Ksenia Beach - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Wife Dmitry Maryanova 2021



Ksenia Beach is a coach and psychologist, the widow of the actor Dmitry Maryanova. After the death of the artist, the woman became a star of televisers, the main themes of which were relations between spouses, as well as the issues of inheritance.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia - Ukrainian by nationality. She was born in Kharkov on April 3, 1986. The girl's mother worked as a history teacher in Kharkov University. V. N. Karazin. Father is the former Major General SBU, since 2014, under investigation as a political prisoner.

The childhood of the girl did not differ from the young years of her peers. In 2002, Bik graduated from school and, having received a certificate, chose the Kharkov National University for receipt. The girl chose the profession of a psychologist. After some time, defending the diploma, entered the graduate school. Subsequently, Ksenia wrote the dissertation and after the presentation of the work received the status of a candidate of psychological sciences.


The family life of Ksenia was in such a way that she did not count on the development of professional activities. Having a psychologist's education, a woman did not work in the specialty. All free time Beak devoted to raising her daughter and her husband.

After the care of the spouse, she was seriously thinking about to engage in coaching and private advice. For this, Ksenia has prepared profile accounts in "Instagram", "Facebook" and in VKontakte. Beach also created its own lending, where the services of a psychologist at reasonable prices and at a convenient time.

She compares himself with a "crisis manager", which in the shortest possible time finds the problem and as a real "fighter breaks the army of the enemy and cleales the city." Of course, it uses such metaphors to describe their professional qualities in the doctors' role.

Personal life

With a future husband, Dmitry Marianan Ksenia met when only released from the institute. The artist came to Kharkov with a tour of the play, and Ksenia will of the fate turned out to be in the auditorium. It was on this day that he noticed her. Initiative, by the way, showed Maryanov himself, moreover, he had to convince the beauty in the sincerity of sympathy. And already a few weeks later, Dmitry invited the chief to move to Moscow.

The originated romantic relationships brought unexpected fruits: Ksenia became pregnant. Understanding that Maryanov does not plan to associate themselves for marriage, she was going to raise her daughter alone. The pair lived separately throughout the pregnancy beak. After the appearance of the daughter, Dmitry regularly visited it. The artist did not immediately realize that he was ready for family life, because he had already had one failed marriage over his shoulders.

When Dmitry decided to talk about the wedding, Ksenia did not believe. Maryanov called the beloved lover, before she agreed. Wedding took place in 2015 in a narrow family circle, without advertising.

At that time, many thought that anfisa was a daughter from the first marriage or the fruit of Restaurant Sergei Kovalenko. She adhered to such an opinion and figure skater Irina Lobacheva, an actor girlfriend. After the time of Ksenia and Dmitry clearly made it clear that Maryanov was a biological father of the girl.

The family life of Ksenia and Dmitry was not cloudless. The colleagues of the artist today admit that Maryanov suffered from alcohol addiction, and his wife repeatedly tried to save him. Intentional treatment did not bring results. Despite this disadvantage, the spouse did not leave the actor. Doubts about the loyalty of the husband also often did not leave Xenia, but confidence in the feelings of Dmitry turned out to be stronger.

In 2017, Ksenia organized the rehabilitation of Dmitry in the near Moscow Center. It was assumed that psychologists will work with the artist and conduct procedures that strengthen health and immunity. Throughout the time of stay in the Marianan clinic called home and complained about poor well-being. Ksenia knew that her husband could go to the tricks, wanting to get out of the supervision of doctors, as it had repeatedly happened. Its distrust turned out to be one of the reasons for the tragic chance: thrombosis and medical error led to the death of the actor.

Many were confident that in the death of the artist there are wines of his wife, Ksenia was hardly worried about her husband's loss. For the whole world, the death of the artist has become a freshly informative reason. Beach began to regularly invite the TV shows like "let them say". The ether discussed the secret romantic connections of the actor and the section of the inheritance.

Between the widow, the father of Dmitry and the son of Mariananov Danil argued about real estate. Judicial ravings lasted 4 years - the final point was set in April 2021. Widow and daughters got a studio apartment, a car, a motorcycle and some of the financial resources from the counts of the late artist.

As for the personal life of a psychologist, after the death of her husband, she was noticed in the society of the musician Vladimir Oscharova. The ex-soloist of the team "Dr. Watson" did not hide love relationships with Ksenia, but the answers of journalists clearly stated: everything happened when his companion became a widow.

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However, this union lasted for a short time. Now the mother of Anfisa thanks the fate, which brought her with a journalist and radio-friendly Kommersant FM Sergey Sobolev. Wave Heite, having a bick last years, could not not touch her new chosen one. Nevertheless, it is precisely and even philosophically responds to attacks of worship.

Ksenia Beach now

Today, Ksenia is focused on professional implementation, family and restoration of sincere equilibrium. Finally, when all court disputes decided, nothing should interfere.

By the way, Sobolev in his instagram account was very brightly described what his beloved is facing every day. According to the man, the phone of Ksenia literally breaks away from the calls of people who are needed today and now help.

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However, the radio officer sees that such inconvenience is not in vain. For example, a psychologist managed to save the girl from Suicide, and after achieving qualified legal aid for her. The journalist understands: the work obliges a bick to be in touch and at night of the night, and at four in the morning, but absolutely does not find the strength to accept the phone when the phone calls, and there they ask to comment on the next "sensation" from the past.

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