Hair treatment: signs, methods, fragility, dryness, how to determine


Well-groomed, healthy lap with long thick curls is the pride of women of all ages and their "business card", which allows you to raise self-esteem and feel "in its plate." However, staining, untimely recovery and the lack of competent care are able to thinning and worsen the structure of the hairproof.

The editorial office 24cmi has prepared material on the signs of which it is possible to understand that hair treatment has become a necessity.

1. Broof

How to determine hair fragility: a woman puts in front of a smooth surface of a white paper sheet and combbles curls during the day. If the hair is falling down without a root and by the end of the day their number exceeds 150, then this is an alarm signal that informs the fragility (trichologists call it trichoklasia). There are several reasons for this: unbalanced nutrition, the problems of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, the frequent use of iron and hair dryer, the wrong selection of shampoo and air conditioning. Remedy will help eliminate these factors.

2. Suhes

Hair treatment is necessary in the event that combing is difficult: Locks are confused, which leads to their falling out. If the problem of dryness is not solved by replacing the air conditioner or shampoo, trichologists offer 4 non-hard ways to correct the situation:

  • It is less likely to wash your head, since when the procedure is taken from the surface of the hair, the skin fat is washed off, contributing to the moisturizing of the chapels;
  • use heat protection serums and sprays before straightening and drying curls;
  • Apply moisturizing masks and oils at least 2 times a week;
  • Wear a headdress in the cold season.

3. Section Equities

The need for a haircut of the ends arises every month: so avoid dehydration and the loss of nutrients. If a woman notices that after the procedure, the hair still shakes, then you need to start hair treatment. What to do with secting ends:
  • apply moisturizing oils to the tips;
  • use two-phase moisturizing air conditioning;
  • Use the thermal protection before the hot laying with a hairdryer or iron.

4. Lack of brilliance

Healthy hair is filled with natural glitter, so if the girl marks hair, lifelessness, dullness or an unnatural brilliance immediately after staining, then you need to look for the cause. Most often, such a problem is characterized by a violation of metabolism, liver pathologies, a hormonal background imbalance or avitaminosis.

5. Fast pollution

The following factors affect pollution of the hair: unfavorable environment, frequent washing of the foresters, constant correction of strands, enthusiastic equipment for styling, the use of low-quality comb. If the elimination of the listed items did not work, then this indicates a violation of the hormonal background.

6. Hair loss

Hair loss is a normal phenomenon, but sometimes it is too intense, which introduces girls in panic. In this case, the analysis of the mineral composition of the hair and a phototrichogram will be useful, allowing you to find out what substances are missing for health chapels.

7. Stop in growth

How to determine that the hair stopped growing:

  • Staining has become necessary less frequently (for example, earlier than the campaign to the stylist was planned 2-3 weeks after staining, and now after 1.5-2 months);
  • Locks grow up to a certain length, after - begin to break and sneeze;
  • For every 5 cm, the probor accounts for less than 15 growing hair.

In these cases, a woman should refer to a trichologist and therapist to clarify the hidden reasons for stopping the growth of curls.

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