Stars older than 80 years old: Russian, Soviet, 2020, what they look like they do, now


These stars over 80 years old from Soviet times remain recognized idols, turning over the years in the legends, to which they treat the thrill and a sense of respect. What do the celebrities are doing and what the celebrities look like and what the celebrities look like, in the material 24cm.

Edita Pieha (1937)

Editu Pieju loves since the scene. In his 82 years, Edita Stanislavovna still retains a unique charm. Recently, the celebrity was removed in the heavenly blue dress in the studio of the program "Let them say", where she talked about life surrounded by close people. And in the finals of the transfer at the request of the leading performed a song.

Leonid Kuravlev (1936)

The star of Soviet cinema Leonid Kuravlev was remembered by the audience on the role of careless Afoni in the comedy of the same name. Leonid Vyacheslavovich turned out to be a monochombus and an excellent family man.

In 2012, the spouses of Kuravlev, Nina Vasilyevna, did not. From this time, the actor leads a secluded lifestyle and often visits the grave of his wife. Next to the father of the daughter of Catherine and grandchildren who help the star grandfather do not fall into the despondency.

And recently there was information in the press that the actor chose a place on the Troekurov cemetery and even set the granite monument on the grave of his wife, where the artist name was added gold letters.

Leia Ahacedzhakova (1938)

Actress Leia Ahacedzhakova received a confession after work in the film "The irony of fate, or with a light steam!", Then the role of the heroch secretary in the "Service Roman" secured folk love.

In his 82 years, Leah Majidovna is distinguished by an active civic position, expressing its point of view on the events of modern events. Since 1977, the actress builds a career in the "Contemporary" theater. Next to the artist's spouse Vladimir Perszyninins.

Most of the actress time spends in a country house, where with the passion to be in the garden. In 2020, two pictures with the participation of the star are preparing for display.

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Svetlana Neolar (1937)

Actress Svetlana Nevolyaeva did not accept the loss of the spouse of Alexander Lazarev-senior who died 9 years ago, and convinces others that he is invisibly present nearby.

In his 82 years, Svetlana Viktorovna continues to go to the scene of the theater. V. Mayakovsky in the classic repertoire and filmed in the cinema. And the support of actress is the son Alexander Lazarev-Jr. and grandchildren, who also chose a creative profession.

Alexander Zbruev (1938)

Stars older than 80 years old seems to be able to stop time. Looking at the actor Alexander Zbruev I can not believe that the artist is already 82 years old. All the same sincere smile, a cheer look and a dailyness.

Alexander Viktorovich does not like to spread about personal life and rarely gives interviews. The pet favorite is busy in the Lenk Theater, participating both in modern productions and in classical performances "Cherry Garden" and "Marriage". In 2019, the series "Designs" came out, where the performer played the role of Peter Sergeevich.

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Valentina Talyzina (1935)

Actress Valentina Talyzin Young spectators will learn on the Russian TV series "Kitchen", where the performer plays the role of Elizabeth Herrynovna, the ghost of mother Eleanora. And the fans of the Soviet cinema remembers the star of such projects as "the long road in the dunes", "Three from Prostokvashino" and "Irony of Fate, or with a light steam!".

Valentina Illarionna leads active political life, paying attention to the abyss between the "rich" and "poor". Next to her daughter Ksenia Khairova and granddaughter, who is the name of the famous grandmother.

In the theater named after the Mossoveta, the actress serves Mellengement since 1958, and now it turns out on the stage of the play "Vassa". In 2020, the celebrity is working on the film "About Lelo and Mink".

Ivan Krasko (1930)

Stars older than 80 years old, despite age, continue to draw attention to turbulent personal life. In the family of Ivan Krako, Shakespearean passions reign. The 3rd and 4th wife after the claims of the men and tricks on the talk show remained at their own interests. The actor lives next to the children, and during self-insulation complained about the absence of earnings.

Now Ivan Ivanovich moved to the cottage to the Leningrad region, where he lives on a modest retirement and waits for when it is possible to return to work.

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