriend in the photo.

Strizhenova wanted a family, a strong shoulder near and children. The woman was ready to create around his beloved tight care cocoon. But Ilyushin sought to another - merry and carelessness.

Speaking about the character of this hero, it can be easily identified with another literary character - Peter Pan. A man, despite his age, is not able to make concessions, transform and force himself to live as it requires a surroundings.

Makar - man carefree. But in this carelessness, he and cruel. And the only attachment of the detective is his partner, Sergey Babkin, as well as his family. These people took him, did not try to remake. And most importantly - with them he gained the illusion of normal life.

The impression that a private detective made him on his hand. In the investigations, he rarely showed himself to assert, preferring to collect the necessary information on the grains. And only by the end of the book made conclusions, hitting some other partner once.

Makar Ilyushin in movies

To screen books from the investigative cycle Makara Ilyushin and Sergey Babkin began from 2012. Up until 2015, 7 mini-serials were released based on the works of Helena Mikhalkova.

In the role of the detective Ilyushina played Alexey Sequin, and his partner became Sergey Kolymp. The actor himself admitted that the image of a literary character was not close to him. However, after filming in "Happy together", a man worried that the role of the repeater would attach to it. An invitation to shoot in a detective film was the opportunity for the actor to express itself on the other side.

By the way, these filmms did not cause the author's stormy enthusiasm or the audience. Those who read books hardly recognized familiar heroes in the series. Mikhalkov herself was neutral about this. The writer considered that the director is not obliged to see the plot and the nature of the actors of the narrative, as they are conceived. Books and films are different things, and their goals rarely coincide.

In 2018, the Rights of CinemaDaptation poured the other studio, naturally, completely changed and the cast. The selection pleased with the writer's work fan. Evgeny Pronin, according to the reviews of the audience, more approached the description of the book character.

And the serials themselves almost do not exactly correspond to the original source, which could not be said about the first screenings. Already filmed 4 films, which also go through the chronology with the books of Mikhalkova. The writer herself concluded a contract with the publisher in which the schedule was registered - on one book every 4 months.

Interesting Facts

  • In the book Makaru Ilyushin 31 years old. At the time of the shooting of the series in 2012, Alexei Sequirina was 40-41 years old.
  • The main character has a real prototype - an operative with the former work of Elena Mikhalkova.
  • Like the "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", the detective agency Ilyushin name did not have.


Serg, like a smart man. And you have a gyrus ... on the forehead. And you do not know my wife. Just I am a very good friend. I analyst, and we are your own souls, our processors are the same.


  • 2012 - "The Sign of the True Way"
  • 2013 - "whirlpool of foreign desires"
  • 2013 - "Duffech of Krystolova"
  • 2013 - "Dancing puppets"
  • 2013 - "Ghost in a mirror curve"
  • 2014 - "Candanck for Cinderella"
  • 2015 - "Dark Side Side"
  • 2019 - "Trail Fox on Stones"
  • 2019 - "Knight of our time"
  • 2019 - "The Room of Ancient Keys"
  • 2019 - "Gentle leaves, poisonous roots"

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