Thomasin Mackenzie - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Thomasin McCenzie was destined to become a star of the screen, because she was born in the family of actors. However, not a well-known last name, but hard work, natural charisma and talent reincarnation helped to achieve career heights.

Childhood and youth

Thomasin Harcourt McKenzy was born on July 26, 2000 in the New Zealand city of Wellington. The girl grew in the creative atmosphere: Her father Stewart McCenzy is developing, and Miranda Harcourt's mother is an actor. She has the elder brother Peter and the younger sister of David.

Thomasin from an early age has been on the set and watched the work of the parents, but during this period did not think about the acting career. The girl visited the usual school Samuel Marsden Collegiate School. Mackenzie's views changed when in adolescence she began to make the first steps as a dramatic actress.

Personal life

The actress prefers not to talk about personal life in an interview, focusing on creative achievements. She loves nature and animals, while traveling home in New Zealand walks a lot and arranges hiking. This allows it to keep himself in shape - with 165 cm height, it weighs 52 kg.


The debut work of the beginner artist was the Drama Existence, the plot of which unfolds around the girl dreaming of shooting from imprisonment. Later, she played a young version of the main character of the film "Conference: History Louise Nicholas", based on the biography of a woman who survived rape. The experience of filming in the picture was impressed by Mackenzie: she realized that with the help of cinema you can reach people, tell them the story that should be heard. It was then that Thomasine realized that he wanted to devote life to this.

In 2014, the young star was able to participate in the creation of the final part of the legendary filmmaking about the Hobbit - the "Battle of the Five Militans". She performed the role of the girl named Astrid, but as a result, most of the filmed material was not shown on large screens due to time limitations. Together with the actress, her mother Miranda starred in the picture.

After that, Tomasine embodied the main character of the short film A Long Beside. And in 2015 he joined Castow of the "Shortland Street" series, where Pixie played. The plot of the drama unfolds around patients and the staff of the city hospital. The girl's character was in the frame for 28 episodes, then Mackenzie dropped out of the acting.

In subsequent years, the artist's filmography continued to be replenished with new projects. She starred in the short filter The Boyfriend Game, took part in the creation of the TV series End of Term, Bright Summer Night and Lucy Lewis CAN't Lose. In the detective drama "Tupik" Thomasin embodied the heroine named Will. This is the story of a young Rose, which wakes up in a world where there are no more adults. The girl has to independently take care of the younger brothers and sisters, defending them and himself from destructive dark forces.

Star glory came to Mackenzie after filming in the Drama "Do not leave tracks". The events of the picture introduce the audience with the veteran of the war by Peter and his teenage daughter Tom. The family lives in the forest in full insulation, only occasionally choosing to the city to replenish stocks. But the will of the fate of the heroes turn out to be in society, which becomes frightening and unusual for the girl.

At the site, Tomasin met with Ben Foster, Jeff Cober and Dale Dickki. In an interview for the noted, she admitted that in New Zealand spent a lot of time in nature, so during filming was able to feel easily and freely like at home. Viewers and critics highly appreciated the acting game of artists, which was awarded the awards for breaking the year from the National Council of the US film critics.

No less bright was the appearance of a girl in the historic film "King," where she managed to work with young Hollywood actors Robert Pattinson and Timothy Shalam. In the picture illuminating the era of the board of Henry V, Mackenzie played the Philip of English.

The next project, in which celebrities managed to participate, was the film Thai Vaititi "Rabbit Jodjo". Thomasin got the difficult role of the Jewish girl, which during the Second World War hides in the house the mother of the main character, convinced Nazis, whose imaginary friend is Adolf Hitler himself. The comedy drama shows how the beliefs and views of young heroes change.

To prepare for the shooting, the actress studied Jewish culture, read the memories of participants in World War II. Her efforts were rated, and after entering the rental, the picture received predominantly positive feedback from critics, which praised the acting girl's game and the ability to get into the image.

Thomasin McKenzi now

2020 turned out to be fruitful for the actress. In January, the Detective Drama "Missing Girls" was released on the screens, telling about a woman who tries to reveal the secret to the disappearance of her daughter. Also, the artist was starred in films "last night in Soho" and The Justice of Bunny King.

Now the girl continues to film, conquering new career heights. She shares success with subscribers in "Instagram", where publishes news and photos. In the choice of clothes, the actress prefers modesty and restraint, so rarely lay out pictures in a swimsuit.


  • 2014 - "Conference: History Louise Nicholas"
  • 2014 - "Hobbit: Battle of Five Militans"
  • 2017 - "Spell"
  • 2017 - "Tupik"
  • 2018 - "Do not leave tracks"
  • 2019 - "Rabbit Jodjo"
  • 2019 - "King"
  • 2019 - "True History of Kelly Gang"
  • 2020 - "Missing Girls"
  • 2020 - "Last night in Soho"

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